The Weekend Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, May 21, 2010.

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  1. V

    V Ancient
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    @YoYo: how did you accidentally drink spiked lemonade lol? Did you not realize it was spiked or something? Oh and Tool FTW.
    @Scope: That. Blows.
  2. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    >>>what's a scope
    >>>scope cigs

  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Scope - Sucks to be you.

    Me - Friday: Had to drive to school yesterday to grab my marks, didn't fail anything, so it's all good; back home and asleep by 9:30 Am. Watched ToyStory 3 with my Girlfriend and her little brother. It was actually a pretty good movie. Played some footy with my friend, got home and found out my fridge shorts out randomly and puts a charge into the metal handle; in case you don't know, that shocks you and it kind of hurts. Bed around 1:00 Am.

    Saturday (Today): Up at noon, yardwork for three hours, drove into town for some fries, and now I'm being lazy, playin' Runescape, and trying to remember where the hell I could've left my yu-gi-oh cards.
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    My weekend started Tuesday, But I'ma leave in Monday as well.

    Monday: French Final. Afterward me and girl went to McDonald's. Then went back to her place and played Persona 3 until the power cut out. Then we went for a walk and then decide to go to Walmart to buy Prince of Persia, and she was cold. Gave her my hoodie. Starts to rain, we're still walking, then it starts to pour, and I'm cold but shes nice. We get to Walmart and everyone is looking at us. I was completely soaked. I'm surprised my phone wasn't damaged.

    Tuesday: English Final. Afterward, go to girls house again. We watched some movies on TV like Get Smart and the Yes Man. Then we go downstairs and play Prince of Persia, which I learned I can't play for the life of me. Asked her to go to a movie, got 'with more people, yes' back.

    Wednesday: Friend got his license.

    Thursday: Friend with license and I hung out. We were going to go get water balloons to have a water fight, but then when we walked out of the store it was raining. Went back to his place, and it started coming down hard. Power went out, and I was thinking about her again. Then, we decide to throw water balloons at the house across the street... while its raining out. We're badass. Anyways, his sister gets home around now, and she had to walk home through the rain and HAIL (Yeah, there was ****ing Hail the size of marbles). We laugh at her, tell her the plans, and then we do those plans. Powers still out, and I gotta go, so my mother picks me up on her way home, and we got home, and the power is on there. I lol'd.

    Friday: This time we DID get the balloons and stuff ready, and we broke my friends driving probation by having 6 people in the car. Got the balloons and hit up an elementary school... We threw water balloons at grade 8s... and parents apparently. Afterward, we decided to go with DQ, and the girl I was with before just got there. One of our friends, who is a girl, mentions for us to walk together there while the rest drive. She says we're friends and blah blah, and we all end up taking his truck while she had t sit on my lap because there was no room. :3

    Then that night on facebook she was like 'why do you like me?' And I spilled my guts. And actually, I was good with my words for once. Anyways, we talked for... 4 hours on facebook and text, and then I told her to get some sleep because of what she was telling me. No, nothing dirty, but I did learn her ex ****ed up her mindset up about dating friends (which I'm trying to fix right now ;) )

    Saturday: Woke up at 8. Heard my mother yelling at my dad on the phone. Then she and my brother left. Went to my computer, saw 'Green Zone' was done downloading, and then went to burn. Had troubles, went to dads to ask for help. We tried to figure out, then he burned 'Don't Mess with the Zohan' for me. Then we watched the USA vs. Ghana game (That was one great game. No more USA :D) And during it I got texted by that girl, asking to see if I wanted to see a movie.
    And that's where I am currently. She said after supper, so I'm just waiting until then. Might take a shower.

    And Sunday will be a mystery for now. I never make plans ahead of time.
  5. V

    V Ancient
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    Well to continue my weekend wonders. Today I slept in really late til noon (yeah thats late for me) and found my new love for Dubstep music. I was listening to some songs on YouTube and suddenly I couldn't stop looking the **** up. So I've been downloading a bunch of 6BLOCC, Kode9, Bass Cleft, C99, Skream, Modeselektor, and Emalkay. If anyone has some good suggestions on artists I'd be quite thankful. Bout to go to a friend's house in a bit. Probably chill and play Modnation Racers, FIFA, and NHL to the wee hours of the morning.
    #65 V, Jun 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2010
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Summed you up.
  7. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Friday: smoked a cannon on a nice little L ride. Then popped two yellow xannie bars.
    Don't remember anything from 2:30 to around 7:30-8:00. Woke up from my stocked out daze at my friends house and she was nice enough to help me figure out what I had been doing for the past 5 hours.
    Made some phone calls and got me a Four Loco Fruit Punch. That **** is disgusting. Never again.
    Saturday: Woke up, broke. First day at my new job at this retaurant that my uncles friend owns. Went in at 4:30 PM got home at 4:00.
    Sunday: work all day.

    Like **** man, what's the point in working if you never have the chance to spend your money on drugs.

    Like, what the **** man.
  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Get a job with better hours? I got a job that starts in about a week that is only 4 hours a day five days a week. Sure, I won't get a lot of money but I'll get enough.
  9. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    So Saturday I woke up at 2, had Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken leftovers from the previous night, then saw Toy Story at 3:30, went to Walmart afterwards and bought a shaver, then to Jewel Osco, and my dad and I bought $60 dollars worth of food for dinner for that night. We got back to my house played bags, I chilled, than my neighborhood 4th of July fireworks show went off at 9:30, than dinner was ready. We had steak, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and grilled shrimp, well everything was on the grill, best dinner made by my dad in a while, **** was delicious.

    Than yesterday(Sunday) I woke around 1 and pretty much just chilled the entire day, I really didn't do much, I played some basketball, swam in a pool, played xbox, and was on the computer for a bit...also had leftovers from that ****ing delicious yeah
    #69 Agamer, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    STILL OPEN. WEWT (Thanks Agamer :3)
    Anyways Sunday: Woke up early to watch Germany vs England. Great game. Then followed by Argentina vs. Mexico which wasn't as good but still fun to watch. Anyways, the rest of the day I thought I wasn't going to be doing anything. Wrong. The girl I like texted me and asked if I wanted to hang out. So, we hung out and I could tell something was up. Then we walked to the 7 Eleven near her house. Anyways, we walked back to my place and she had to keep going so we departed but then told me to wait. She came up and kissed me, and we probably made out for about a minute.
    She wanted to make my week great, and she did. I can already feel it.
    So then she left cause she had to get going for her curfew and I was already late for my curfew, and so we were texting and although shes still a friend and the kiss never started something, I felt confident and just told her how I feel about her, and overall it went very well.

    Now, just to be able to call her mine.

    And just so Agamer doesn't have to say it again, LOCKED UNTIL NEXT WEEKEND.
  11. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I forgot to open this thread on Friday since I haven't came on this weekend.

    Oh well, better late than never, because I'm sure some of you have some good 4th of July weekend stories to share....herp derp
  12. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    Agamer, Forgehub BEFORE drink. Remember that one.

    Friday: Went to a friends party. All rave music, full of ned and little children. No alcohol.
    Saturday: Milkshake, Spain v Paraguay, Milkshake, Modern Warfare 2
    Sunday: Milkshake, Audio Logs on ODST, THOUGHTS of Forging...I'll do it tomorrow.

    @Bloo Jay: I've had that before, except it was parents...I really have to make use of this Edit button. People sometimes pay attention to the Edits...

    Next time,
    #72 Cupcake, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Got texted by girl. Went to hang out. Then, hour or so later we, after singing (lol) went to library and read stuff while waiting for friend. She got there, we read more, then went to McDonalds for supper. SAW MOTHER ****ING RONDALD MCDONALD, got some pics with him, etc. Then went to movie theatre, they played DDR, I watched. Then I played a game of Air hockey against both of them, won. Played a rematch, won again. After, went back to girl I like's place. We watched Batman Returns on TV, other friend had to go half way through, so I'm watching alone with her, and was like "gotta do something" in my head when her brother comes down... And starts up WoW. Movie finishes, he lols at us (mainly my) dirty mind throughout the movie, he leaves, and again I'm alone with her, but I don't attempt a thing. Then, my ride arrives and I gotta go.

    Watched Germany Game, Slept, Watched Spain vs/ Paraguay game, Went on PC, Aquired movies, watched movies (Paycheck, Men in Black 2, Hellboy) Bedtime.

    Woke up, watched End of Batman and Robin, then watched Star Wars Episode 2 and 3. Went on Xbox, and just sat cause I wasn't invited to anything. Now, I'm sitting here typing this up.

    @Cupcake: I'm with you, bro.
  14. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    Got to start reading the rules...
    #74 Cupcake, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I worked for the majority of my weekend which is bummer.

    But sunday night I played some beer pong and got to smoke some weed.

    The new tax on cigarettes is a ****ing killer.
  16. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Just got back from the White Sox game, **** was so cash. I might be going again on Wednesday, I dunno but either way I had a great time, made up for my shitty 4th of July.
  17. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Well sorry for the absence of this thread for the past couple month or's been quite a busy summer for me so far and I haven't been able to be home at all for any of last several weekends to upkeep this thread and the Monday thread.

    So it's finally re-opened!
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    So far, I got my Sumo Omni, and I'm probably just going to chill in that all weekend.
  19. V

    V Ancient
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    Spent the weekend in Ohio with my cousin who's like a brother to me and his friends. Went to see Scarlet O'Hara, Woe Is Me, For All Those Sleeping, Abandon All Ships, Sleeping With Sirens, Attila, and Drop Dead Gorgeous in concert at Toledo with them. Moshed during every band and took part in a Wall of Death for the final three bands each. **** was crazy.
  20. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    The past week has been insane. From getting kicked out and just a whole bunch of ****.

    Kind of makes me a little happy to work all weekend.
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