The Wall

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by McKant, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. McKant

    McKant Forerunner

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    Eventually, I did it! It took me a lot of time, but this map is finally ready.
    The Wall is a map designed for asymmetrical gametypes, so you're gonna have a lot of fun playing Assault, CTF, Territories or Stockpile on it. Moreover, the map works very well with Team Slayer and Multi Team Slayer. If you had the chance, don't forget to play Invasion! I set a specific Invasion gametype for this map (here's the link : Halo Reach : File Details), but you can as well play with the standard one.
    Last but not least, the map is ready for every other gametype, from Infection to Race, so feel free to play whatever you want.

    As you may notice from the screenshots, the map consists in a huge wall which dominates a canyon. The wall offers great protection against foes and gives a tactical advantage over the enemies in the canyon.


    Anyway, the wall is not an impregnable position. The opponents have a wide choice of vehicles, and there are four ways to get to the wall:

    1. From the main ramps

    2. From the structure on the right of the wall (you'll se the ramps and this structure in the picture below)


    3. From the structure on the left of the wall


    4. From air


    The weapon choice is wide, and you'll find everything you need in the battlefield. There are two sniper rifles, some DMR's and Needle Rifles, two rocket launchers (with low ammo), two concussion rifles, two granade launchers (again, with low ammo), one Needler, two Plasma Pistols, one Fuel Rod Gun, some ARs, one Focus Rifle, one shotgun, two Machine guns. Don't worry for the balance, these weapons do not alter too much the gameplay, I tested it. I did not put any spartan laser on the map, but you'll only find it in invasion (it spawns during the last phase).


    There's a wide choice of vehicles too. You will find a Scorpion (which, due to the structure of the map, is really easy to take down), a Falcon (maybe the greatest threat), a Rocket Warthog (if you are dealing with the Falcon, this is your choice), a Ghost, a Revenant and Four Moongooses.


    I'm sure you will enjoy this map, and please let me know what do you think of it! ;)
    #1 McKant, Dec 22, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  2. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I like these off the wall types of maps! :p

    This is something like I would forge myself, I think at least without having looked at it yet. I'm going to download it and check this out. It looks promising.

    I'm concerned about the right structure from the way it looks in the pictures however. It looks am funny, or out of place kind of. The wall looks very good, but that right structure just looks bad in the pictures. I'm trying to think of the word. It looks fake or sloppy, kind of like having a small, thin pathway sticking out of a cliff with an entire building at the end of it, hundreds of feet up in the air. That would look funny if it doesn't have something under it "supporting" it, because it would look fake. I'm thinking thats what I'm trying to get at about the right structure. It seems from looking at the pictures that the structure's design just looks fake, unlike the wall which looks realistic.

    But I won't know for sure until I download this and check it out. Overall, it looks promising. I like the simple yet creative idea of centering a map around a huge wall. Probably because I had the same idea at some point in time lol.

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