Since i got allot of feedback from people here and on XBL ive fixed bugs and come out with The warehouse 2.0. The map is now better with more merging and an improved lift. Camping has been addressed by the removal of the shotgun and mauler (replaced by plasma rifle and flamethrower). The map other than that contains the same weapons 5x BR 5x SMG 1x Pistol 1x PR 1x Flamethrower And now for pictures! The top floor The bottom floor Pr spawn The way to the top Me getting owned Bodies do weird things in the lift Download and post on about it here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks really fun but may I suggest interlocking... With interlocking the map will be neat and smooth! Good job and can't wait to see more from you! You might want to fix your tiny pictures though...
Why do people keep saying to interlock? it is interlocked. the entire floor is interlocked. The crates are interlocked. ok? I mean you can see that in the screes.