The Winchester Series

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by TrueBlue Wolf, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    Winchester Series

    Hello, my tag is TrueBlue Wolf, but hey you can just call me true. Hopefully you’ll be hearing a lot from in the upcoming weeks. I have loads of maps that I think are worthy of some recognition, but to my dismay I can’t log on to my bungie dot net profile to post my lovely home cooked maps. So this means all the posting I am putting on here at forge hub will be the public debut of my maps. My maps could be a hit or they could flop, that’s what I’m here to discover. I truly appreciate forge hub’s ease of use and before I make me first post I give you my sincerest appreciation to all the members of forge hub.

    Well now that I got that out of the way, we can start talking business. The Winchesters are a series of maps that I have been working on since I first got halo in September. ShaunOfTheDead is the gametype that is used to play on all of the Winchester maps. Basically here’s the gist of it. Zombies spawn a considerable distance from the human base. The humans have an almost impenetrable base, or a fairly hard to get to base. Zombies and humans both have normal shields, health, and radar. Humans have normal movement and zombies have slightly improved gravity and speed. Zombies only have swords. There are a total of fourteen Winchester maps on both the classic maps and the heroic maps. (I plan to release another series with the new legendary maps as well.) I will admit not all of these maps are worth playing, but some are definitely worth taking a gander at. So instead of having you wade through all the BS, I include the pros and cons of all the maps along with an out of 5 review. (HINT: I give hints for every map, because unless you know the map or you are with an experienced player, you won’t know what to do)

    OK here’s the gametype à

    Well now for the bread and butter of my series of map. That’s right I’ll shut my trap long enough to show you my maps ; )

    Winchester LR

    Description: Well this my first map is Winchester LR. It is the very first Winchester map I ever made and it is a cult favorite among me and a select group of players. Zombies spawn on the beach. Humans spawn on the inside of the base (playing defense in matchmaking). The base is stacked full of weapons and every entrance is guarded heavily fortified to withstand almost anything a zombie can throw at it. (HINT: Every teleporter leads back to the beach) (HINT: The easiest way to breach the base is to chop the bottom left large container of the main gate)

    Pros: Well-designed base, with nice interior and extremely strong fortifications. Some teleporters take you to hard to reach places. Many large beach fights.

    Cons: Zombies can become frustrated after failing to breach the base. Zombies can be easily overwhelmed with firepower. Teleporters all go back to the beach and require long walks back.

    Review: 3 out of 5 (Worth Trying)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester CS

    Description: This map I can’t take full credit for, because a gamer named flamingwindz made a map that inspired me to venture out and make this lovely map. Zombies spawn on the bottom. Humans spawn on the top near the sword spawn. Humans must follow a long teleporter chain before reaching the final base. The teleporter chains takes you from the top of the map to the bottom of the map and everywhere in between. Weapons and ammo are littered all along the teleporter chain to help cover the retreat to the final base. (HINT: Try not to camp the zombies too much, this can be a rather difficult map for zombies) (HINT: Run through the teleporters as quickly as possible) (HINT: You can jump through a blocked teleporter)

    Pros: Fun teleporter chain that goes everywhere. Lots of possible ambush points and kill zones for zombies and humans alike. Seems to a lot of people’s favorite.

    Cons: I hate falling. Once humans reach the final base, zombies don’t stand a chance unless they use teamwork (yah right, it’s xbox live).

    Review: 3 out of 5 (Worth Trying)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester SB

    Description: This map (I hate to say this) isn’t quite up to par like the other maps. Don’ get me wrong it has it’s moments, but it doesn’t come close to any of the other maps. Humans spawn underground. Zombies spawn on top. The whole underground portion of the level is the entire human base. It is well protected with hard to move objects and teleporters. (HINT: The main center whole is the easiest way to get into the human base) (HINT: All teleporters lead to the autoturret kill zone)

    Pros: Feels like a Winchester map. Only Winchester with snow.

    Cons: Not well designed. Hard for the zombies to get in. Humans are too well fortified. Just doesn’t seem like a fun piece of the series.

    Review: 1 out of 5 (NO… and no)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester IL

    Description: Zombies spawn on top. Humans spawn in the bunkers. Both bunkers are part of the humans base with a giant explosive pit separating them. Again the base is well protected with hard to move objects and teleporters. Not many bells and whistles on this map. (HINT: The top section is the easiest way to get in) (HINT: Watch out for teleporters, who knows where they could take you)

    Pros: Nice and fun for a short bit. Nice bases.

    Cons: Gets tiring after a while. Not too extra little things to tinker around with.

    Review: 2 out of 5 (A Good Solid Maybe)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester HG

    Description: Zombies spawn on the underground bunker portions. Zombies spawn on the beach. An extremely well fortified base protects the humans. Not as good of a Winchester map as most, seem to be a bit too difficult. (HINT: It will take a while to find a way inside)

    Pros: Well-made base. Feels like a Winchester. Pretty Fun sometimes.

    Cons: Difficult base. Can become frustrating.

    Review: 2 out of 5 (A Good Solid Maybe)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester SO

    Description: Woohoo, finally the heroic maps. Well sorry to disappoint you, but this one is all that well put together. Of course that’s not to say it’s fun. This was the very first map that I started experimenting with floating bases and with many new forge techniques. The map is well polished, but it has it’s good parts. Some issues are mancannons that go no where, hard to reach teleporters and a realitively small floating base. Humans spawn in the red or blue bases. Zombies spawn on the edge of the map. Humans must make there way to the teleporter and through a mancannon to reach the floating base. The bottom of the base is loaded with weapons, while the top of the base has many good vantage point on the zombie infestation below. (HINT: Going through the mancannons backwards gives you more air, but not as much distance)

    Pros: Cool floating base. All around somewhat fun.

    Cons: Feels incomplete and has random useless stuff spread out throughout the map. Can be hard to get into the red and blue bases.

    Review: 2 out of 5 (A Good Solid Maybe)

    OK here’s the map à
    Some pics as well…


    Winchester SO2

    Description: This map is where I started getting somewhat more skilled at forging. Humans spawn on the giant floating base. Zombies spawn in the red base. Vehicles are above the blue base. There is a giant three-story base floating over the edge of the cliff near the red base. The base includes a top level with twi turrets and many barriers and baricades blocking zombie attacks. The base has a middle level that includes two tunnels with turrets at the end of both. The bottom level is all fence boxes so you can look out among the level. The bottom level has the largest selection of weapons. The area of the cliff near the base is littered with fusion coils, debris, and mancannons to help zombies reach the base. (HINT: The only way to get enough height to get up to the base is to go through the back of the mancannon) (HINT: The vehicles are the farthest away from the base)

    Pros: Extremely cool and massive floating base. Many stand offs in the lower levels of the base. Fun well developed map. The level is stacked full of surprises.

    Cons: Can become extremely difficult for zombies to reach the base if they don’t go through the mancannons right (go through the back). Can become difficult to get up on a well defended base.

    Review: 4 out of 5 (Pretty Fun)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester SO3

    Description: An extremely fun map, dubbed "The Castle in the Sky" for good reason. Humans spawn on the very small courtyard of the base. Zombies spawn on the ground directly under the base. There are several easy to use mancannons to boost zombies up to the base. The base includes a giant sniper tower in the middle and four subtowers at the four corners of the base. Each tower has several rifles. Every corner of the base leads to a small armory under the outer wall of the base. Vehicles are on the path at the edge of the cliff. (HINT: Don’t let zombies set foot on the base and you’ll have a better chance of survival)
    Pros: Very well designed map. Very fun. Strikes a good middle ground between difficulty for humans and difficulty for zombies. Cool floating base with multiple towers.

    Cons: None come to mind.

    Review: 5 out of 5 (Amazing)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester SO4

    Description: This is yet another floating fortress, dubbed "The Rainbow," because there is a giant bridge between two human bases and the highest point of the bridge is the middle point between the two bases, ramping somewhat like a rainbow. Humans spawn on the two floating bases floating in the air. Zombies spawn on the ground directly below the floating bridge that seperates the two bases. (HINT: If you’re a zombie don’t press forward when you spawn) (HINT: Don’t camp the zombies too much)
    Pros: Very well designed map. Unique map. Fun to play and mess around in. Seems like an extremely long base.

    Cons: The map is somewhat more turned to the humans and less from the zombies.

    Review: 4 out of 5 (Pretty Fun)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester SO5

    Description: Yet another extremely fun floating base. Dubbed "The Spider" and "The Octopus" due to the shape of the base. It has eight giant arms protruding out of a center area. Each arm is armed with many weapons. Every arm has a mancannon that corresponds to it. The top of the floating base has vehicles on it. (HINT: It’s fun to drive vehicles through the mancannons and land on zombies) (HINT: Some arms of the base are safer than others)
    Pros: Amazingly well designed innovative map. Fun and cool looking map. Strikes the middle ground between the difficulty of the humans and the zombies.

    Cons: None to think of, except falling of a cliff is fun.

    Review: 5 out of 5 (Amazing)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester RN

    Description: The humans spawn in the center of the map. The zombies spawn around the edge of the map. The whole interior of the level is the human base. The base is relatively easy to breach into, but navigating through the base is a whole different story. The interior of the base is decorated with tons of blocked doorways and many numerous teleporters. The main part of the base is the center of the map which includes vehicles, weapons, and a few secrets. (HINT: Going through the side of the mancannon can open a hidden area away from zombie attacks)
    Pros: Somewhat well-designed base. Pretty fun, evenly matched between humans and zombies.

    Cons: Not to innovative and nothing too interesting on the map.

    Review: 3 out of 5 (Worth Trying)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester FN

    Description: A fun and fairly innovative map. Another map I can’t take full credit for, a friend of mine named flamingwindz made a map similar to this just less intense. The zombies spawn on the end of a long open area with ramps at the far end. Humans spawn on an extremely small floating base. There is a giant ramp with mancannons at the bottom. The mancannons are constantly shooting debris at the zombies creating a killzone between the zombies and the humans. At the top of the giant ramp there is a teleporter that leads directly to the human base. (HINT: If you fall out of the map there is a teleporter that leads back into the map, but beware it goes directly to the zombie spawn.

    Pros: Fun and intense map with lots of action. Always have to keep your guard up unless you want to get shot or crushed.

    Cons: Somewhat more tilted to the humans.

    Review: 4 out of 5 (Pretty Fun)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester FN2

    Description: Some friends motivated me to make this map, when they said they wanted a fun infection castle on foundry. The humans spawn inside the castle. The zombies spawn outside the castle. The castle includes a front gate that is pretty hard to move, but after a while the zombies will get in. There is a fairly large courtyard packed full of weapons and a few mongooses. The interior of the base has a loop of ramps leading up to the top of the base with many weapons along the way. The top of the base is connected to the outer wall with a small catwalk to allow humans to defend themselves from the outer wall. (HINT: If you’re a zombie chopping outward instead of inward seams to work well with destroying the front gate)

    Pros: Nice and well designed castle. Good map dynamics and can become intense quite quickly.

    Cons: Slightly tilted toward the humans.
    Review: 4 out of 5 (Pretty Fun)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Winchester FN3

    Description: This is the newest and final iteration in the Winchester series on the heroic map pack. This is a fairly simple and easy map with a few surprises. The base is square with one easy entrance blocked with crates. It will take about a minute to unblock the gate and attack the base. The base is three level the bottom level is rather small, the middle level is somewhat dull, and the top level is one of the better places to survive. (HINT: Look for the basement, it is the humans best chance for survival)

    Pros: Cool basement and a semi-good map.

    Cons: Takes a well to get in the base and nothing at all innovative.
    Review: 3 out of 5 (Worth Trying)

    OK here’s the map à

    Some pics as well…


    Welp that’s all for the Winchester Series for the classic and heroic maps. Hope you enjoy these maps, heck I just hope you read this far. Please feel free to criticize my maps, I will take all comment under consideration when I make future maps. Have a lovely day.
    #1 TrueBlue Wolf, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2008
  2. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Very nice must took a lot of time the one on standoff looks nice god job.
  3. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    some of these maps look terrific. im looking forward to seeing some more of your maps. so looks awesome. and great reviews to
    #3 faceplanter7774, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  4. Meta93

    Meta93 Ancient
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    Wow you have certainly put a lot of time into forging and I like how you used several different maps. The one that most caught my attention was the spider. I'll tell you what I think after I give it a go.
  5. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I'm downloading a few of these and will let you know what I think but let me just say some things right now. Man, what a map pack. I can tell you are dedicated to the gametype these maps are for, which makes me think it could actually be a good zombie game (which is rare). Also, some of these maps look to be built very well, especially the Standoff ones. Like I said, I'll play it and then say more.
  6. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    O hey TrueBlue Wolf!
    I like all of the Standoff ones. I bet they were a pain to make... Invite me to your game some time!
  7. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Jesus Christ! I mean it I just saw him. But anyway these maps look quite good. The standoff ones really got me and I will definitely look and download them. One question... Why put all of the other bad ones on it?
  8. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    The Winchester is a series I've always had and enjoyed playing with my friends, before all the heroic maps came out these were the only maps we had and they were a blast. The maps were of great quality when we first played them, but now that I have gotten much more experienced at forging and now that the heroic maps have made forging so much easier the maps just don't seem as good when you go back and play on them. The main reason I put them on there is for die hard infection fans who could still get some enjoyment out of these maps. I was so critical on them, because compared to the maps on the heroic maps they just don't stack up. Hope that answers your question, and hope you enjoy my maps. Have a lovely day.

    SPECIAL NOTE PLEASE READ THIS: I've noticed that a lot of people have been downloading my standoff Winchesters but not any other Winchesters and also not the gametype. The gametype is the gametype that MUST be used with these maps otherwise the maps will be no fun whatsoever. Also the maps that have a less than 4 out of five review aren't getting many downloads. These maps are still very fun and should be played, I just put a lower score because I'm a fairly picky forger, but I think most people would like the map. Hopefully some people will read this and hopefully it will help some people. Also I don't want to sound like I'm begging for posts, but I would like some comments about the individual play dynamics and fun factor of some of these maps. Thanks a bunch everyone. Have a lovely day.
    #8 TrueBlue Wolf, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2008
  9. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    the first thing i said when i saw SO3 was "HOLY-" I only downloaded three of your SO maps and thats it but all i can say is they look amazing. great reviews to you
  10. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  11. DemonicToastx7

    DemonicToastx7 Ancient
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    Those are some nice looking maps you got there. I just wish I had some real patience to make those. I will try to personally download all of them and have some of my friends play on them. ( With Your Game Type Of Course ) Please teach me the way of patience. I take it that you use the old floating method of exiting the game to float your objects? I cannot really imagine someone stacking that many boxes. Well let me wrap this up They are fantastic looking maps and I am going to go play some rounds on these maps. Thanks For Posting.
  12. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    looks like you really love infection hehe. would any of them be good to play any other gametypes on? maybe you should try setting a few up for some other stuff...

    im just not a big infection dude hehe
  13. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    I'm sure I could easily make these maps into CTF or bomb or some objective game of sort, but me and my friends love infection to death and that's just about the only thing we love to play (besides Hide N' Seek juggernaut style). So changing it into something these maps are not would do me no good, but anyone on forgehub can feel free to change my maps. Also if you do, don't forget to give me credit. Also thanks for all the lovely comments everyone here has left me. Good luck to all you forgers out there and I hope my maps generate some fun times for those of you there that love infection.

    Oh and about how I made all these, basically I made 1 somewhat fun map when Halo 3 first came out and it was Winchester LR with the gametype ShaunOfTheDead. The gametype wasn't all that fun at first and neither was the map, but after playing a few times , I could see the problems in my map and my gametype, so I fine tuned it. After that, I played some more and fine tuned it some more. A thousand custom games later, I had built fourteen Winchester maps and perfected the ShaunOfTheDead gametype. A built new maps whenever old ones began to seem tiring and I improved old maps whenever I saw flaws. By the time I joined forgehub, most of my maps were of somewhat professional level, so I released them here at forgehub. I know they have their flaws, but I perfected them as much as I could and they are a blast to play on. So it's not so much that I have a lot of patience, it's just I made small changes over a long period of time. I hope that answers your question.
    #13 TrueBlue Wolf, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  14. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    so2 looked cool but mancannons couldnt get u up to the base...
    so3 is my favorite one
    so4 the zombies spawn in front of a teleporter that takes them to their was ok
    so5 was also really good...
  15. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    SO2 will work, but you must go through the back of the mancannons as a zombie, if you read my entire post you would know that. Not to be mean, but don't just skim through a post, because sometimes they contain important information.
    #15 TrueBlue Wolf, Apr 12, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  16. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    nice maps. i like the SO ones the best, but some of the FN ones look good too
  17. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You put alot of times in to this topic and into all of this maps and I will be downloading Winchester SO5 when I get home.
  18. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    A few of these look like loads of fun. But others look kinda boring
  19. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
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    love the ones on standoff good job
  20. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    Likes Received:
    Thanks everyone for all the helpful comments. Sorry the only maps people seem to like are the SO ones. If there was one map that wasn't an SO one, I'd recommend Winchester FN. Sorry that the other maps fell short. If I ever come out with another map pack, I'll make sure it's much better and that all the maps are good. Thanks for all the comments.

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