Sorry For Quality - But Please Watch =D Sitting farther away from the screen helps the quality xD YouTube - TheBlueHaze :: All Star - Halo 3 Montage Check Out My Channel I've got videos with really good quality, but you may have seen them before.
Portland ontario... Rofl.. You could plug your camcorder inot the tv and then record to get better quality than that, not best but its better. I reccomend not recording like that again, Rofl.
I suggest not using a video camera in that fashion ever again. Try a capture card or plugging the camera into the tv.
Lol, I've been wanting to make a montage for a long time. I knew that using a camera wouldnt be a good idea, but I really wanted to post my gameplay xD Idk if my camera is able to plug into the tv? How would I do that? Bloodblath? lol Yeah, that song wasnt a good choice, but you know the music nowadays, it's all this screaming crap. I wanted it to be a happy montage lol and I love Shrek jk
Ryan, if your camcorder is like mine, Plug it in the same output video as your xbox video, video1,2, hdtv1,2 Etc.
Solid song. And the quality didn't really bother me, I actually liked that it was just staright through clip-to-clip. With none of that "Swish" and "Woosh" crap that Machinima has. I reccommend getting a capture card or dazzler. Cool video.
Thanks =D I would actually like this if I would have captured it with a card, and exchanged some of the one kills with some multi's ive gotten.
Well at least the good news is when Bungie releases the render point downloads we can all make great killtage videos. =)