Half-Life 3 Portal 3 Team Fortress 3 Left-4-Dead 3 All possibilities. Maybe Valve will be making all of those games.
Crap piles????!!!! What the **** are you talking about?? These 'crap piles' just happen to be part of the most innovative, revolutionary game series out there. Anyway, if Valve release any of the '3' games, it will be amazing. Im excited more for Half-Life 3 than the others though..
Spoiler: There is no Half Life [Episode] 3. They're releasing VALVe Engine 3.0! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN Most excited for HL3. Portal ended perfectly; TF2 doesn't need a new version of it, unless it is simply TF2 on a new engine. L4D2 could, but I would rather see HL3. Or maybe they're already announcing DOTA 3
My guess is HL2 Ep 3, but I heard rumors that Valve instead wants to make Ep 3 into HL3, meaning a full game instead of an episode. I just hope that if they do go with Ep 3, I want it to be bundled like the Orange Box. I can't justify buying a 2-3 hour game for $60, no matter how good. u mad Before Dota 2 even comes out?
Never played Team Fortress, so I don't care if that's made. Have had a few goes at L4D 1 and 2, they were ok but I'm not going to go and rush out to buy the next installment. Portal 3? Nah, don't think it'll happen seeming as the game was released barely nine months ago. Half-Life 3 would probably be the most likely to be announced considering it's been the longest absent, but either of the first two games I mentioned could be likely announced as well. I think I could survive if HL3 wasn't announced however. When's E3 this year anyway? CBF Googling it.
Half Life is overrated. I'd he happier to see Left 4 Dead 3 or Portal 3 over another Half Life game/episode.
Right now, I really don't care since the ESA supports SOPA and also puts on E3. But probably end of June.
This. The story is captivating, but gameplay of Half-Life is mediocre at best. Unless there are major changes to the mechanic of the game I'll probably wait till it's twenty bucks or on a multi-game disk like Orange Box.
...For the people to are saying half-life is overrated, you do realize the second one came out in 2004 (orange box in 07) and the first one in 1998. It's competition at that time was essentially Starcraft, pokemon, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. The second one's competition was basically World of Warcraft. So...if you're saying they were overrated because of what you play now and what you think of games now that isn't really fair. If you have great memories and found the gameplay bad at the time when you played in (years ago) then fair enough though I still doubt it. Sometimes hindsight bias makes you think more or less of things in the past when presented with new information in the present.
Even when I played HL2 in '05 I found large segments of the campaign very dull and uneventful. And wasn't Halo 2 around in '04?
Ah, opinions. That's the great thing. I played both Half Life games roughly the time they both came out. I was a kid the first time I played the first one, so I didn't take to it all that well. I played it again when I was 10, I liked it. But in no way did I think "THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING REVOLUTION TO VIDYA EVAR" like some people point it out to be. I've owned it since, and play it every now and again, but my opinion hasn't changed. It had a good story, but the shooting was mediocre, same with the puzzles. Of course, I can understand why people like it. I can understand why it has such a following. I played the second one in 06, and had the same opinion on it. I liked it, but I didn't love it. I played it before I played Halo 3. Again, I enjoyed it, and the episodes, but I just don't share the same view that it's such a breath-taking game. They were good. As good as any game. But in my opinion, they were overrated. I played before, and have played after, better games. My biggest gripe with the games is what Org said. There were parts of the campaigns, sometimes large parts, that were boring. And there were shooters around at the time that had better Gameplay. And that's my, and lots of peoples, opinion. So much of the hype and jump for Half Life 3 is there simply because it was announced. There were hints, oh so many hints, but nothing was ever said about it. And it built hype. And because the game/episode never came out, the hype kept building. If the game does come out, then good luck to valve. There aren't many games that can live up to that level of hype.
I can certainly agree that the gameplay of Half-Life was never that great. I've tried to replay the games multiple times, but I cannot play through either of the games again without getting bored halfway through. The fact that it's extremely scripted doesn't help either. That said, the first playthrough -of especially HL2- was magnificent. I think the best aspect of the HL games is that they manage to really put you in a believe universe. It's really immersive (hate the term, but I'm using it for lack of more accurate word) and it only becomes better when you combine it with the story. Everything that happens feels very believable and just sucks you into the game.