What is the name of the text that everyone uses for User Bars? Am I able to download it for GIMP/Paint? ~Metroshell
Thank you so much. You are god... EDIT: How do you set it to no anti aliasing in Paint? If that's not possible. How do I get the font to work in GIMP?
Paint doesn't even know what Anti-Aliasing is... Lmao xD BTW, the font is actually Visitor BRK Visitor Font | dafont.com
Metro, my point was that you don't need to change any anti aliasing settings in Paint, it already has anti aliasing turned off... Because it doesn't anti alias to start with... Lmfao Visitor Font | dafont.com
Theres also websites you can use to make userbars at... You can also animated the using these websites... thats how i made mine lol
I agree they are quite the happy camper. And heres some moar UB fonts because you dont have enough: Bitmap, pixel, screen fonts, small fonts, userbar | dafont.com.