Imagine having a button that when pressed, it makes whatever just happened in forge, reverse. Say you were picking up a weapon and then when you try to pick up the weapon instead it unmerges your geomerged box. Then you have to go to the effort of geomerging it again except with other architeture in the way. This is called the undo button. It would take up time consuming task like correcting mistakes. Now give feedback. Say if you support. Give critizism why it won't work. But no "Bungie won't do it, stupid post". Give logical reasons. Supporters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Reasons it won't work 1. 2. 3. Thanks, Aaronator
Reason it won't work Bungie would have to give a complete overhaul to the Forge engine just to add one thing. I believe this would require Bungie to have everyone send in their Halo 3 discs and have them update it that way. The chances of that happening and working perfectly are slim to none. Next time, before you post, use the Search Function of the forums. There have been many threads on the same topic of this.
Not if they release an expansion with ODST. And like the previous guy said it could rewind the time. I searched already. There is only one that is SIMILAR, it doesnt discuss the same idea about it. Maybe you need to search next time before saying I need to search.
I have personally seen at least 10 threads asking for some sort of Forge update and almost all of them described some sort of undo function. In every single on of those threads, it was deemed not possible to make some sort of update to Forge. And if there is a thread similar to one you're about to make. Post there. If it would be a necro-post, ask a mod to let you bump the topic back up for further discussion.
Many people have sugggested this but it isn't as simple as people think it is. As Ace already stated, it would require a forge overhaul. Even if an update was given with Halo 3: ODST, it would cause controversy and problems. Firstly, people would complain about having to pay for the forge update (which the majority of the community believe should have been included in the forge engine originally), believing they were being ripped off again. Secondly, in order to the undo button to work in forge, time would need to be reversed. Either that or Bungie would have to stop forge from occurring in real-time. Either way, it could possibly open new windows of opportunities for glitches, which Bungie would possibly have to patch if they were game-breaking or occurred unprovoked. Also, you have to remember that Bungie is a business. They would make no profit from updating forge for this button. It only annoys the confident but careless forgers (no offense, it annoys me too) and the odd few long-time forgers. Forge was designed to be easy to use, and people who are new to forge would never be bothered by this flaw, until of course they get into forge and try to delete an object without pressing X twice first on the object to make sure it's the right object. Bungie also haven't patched any of the glitches that are open to us because in a way they allow forgers to do things that Bungie didn't intend them to do with forge, but I believe that they intended to put more effort into forge and feel guilty for not implementing such things (e.g interlox, merging etc.), so instead of making a patch that stops players from doing these things, they take the lazy, but still viable option of allowing players to exploit the glitches at their own risk. It's much cheaper than taking the time to patch the forge to allow it to do the same thing, possibly adding in the undo button on the way. Again, the patch would allow even more glitches. I'm beginning to ramble now, so before you think that I hate your idea I'll leave on the note that you can always hope for Halo: Reach...
OMG I HAVE AN UNDO BUTTON!!!!! EVERYONE MUST READ! End game>Start game OMG, It's back to the way it was!!!!!!!!!
I imagine it might be something that thy might work on for Halo: Reach because of popular demand. There's no reason to make it to easy on us though since we all get about fine without it.
Well if they gave us an undo button that (lets say) jumps you back 3 seconds, people will then complain saying it should be longer/shorter
Well i think he is suggesting a button that undoes the last item you place or removed as opposed to a time undo. I think ace covered why it wouldn't work though.
Think about it forge can support up to 8 people this is way to chaotic to support an undo button and think about all the glitches that their could be what does bungie benefit from maybe they will find a way to make a more advanced forge system in future games In reality i think the biggest downside to forge is the lack of objects available if there were more there would be more creative maps and it would also be nice to be able to select different skins that affect the objects
All you have to do is save constantly. Before any major move or something that could cause you to mess up, like trying to delete a spawn or grenade, just save. If you mess up, quit and start a new game. An undo button would be cool, but is totally impractical.
This is totally a great idea! to bad it couldn't be done it real life =(. you have a pretty great mind
Won't work. Why? Although I support it did you know Bungie has made it so that if you set it to leader only in monitor mode others can't go to forge mode, even through the menu? Bungie changed that, and it wasn't really to hard to do. Making an undo button, for one use at least, isn't that hard to make. I'm quite sure it's simple code. Only problem is Halo wasn't originally designed that in mind, and there are a few immovable barriers that stop it from being changed. So in my opinion? Great idea, impossible to do. Bungie would have done it already if it was that easy. BTW, just to say how this could work, we don't a have a use for the b button in forge really.
A complete forge overhaul sounds like a lot of work. But in fact every existing map created would be corrupt in the new forge. You couldn't edit old maps in forge. I don't think you would even be able to play old maps.
Exactly, that is why posting threads about undo buttons annoy me when people can simply start saving their map, ending it, and starting it again. Look how lazy, us forgers have turned out. Forgers will always have something to complain about. I always the undo button would undo the last action not bring you back time, but that works just as well or even better.
Ur an idiot. How many people save every minute. How many people save every ten minutes. Even if it was convenient it people would forget. Get ur head out of ur ass kid. An undo button would be cool, but I have a feeling it would cause loads of errors. Just a guess. But I'd be for it all the way.
Anyone ever heard of a thing called a "patch" or game update? I wish there was an undo button, i catually thought of it a few days ago when i ****ed up a map i was doing. It makes me so pissed when i do that.