Everyones gotta have a Youtube Account. So how about post it here! And Ill edit it to this list: Just kind of put the link to one of your main Youtube accounts. Not an ancient one from 3 years ago...(I have one...)
My predictions for this thread: People only post their accounts so that others will click into them and watch their videos, boosting their views and popularity. But everyone is going to think this way, and no one is going to click into the channel links. And even if someone did want to check out some channels, there would be too many to check out all at once, and no one would get an appropriate amount of channel views. Plus, the number of posts containing only a youtube link and no thought would get the thread moved to off topic, where it will be buried among the countless number of spam threads. kbai.
^ Cool story, bro. YouTube - MeltedTelevision's Channel They just forced me into the new channel. ;_;
I have a few videos up and more to come so yeah check them out and send me a youtube FR. YouTube - OMFGItsBlaze's Channel
YouTube - riftegifle's Channel I only use it for posting my halo 3 map gameplay videos. Actually there's 1 video of a mongoose splatter that I thought was awesome. Don't really give much thought for subscriber numbers/video views/page views or whatever.