The Weirdos Are On The Mansion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Phreakie, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    The Weirdos Are on The Mansion

    This map was made by me and 2 of my friends, heshsk8er666 and Elitespartan54, but mostly me XD. No, Seriously all they did was put the spawn points down. O.O". Anyways this map is just a giant mansion. Zombies spawn in the hallway on Foundry, but they cant get out. They have to wait 20 seconds before they get out because the door ways are blocked. Mancannons spawn in the door ways and Zombies must jump through them to burst through the blocked wall. Now for the Humans. The Humans spawn downstairs in the basement. They are armed with Magnums for a false sense of hope, but they can arm themselves with tougher weapons if they find them. The Mansion is made up of 3 floors. The basement (where they spawn), The second floor (kitchen and family room), and the upstairs (Master and Guest bedrooms Plus "the John" if you know what i mean). Also, If you are still reading this, There is an air vent located at the basement leading up to the top floor. Im not showing pictures of the vent cause its a secret...


    Mansion Overview as you can see nothing special...til' you get inside [ ;

    Pictures inside the mansion, The Dining Room and TV

    The Kitchen

    Guest room

    Master bedroom

    LOL "The John"

    Upstairs Overview

    Basement Overview

    The Dumpster and something else ***wink wink***

    Where the Zombies get out!!! Orange Hulk Smash!!!

    Remember to leave feedback, rate and comment and I'll upload the gameplay pictures when Xbox LIVE is fixed. Well the post is over, go download my map!!!

    The links are in the title by the way...And another thing, when playing the game dont go outside cause thats not cool.
    #1 Phreakie, Apr 21, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2008
  2. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    LOL! Nice job naming the gametype; making it able to be put together as "The Weirdos Are+The Mansion=The Weirdos Are...on...The Mansion". CLever. :p

    Kudos to you!
  3. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    It looks like you have taken good ideas from many house based maps and incorporated them very well, pulling the map together for great fun.
  4. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    I agree Brute. Looks like you combined a bunch of ideas from maps. As long as they were all good ideas good job.
  5. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    ya I used most of my ideas from the map I am legend v3
  6. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I hate that map, so now I hate you... (I don't really hate you but really I could make I am Legend in like a couple of hours... in my sleep...)

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    more i am legend w00..... never mind so many i am legend maps and there all the same please get creative guys
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    lol i think youre gettin it wrong its a map modeled like i am legend but the gameplay i totally different

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