What do you think about the war? What i mean is: Is this really worth is or when obama (if he gets elected) becomes president he should pull out the troops. if we do it just shows us our weak spot and they can come and attack us. i dunno, you decide people
personally i think it would be irresponsible to pull out now i and even if the country stabilizes we should not leave entirely because simply so that we have a presence to deter the terrorists or enemies of the state we still have troupes in Germany south Korea and now one is screaming TAKE THEM OUT NOW. and that's because those countries are stable and safe even though they were not when we entered.
Studying History as much as i have and reading it at University the whole War on Terror really does feel like a Vietnam v2.0. Except in the case of Afghanistan at least all forces involved are making a much better effort of trying to win the hearts and minds of the locals. The religious extremists are unpopular with many of the locals so by trying to remove them we are doing a good thing. I do however feel that in some ways the war on terror mainly suffered from a lack of a good exit strategy and knowing what needs to be done to reach the point where we can say we have won. It was hastily put together and it is only in the last few years that the long term implication of the Western worlds response in 2001/2002 was considered. If we had not gone to war would this have prevented more terrorist attacks? I think that it would not. The London bombing 07/07 was most likely because of our involvement in the war on terror but the same cannot be said for the Madrid bombings. What thelastsparten said about troops in Germany and South Korea, i don't mean to pick it apart but largely those troops served to protect the land. To deter invasion by the then Soviet Union from East Germany into Western Germany and deter the North Koreans from invading the South for a second time. Where as the forces delopyed in the Middle East at the moment are there to hunt an enemy, we went into Iraq to topple Sadam Hussain. Where we can draw similarities is in the fact that the troops stayed for a reasonable period of time and the countries they occupied where built up and supported in growing their economies. This definately needs to happen in Afghanistan and Iraq. This whole issue of whether we should be at war is riddled with History that both justify and undermine it. Could it not be argued that the War on Terror is in a limited sense another Crusade. Christianity is the basis for a lot of western society and plays an important role in American politics. Both Islam and Christianity have got much blood on their hands over the ages. If we were to pull out what is to say that western society would not be attacked again? Would we really be able to stop the war on terror and hope peace would last? Just a few things to consider that do not always get considered or in some cases are not even realised. I know i have not really given much of a Yes or No answer but i honestly think the whole issue is far too complicated to do so. I SeNTiNeL I
ok here i go the war is a neccesity untill we get terrorism to minimul amounts because if we dont we will get bombed more because they wont be held up over there and innocent ppl here will be hurt instead of soldiers who tho sad when they die know full well that its there job to protect this country even if they die for it. also if we were to pull out it would be viewed like a victory for terrorists if they win they wont stop and they will get stronger. and if you ask veterans of vietnam most will say it wasnt a defeat but it just ended because we won every battle and just left so if you ask me this country has never lost a war. so why should we start?