Oh, hi there! Well, today I had a math lesson (which was boring, stupid Pythagorean Theorem), and I spent about an hour theorizing what may be in Reach's Campaign and good ideas for Campaign. If you're interested, read up, and post your own theories and ideas at the end. Okay, here we go. POTENTIAL MAJOR SPOILERS Theories Bungie said that the Multiplayer maps and Campaign maps would be one and the same. So here, we'll take a look at the four beta maps. Overlook This doesn't need explaining. Bungie said that it's the first mission of Campaign. The only thing I can say is that you can likely go to the radar dish in the distance, because at the end of the Once More Into The Breach Vidoc, Noble Team's Falcons fly past what looks like Overlook's radar dish, and there are many boulders, trees, and bridges past it. Also, behind Bravo Generator, there's a courtyard with an open doorway on the other side, which you likely pass through. Powerhouse Some people may have noticed that across the gorge running parallel to Powerhouse, there's a cliff pathway that comes out of a cave and leads to a broken highway. Judging by evidence from Vidocs, this is likely the night mission that possibly runs alongside Powerhouse. Sword Base Several large doors around this map to enter or exit. If this is in Campaign, it's likely to involve securing an important ONI asset (possible clue, there are rumors that Bungie has drawn concept art of Dr. Halsey. Rescue Dr. Halsey, maybe?). Boneyard Can't really see this in Campaign, because it's custom built for Invasion. If it is, it's likely near the end of the Campaign, judging by the dozens of Covenant Cruisers visible in the distance. Rumor is there will be driveable Seraphs in the game, and there is a confirmed Rocket Hog, like in Halo Custom Edition. Also the Sabre, which is apparently the civilian truck. My ideas involve a vehicle driveable in Campaign, better Covenant, and an ending for Reach. Ideas Locust Lots of people want to drive the Covenant Locust from Halo Wars. If it is driveable, here's how I would do it. The main weapon would charge like a laser, overheat after a while, an would look like a Fous Rifle beam, but be twice as strong. It would be about as tall as three or four Spartans, and be as fast as a Scorpion, but be able to strafe. When firing, it can't move. It would have energy shields, but weak armor. Maybe when firing, no energy shields, because Locusts are supposed to be sniper vehicles. Vicious Covenant Honestly, the Covenant should be more vicious. The most vicious thing the Covenant has done is pick up a Marine and throw him into a wall. Without the Flood, Halo would lose it's M rating. Here's how to keep it, don't worry, no major gore, just implications. Picture this mission. The Covenant just attacked this civilian town, and you are trying to defend it. You're running down the main street, and you see three civilians running, being chased by an Elite with an Energy Sword. Say, he's invincible and you can't kill him, like when you're chasing the Heretic Leader in Halo 2. The civilians run into a house, and the Elite follows them in and slams the door. Through the window, you see the flash of the Energy Sword and the window becomes spattered with blood. Then, you see a civilian being chased by Jackals or Skirmishers. They surround him and beat him to death. You see a drone carry someone high into the sky, and other drones cloud around the civilian up there, and blood drips down. Finally, as the civilians try to escape, a truck with several civilians is trying to outrace a Banshee. The Banshee fires a Fuel Rod round and the vehicle bursts into flames. Everyone dies but one person, who tries to open the door of the burning truck, but gets held in by Skirmishers holding the doors shut from the outside, and he screams as he burns to death. The town is lost, and that's how the Covenant should act, not run around and make you laugh. They should actually scare you. Ending Noble Team lands in the middle of a large plain. You're surrounded by dozens of Mongeese, Warthogs, Scorpions, Marines, and Falcons, Pelicans, Hornets, etc. Everything is set up for the end of Reach. Overhead, you see massive Covenant ships preparing to glass the planet. Around the sky, dozens of burning UNSC ships are falling to the ground. Across the plains, you see a massive Covenant army. Many Ghosts, Wraiths, Banshees, Scarabs, and Covenant infantry mass together. You have your pick of vehicles, or you can go on foot. You charge into overwhelming Covenant forces, and try to survive for a certain time limit. Then, you have to pull out, making a Falcon run (better than a boring old Warthog run) to an airstrip, where you and your team grab Longswords, fly into the atmosphere, and attempt to protect the Pillar Of Autumn. As she vanishes into space, you and your allies are surrounded by massive Covenant ships, and your team detonates a nuke, taking as many ships as possible to hell with you. Result? Halo CE is set to go. Autumn escapes, Reach is glassed, you get to fight a massive battle and run away, go into space, and Noble Team dies heroically, the best ending possible. Now, let's hear your opinions, ideas, and theories.
Hmm very cool ideas. The locust I can't see, it's a building killer, and as fun as it would be to drive i can't see it being useful, other that, some pretty solid ideas you got there. As for me, I can imagine for hours all the win that is possible in the halo canon, I love halo. There is one vehicle specifically I've dreamed up would be sweet, a camoflauged little speedy covy scout vehicle, no weapons just really fun to drive, fast and with a very limited camoflauge system to get past some situations. Really small and manouverable.
Here's how I see it. Keep in mind I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, and I never played the beta. Disturbance in rural area near radar array, noble team sent to investigate. While asking civilians if they have seen anything unusual, they report that they have seen strange men walking around a couple miles east or whatever. They travel there, and discover a small force of Covenant soldiers sabotaging a radar dish and causing havoc in the nearby buildings. Noble calls it in and engages. They then discover the advanced force's staging area nestled in a valley, and call in an airstrike, and everything blows in a fantastic explosion. Immediately after, space battle begins. End of first level.
The blood spatters and screaming civilians on fire? NO. Maybe do that invincible elite one, but have a light and shadows showing whats been done. Have the truck being blown up but no holding them in. Sides, blood spatters doesn't take it up to M. There were blood spatters in Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST.
Since Halo Reach silly. You seriously haven't heard about how Bungie is integrating all of the multiplayer maps into campaign? EDIT: I don't think that Noble 6 actually died, and there may be an either unsettling or epic and awkward reunion.
ODST did not have multiplayer, and they did not want to waste resources on building seperate maps for firefight and campaign while designing reach. I still wonder how we would be able to figure out what the campaign will be just from the multiplayer maps. Overlook is similar to the level Covenant in Halo 3 which was amazing. Why would they get rid of something so good without a replacement in Reach. Boneyard is just a giant field of broken up industrial stuff. Not much else on Reach. All the maps are mostly surrounded by cliffs and walls so there is no way to see out to what might be part of campaign anyways. The end of campaign will probably be a level of invasion like the firefight was the end of ODST. At the beginning of invasion the announcer says something like "Don't let the navigation core fall into covenant hands. Just buy us some more time."
Well, Bungie said the Multiplayer maps would look similar or be inspired by those from the Campaign. Personally, I find this a horrible idea, because I play Multiplayer for a different experience than Campaign, and using Campaign maps as Multiplayer maps kind of kills this. Boneyard likely won't be in Campaign though, as I said in my original post.