
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Xun, May 12, 2011.

  1. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Hey everyone, Im a noob at this so forgive me for lack of etiquette in my posts, if any. This is one of my maps called Thermae. Its an enclosed, medium sized map which can accommodate 2-10 players, and is compatible with all variants of Slayer, Oddball, Headhunter, CTF and KOTH gametypes. If I get enough feedback, Ill ad in some more gametype options.

    Its a bit simple in its layout, but sometimes simple designs are better than overly elaborate ones. Its mostly symmetrical, with a little bit of difference in the weapon locations and scenery placement in the middle ground. But apart from that, the bases and layout of the structure are identical.

    The budget has, to my surprise, been completely exhausted, as the tunnels leading up to the bases took a surprising amount of assets to build. So I cant really add anything new, unless I remove something or just shift things around a bit to make the layout more appealing. But I think the flow is pretty good as it is. If your thinking is contrary to this, please let me know. ; )

    The name Thermae is derived from a translation for Greek or Roman bath houses, which is where the original design was going, hence the pool of water in the middle, but once I got that small idea in there the rest of the map evolved around it.

    Here are some images;

    An aerial overview

    Middle ground shot from lower base entrance

    Middle ground detail

    Base interior (rear, sorry I couldnt upload more)

    Scale reference shot

    Not much more to it than that. If anyone has any desire to download it, please do so and any feedback on structural layout, spawn points, weapon locations, or anything else is greatly appreciated. Thanks for checking it out in advance. : )
    #1 Xun, May 12, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i must say, this is a great first map post. it is up to standards and everything seems to be in there
  3. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Thanks Berb. I just tried to put as much info in there as possible, but Ill be glad to answer any questions about this map that anyone would like to ask.

    Also, apologies for the text in the thumbnail picture in the forum view. I dont know why it did that, but Im hoping it isnt in breach of the forum rules. Ill change it if it is.
  4. dawson4321

    dawson4321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea man thats how my maps are i try and keep a simple smooth layout along with a good looking map, i just cant get posting them right haha, anyone wanna help test some maps?
  5. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From the few pictures you have, it looks like the map was well made. I like the originality of the theme instead of just putting water in your map.

    The only concern I have right now (I'll play test it later and get back to you if anything comes up) is how much fall damage would one take falling from the upper level in your first picture to the pool level? Is it an option when considering player movement? Or is it just an instant kill?
  6. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Looks kinda like some awesome Halo 3 maps. I'll download and do a walkaround later.
  7. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Thanks for the compliments : ). When I make maps I tend to go for themes instead of randomly cobbling bits and pieces together until something comes out. Usually I start with a central piece and work my way outwards from there. The theme may not always stick or be prevalent, but I always try and make it the focal point of the map so players dont get lost when they respawn.

    Concerning fall damage, jumping from the highest point to the lowest point, the fall damage amount was about a half of your shields. But Ive placed some objects around so that, with some clever jumping/falling, you receive little to no damage. Plus, theres a power weapon on a high point in the middle that needs to be jumped to (unless you have a jetpack), so risk = reward.
    Thanks, dude. I cant tell if theres any influence from other maps in this as I did it on the fly, but if its reminiscent of H3 maps then cool, Ive found my hook. :)

    Also, I hate object clipping in maps (where two objects, usually platforms, interject and 'meld' in a way, that makes them look like theyre fighting for that space), so if anyone sees that happening could you please let me know where it is so I can fix it? I dont know about other people, but for me it removes from the reality.
    #7 Xun, May 13, 2011
    Last edited: May 13, 2011

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