Debate The War in Iraq

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shanon, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    This is a huge one especially for most Americans and other countries involved in it. I want to hear your views an/or opinoins oit. Should we fight this war? What should we do with the now country in turmoil Iraq?

    Not only is it Iraq but they surrounding countries like Afganistan, Pakistan, etc. And with the coming election, Obama and the other Democrats actually promised a total withdraw from the war. Agree/disagree?

    And go.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I agree with the democrats.The war is just something that will never be ended.Theirs civil wars between religous groups that we get interferfered with.Losing money is ruining our economy.Losing innocent soldiers in someone elses war not ours.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I totally agree, but many of the Republicans are saying,"We started it, so lets end it." But if you really look at whats happening, we really are losing it.
  4. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I just think that if we move out, iran moves in. Really, we're stuck in between a rock and a hard place.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Its basically like vietnam war all over again now that I realize.
  6. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    ILLEGAL! Pull out asap. Just military capitalism.

    We stood up to the soviets for 40 years who had 50,000 nukes. We're afraid of Korea firing a nuke into the ocean?...Don't think so. The rich get richer.
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    And it is somewhat like Nam, the Senate basically asked el presidente if they want to first proceed with actually having the war. Same with what went on with Bush. Basically, if we wouldve learned from Vietnam, we wouldnt be in this mess.
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    The war in Iraq was boring. All 14 months of it. Except when this one guy busted my lip with a shovel.
  9. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I believe we should have never gone to war, but as others have stated we are in a predicament now that if we do pull out we will endanger many more lives, as much as I do not like people getting rich off the war, it needs to be finished.

    That is if there really is a war... (Just Playin)
  10. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    in my view, president bush is finishing what is father started, or should i say, trying to finish.

    we got hussien, now what, we are going to go in there and try to fix problems that have been going on for more time than president bush has been alive.

    its like after we "somewhat" captured hitler, we didnt stay over there losing innocent soilders, trying to fix the problems in germany, germany was in debt for years and years after ww2.

    withdraw will do nothing but maybe, just maybe hurt the american pride.

    but hell, other countries make fun of us anyway, whats to lose. but all to gain. bush has screwed up our economy more than we can afford to at this point.

    hmmm so many things wrong with this country nowadays. hopefully with obama or mccain, good times are up on the horizon
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    But say Bill clinton was the president at the time of Semptember 11 2001.Then what would of he done.

    Its not bushes fault for having 911 happen ,he didn't want to risk another bombing upon the U.S. so he went to "war".
  12. PureCallum

    PureCallum Ancient
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    I'm not totally sure about the details of the war. The US started the war on the pretence that Iraq had WMDs, No weapons were found meaning the US didn't have an adequate reason to invade.

    the new government here in Australia has announced that they will be pulling Aussie forces out of Iraq. I personally think we shouldn't have supported America and invaded Iraq.
  13. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I have never heard of a good war... AND I never expect to hear of one...

    Now Looking in current events bottom line ... we are in conflict... I put it that way because By no means are we at war... but we are Fighting.. Its war but not written... Don't you just love your congressmen? I hope this doesn't get me fired up to much, but Obama promise to pull out wouldn't solve any thing.. I mean... Situation is We are doing something put our money, time, and lives out on the line for the service of others... SO many times your seeing conflict in the middle east but where is the to social understanding of it all? I mean.. look at Europe for how ever many years Fought over soil for so long... till Kings were set up to protect boundary lines.. ALL right .. Kinda broken up my message here...

    So I see people commenting Let them fight there own war... Isn't the point of our conflict to help them be able to? I meaning All I see from the press is deaths... but when I talk to my Friends overseas... they are fully for finish the job... I mean.. I know there is the personal felling of I want to be home.. but ask them... I know personally as some one thinking about joining the service that I don't want to die the day we pull out.. and not finish the job... NOT staying to the course..But...More like finish the fight at least... Vietnam was lost only in one section... Home support... If you look at it by what THe North Vietnamese Commander said after US pulled out... He ever commented... I had lost...and For some reason they pulled out...! So its kinda a personal discomfort for me myself to want to pull out... The people in Vietnam did there job... and I know so much after the war troubled them but I think one of the most dis hearting moments... was the country didn't receive them... as Welcome Home My Children... So no matter what... I say... Finish the fight and Support the troops in there ideal choice of what should be done...
    xbrokenxangelx likes this.
  14. zaloog

    zaloog Ancient
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    war is needed in some cases and this is one of them. That is if you call it a war, which is really isn't. this is a religious war mostly. For all you people who think you can negotiate with the extremists. they are not sane. they believe if you kill the people against your religion you get 72 virgins in heaven. I don't know about you , but i i as told fro bith that i would recieve 72 virgins if i eliminate the "the enemy" i would sure as hell believe it. so the extremists believe that they are doing good. So why would they negotiate when they believe they are doing good. The only way you could negotiate would be for all of us to become the same religion as them. In america a free country that is not happenng. So we have to protect our country somehow. One more thing the soldirs over there may be innoent , but thet did sign up for the army knowing perfectly well what might happen
  15. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    I dont like war, but when its necessary it should be taken care of. And the men and women over there chose to be over there to fight for their country. Its their right to do what needs to be done.
  16. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I think we should not be fighting this war.

    1: Isn't the United States already in debt?
    2: It's not us, they need to try and fix their problems on their own, if we do it for them, is that helping too much?

    If you mean the U.S military choosing to be over there. . . thats not completely true. They chose to be in the Military. They don't get to pick where they go. And it's mostly to help those countries over there, not to defend the U.S or any other country over here.
    #16 Kronos, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  17. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    Well, i am from Australia, our last prime minister was Bushes bed buddy. He sucked up to him really bad. Which is why our troops are in Iraq too. I think THIS IS NOT OUR WAR. NOR AMERICAS'. Bush is over there to protect the oil. "Peace keeping" is a load of BS. Our new prime minister is pulling our last lot of troops out now. Thank god, I hope Obama does the same too if he wins president.

    I know i will get flamed for my opinion. I do not mean to be offensive/racist in anyway.
    #17 macka654, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  18. Screwz69

    Screwz69 Ancient
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    Well to be honest... I think every bit of what macka said is true.. Like We wouldn't be in this whole mess if it wasnt for bush and howard "Protecting" Oil.. And What he said about bed buddy PORBABLY LOL.. Who knows thats his problem..

    To be honest my opinion is that he got us into it He has to get us out of it.. But we know thats never gunna happen Therefore our troops wont be coming out of there anytime soon, Many of our Troops serving are dying for a cause that some Retard had a fght all over some oil..

    Young men with young wives and a family and everything have a life to live outside of war, But they are dying in action.. leaveing all that behind them, there life there familys they love and care for because we got forced into this tradgic war all over Bloody oil..

    I thinks it F**ked, Somone has to do something about it soon, Or we will loose more and more troops by the minute.. Dying for a country, A bloody good on at that, That dosent deseve another war.. Our goverment HAS to do something about it..
  19. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't know why you think you'll get flamed. That's a good statement, and you put it well. I honestly don't know whats going to happen to America, but I hope we're as lucky as you
  20. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    Vote For Obama!

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