
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MjB Shrapnel, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. MjB Shrapnel

    MjB Shrapnel Forerunner

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    First off, can I clear up that this is only a glitch and no modding involved. I have created a hologram bridge that works just as if you were walking over a normal block… Except that block isn’t there. I feel like this will help those of you who always wanted to make a map with a hologram bridge… I've been told that people have known how to do this before, but here’s how to do it (because a few people have requested):

    YouTube - Hologram Bridge Tutorial

    My voice isn't exactly the best for tutorials... You can mute me, the video makes it sorta clear anyhow.

    Just to say again, you can all do this in your maps, Thermal is my only map in which I will be using this, the limitations might get in your way though, like you can't walk under it or whatever.

    Now that’s done, may I present to you: Thermal
    This one took me a while to make, not only did I have to contend with the odd location due to the limitations of the glitch, I also didn’t want to make it the main feature of the map, I see it as an aesthetic detail that can’t make the map alone, and because of that, I haven’t slacked when making this.

    During the planning of this map, I was constantly thinking about the flow and maneuverability of the map, to achieve this, I followed a few of my own and a couple of other rules. Every location on this map has at least 2 ways in or out, (Some bad news for campers… Sorry!) and all of the weapons are completely balanced by others.
    Since this is a map with a mixture of both long sight lines and readily available cover, the weapon set I have chosen mirrors this, including a couple of long range weapons, a close ranged sword, and several mid ranged weapons. I have tested this map a lot, and weapon placement may be different (if you were one of the people who tested it before any major changes took place). I have improved and moved around based on feedback from friends and I believe I have found a suitable layout. Without further explanation, here is the weapon list and pictures.

    7x Designated Marksman Rifles --- 3 at each base, one centered
    2x Focus Rifles --- 1 at each base on the lower floor…
    1x Rocket Launcher --- 1 Centered a few yards from the teleporter entrance
    1x Grenade Launcher --- 1 On the top – back walkway, combats rocket launcher and vice versa
    1x Energy Sword --- On the hologram Bridge

    4x Frag Grenades
    6x Plasma Grenades

    5x Health Packs



    These next three are all parallel with each other
    Top back walkway
    Central walkway
    Hologram Bridge
    Lower Floor

    Teleporter on the Lower Floor

    Top Floor - Where the teleporter sends you (1 of 7 entrances to the top floor)

    Also on this picture: Bottom left and right entrances, “Runs” from each base (Left and right entrances), Grav lifts from the hologram bridge up to the top (not shown here, but account for the final two entrances).
    Blue Run (Identical to Red Run)

    Action-y shots


    Razzle Frazzle Ray


    Special Thanks go to xxx Wrek xxx, Dizakui, Nasan 28, Scottiano, DanInWonderland and anyone else who i've forgotten and helped me improve this map before posting it. Cheers guys.
    #1 MjB Shrapnel, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  2. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    I love the design of this map. In my opinion, the energy bridge only adds a positive affect to the map's gameplay. Is there a way to activate this in invasion mode or something? Now that would be awesome. Does it only work in that location?
  3. Lylebeef

    Lylebeef Forerunner

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  4. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    There is a terrible strobe effect in both team spawns simply because of the amount of visible structure. This means there is quite a bit of lag if you're playing anywhere near the outer boundaries. It looks great otherwise, and the molten rock is a feature I've toyed with myself, but the lag is certainly something you'll have to address.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a really well put together map. Smooth, clean, and a great layout for competitive play. A bit of lag but nothing too substantial. The hologram bridge was a good idea and I like how the teleporters mix up gameplay a bit. The map also seems a bit void of color but I know how hard it is to get a lot of color in forge world. Good map though.
  6. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    first of all the bridge is amazing and I love it...I might be using that on to the map...the map does look very nice and the use of objects is good with varied objects and nice aesthetics on the map...also I think the map has a halo 1 or 2 map kinda of feel to it that I like and find very pleasing...the gameplay also seems to be nice with multiple pathways, levels, has a nice range of areas, and a good layout...somehow the map does seems to be very pleasing in the way you made it without the use of natural objects...nice job and keep it up...

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