whooo i didnt realize that you put this up yeah where was i on the testing lol but yeah this is a sweet map.
i actually never thought this map was going to be any good until i actually played. The FFA KOTH was a great idea. I couldn't stop playing it.
Don't see myself playing this map for anything besides KoTH. I don't really like KoTH either, but good map.
Nice desighn origonal- keep forging and the pics as pretty descriptive- better than mine KEEP FORGING
very unique the interlocking is pretty good but i deff think you shouldnt have had the telles there on the wall. you shoulda just built the wall higher. still looks great.
it looks good in the center, but you could have done better. It seems...empty. Good job on the rest of it though.
A lot of people are forgetting the FUN factor of maps and this one definitely has it! I hate when people give me bad ratings because the merging is a tiny bit off, so thanks for making a FUN map. You scored a download.
I like the water hole idea its great. This map is probably amazing for crazy king or some sort of territories game. The center piece is huge. I usually don't see many maps that do that... I guess there aren't really much crazy king maps anyway.