Debate The War in Iraq

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shanon, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Ferret, I know your young so I won't get mad and yell. Learn something in your history class, please.

    Western Involvement in the Middle East.

    1954 - The American Government overthrows Iran's parliamentary democracy in favor of a dictator that supported the U.S.A at the expense of his citizens.

    Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh was elected prime minister in 1951. His main political stand point was nationalizing Iran's oil reserves. The company Anglo-Iranian Oil, currently known as BP, had made at deal at the start of the 20th century with the corrupt Iranian monarchy. Anglo oil could take all the oil and give Iran almost nothing for it. In the 1920's-40's, Britain had the highest standard of living in the world. Iran had the lowest standard of living.

    What Dr. Mossadegh planned to do was bring the wealth back to Iran, increase the standard of living and become more like America. In the 1940's FDR was a big deal in Iran, his eloquence and general message about the struggling American economy hit home with Iranians.

    In the 1950's when the nationalization of oil was in full swing. Britain, as expected, didn't want to share the wealth, and neither did America. BP was cheap. In 1953 Dr. Mossadegh was arrested under Operation Ajax.

    Iran had a regime known as the Shah before the democracy. They had a ruthless grip on the people and no regards for their best interest. When we removed Mossadegh, we replaced it with the Shah.

    In 1979 the Shah was overthrown, again. It was replaced with an Islamic Republic, which is what the U.S. is currently wanting to overthrow.

    This is only one example...

    Just an FYI.

    "Is it not funny that those with 160,000 forces in Iraq accuse us of interference?" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Current Iranian President.
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i know this sounds stupid but i don't know how to post new threads. i think i have to be given permission or somthing but whatever. i thought this was the best place i could find to put this

    i am looking for testers and people to help me finish my new map (name pending) i don't have a name for it yet. any way, if your interested then send me a message or FR. my gamertag is stin10, also if you could put a response on the forgehub thread that would be appreciated. thanks
  3. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    Find the section in the website, click "New Thread" above all the threads... pretty simple.
  4. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    Firstly, before fighting in a war, you should decide why you are fighting and what you are fighting for. Until America figures that out, they should keep to themselves.
  5. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    I think that EVERYONE that is interested in this topic... should listen to this song... even if you don't like this type of music, LISTEN TO THE LYRICS.

    This is a poster put around America by Anti-bush protesters.

    Please do not get offended by these pictures.
    #45 macka654, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  6. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    I bet Hitler wrote his own speaches.
  7. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I just saw the topic and want to say my opinion as well as something that all should read.
    My opinion: Ok sure, we might not have had enough reasons for going into Iraq (horrible dictator+weapons that we knew were there cause we sold them) but were there so why not finish the job(But wait! people who are willing to give up their lives and volunteered for this job could die just like they knew might happen!).
    If we pull out immediately, then more innocent people will die from complete lack of control then are now from car bombings. If we pull out after finishing (setting up the iraqi government) then less will die.
    Heres an analogy of what we are doing: Iraq is a building that was made of the wrong kind of material, so we set up a steel frame around it, broke it up and are rebuilding with better materials. If we take out the frame now, the building will never finish and most likely collapse.

    Now for the part that everyone should read:
    an ok combo: Fox, nbc, cnn, ny Times, and 1 paper to the conservative side (not a bullshit one).
    Alone, these are nothing, together, you might know something.
    Additionally, talk about it with others, either online or in actuality.
    If you are in high school or college, find a government teacher/professor and talk with them.
    #47 stouf761, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    The war is the biggest bull **** ever. There was only ONE reason why we entered it and that was decided by the goverment - OIL, BLOOD FOR OIL?
  9. Raymond888

    Raymond888 Ancient
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    People always say it was for the oil. one it wasn't, but I am sure it played some part. Also whats wrong with going over there to defend the world oil supply. Defending that oil is our way of living
  10. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Provide some facts from sources, proving to me how it "wasn't for the oil"

    oh and

    What's wrong with it? Well, let's see here...thousands of our troops dying for money...What do you know, the greed could be wrong, that's a matter of opinion I suppose...Umm, the fact that we are actually there for the wrong reasons (such as 9/11 leading to Iraq) is another reason why this could be wrong...I don't know, but why don't you try to look up some sources...I'm sure you'll be stunned at the evidence provided to you..
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I've seen this sentiment expressed a few times and frankly it's quite disgusting. Yes to what Tex said.
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Thank you Nitrous...thank you.

    What surprises me is that it was proven that the current administration lied to the American people in order to go to war, but NOTHING WAS DONE! No actions were taken against them at all.... Its a disgusting misuse of power.

    More sources
  13. Raymond888

    Raymond888 Ancient
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    How in any way is that wrong. It's 100% right. More people will die if we don't go to war because of higher cost of living, less aid to African country's. Inflation will boom which isn't good. Medicare will crash. Our people will die
  14. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Glad you asked.

    There have been somewhere from 85,700 – 93,500 documented Iraqi civilian deaths since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This figure does not account for insurgents killed (source).

    A really basic thing to not forget.... you say "defending the world oil supply", which is misleading. The way it works is if it's in their country and we go in for it, it's called stealing. To call it defending is using spin.

    It is wrong to murder 90,000 innocent people and steal their natural resources.

    edit: Where does that line about African aid come from? What's that (and all that other stuff you said) all about? Cite your sources.
    #54 Indie Anthias, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  15. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    You guys want a reason? Here:
    September 11, 2001 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    6,000 dead from one attack. How many troops have we lost?

    Casualties in Iraq - 2008

    In 5 years we have lost less troops than in one week of letting these terrorists get away with this. Many of our troops choose to go back. I know someone that goes and helps rebuilds towns in the middle east and he is proud... So I don't get what is to argue.
  16. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    coyote, I'll reference you to the figure I just cited. 90,000 dead Iraqi non-combatants. Why do you think the American military casualty figures are the only ones that matter?
  17. Raymond888

    Raymond888 Ancient
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    many more people would die of death in our own countries if the world economy crashed
  18. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Sorry to not have anything to add to this argument, I may have posted something awhile back. Not sure. But does anyone else think this is funny?


    I think we should not be fighting this war.

    1: Isn't the United States already in debt?
    2: It's not us, they need to try and fix their problems on their own, if we do it for them, is that helping too much?

    Originally Posted by Phil
    I don't like war, but when its necessary it should be taken care of. And the men and women over there chose to be over there to fight for their country. Its their right to do what needs to be done.


    If you mean the U.S military choosing to be over there. . . thats not completely true. They chose to be in the Military. They don't get to pick where they go. And it's mostly to help those countries over there, not to defend the U.S or any other country over here.
    Willmatic likes this.
  19. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    Im sure the men and women are aware of that if they need to go ANYWHERE, there going to go ANYWHERE. Not be a Pansie and run up to Canada.

    Anyways we went to war because in 1991, a little something called the The Gulf War came up. Its when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We told them to move there men out of Kuwait...They refused. So we pushed them back in Iraq and gave them the The "Cease Fire Agreement"(To sum it up means Can not invade, attack or destroy any countrys stuff" But, in 2001 the 9-11 attack came. We tracked that to al-qaeda, which was in Iraq. ALSO Saddam Hussein was threating everyone around him they he had nuclear capabilities. So, that was 2 VIOLATIONS of the cease fire agreement so we went in.

    And whats with the "We are SOOOO getting are arses kicked!" and "WE WENT IN FOR OIL GAGAHGHA" and this BC?:

    1."We are totally getting are ARSES kicked!", Answer: No, we are not. times were tough in the begining, but after we through Saddam in Hiding, Al-qaeda was severly lowered. We started a goverment, trained Iraq forces to deal with there own crap and nearly everyone Iraq is HAPPY! No more dead relatives, no more sevre beatings, and no more dictatorship! People actually has a voice now thanks to us. And I have talked to many Soldiers and like Pred just said, which is awesome, since I can quote from Pred:
    My OTHER Soldier friend said that no horrific battles were happening in Iraq and all the BAD news was being reported in the media. Since u' know. Nearly all the news is libreal and there no real decent news anymore. Probably the best show to watch on whats going on is documentries on the Military Channel (287 for Direct TV users) There totally Un-bais on what they say.

    2."WE WENT IN FOR OIL GAGAHGHA", Answer: What? Wouldnt our gas prices LOWER? and they were LOWER before the war?(Begin Sarcasim) Whoa we sure did go to war for oil. We totally ignored Iraq and just went straight to there oil fields and decided to invade Sudi Aurabia for oil! We are in the clear now! 99 cents a gallon W00T (end sarcasim)

    3.[​IMG], Asnswer: So we are putting the Iraq people into a holocaust? By making a democracy and actually helping people with there lives? Hitler and Bush are way different. For one thing Hitler invaded countries, killed millions and tried to conquer the world. Bush stay on his own lands, never killed a soul due to impurites and we did not invade we attacked to the cease fire agreement!

    K Im done Ill wait, this a debate I can seriously get into!
  20. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    i just go to the news on my homepage. OH LOOK!

    Another australian killed by a bomb. Well thank you George W bush.

    When the **** is this going to end.

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