The two map competition

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by redearth, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    The Two Map Competition

    I have had an idea for a map competition in forgehub. I know I have a low rank, but I am making a serious post with rules and everything so it's ok right? My idea came from reading a comment on a map once. Now for you all saying "What is the competition about, and why is it called the two map competition," the post was about how the person never saw a map really using asymetrical and symetrical functions. I thought about it and said, I haven't seen one either. So my contest is two create two forge maps in forge on the same bungie map, where it has to have two main spawn area's, one for each team, and only one of the two sides can be used at once. Here are the rules to make it more clear. ​

    1. The map must use the asymetrical or symetrical spawn choice.
    2. There can be one central area in the map, but it must be different in symmetrical gameplay than asymetrical.
    3. Only one of the two section can be in play at a time.
    4. The only areas allowed to use the both option are boundries, and the initial spawn area for team games.
    5. It must be able to be used for a ffa slayer game in it's asymmetrical area.
    6. You may use any glitches or items.
    7. You must make a forgehub post, and it must meet forgehub standards to qualify.
    8. Aside from ffa games, all spawns must be in either of the two bases.
    9. The map can not require honor rules and can at most appear breakable. If actually breakable you will be notified, to have a chance to fix it.
    10. If using two seperate area's for the map, (like two different roads to the other base, one symmetrical, one asymmetrical) you must block off the road opposite to the type of game, asymmetrical games must have the symmetrical side blocked, vice versa.
    11. You must be able to use all gametypes, except infection.
    That is the end of the rules.

    You will be judged in the following areas:

    Playability: 20/100 points obtainable, the judges need not to play the map, but this counts for how geometry was used in the map to enhance playing feeling.

    Spawn placement: 20/100 points obtainable, judges base spawn placement, and dificulty of spawn camping.

    Weapon placement: 20/100 points obtainable, judges base how weapons are placed in map.

    Actuall gameplay: 40/100 points obtainable, judges gather friends and actually play the map.

    Bonus points that cannot excede 100 point maximum, but can replace missing points:

    Aesthetics: Not required, as with rules the map is already hard enought to make. Give up to 5 points available.

    Rating: rating or forgehub rating (whichever is lower) is added as bonus points.

    Infection: If a map can be played in infection, non-crudely, bonus 5 points.

    Not following rules: For every rule that is broken, -10 points.

    I cannot judge, as I do not have enough time to judge. But I will get some done on my own if possible. If you are a judge know you must have friends to play with. When a map has been judge, pm me the name, and your score. In the end I will average the judges scores using the mean. As official judges you will have to judge all maps. Judges can work together if they wish to. Judges give up the right of judging their own work. I will have a maximum of five judges, so if you wish to judge, do so now. Scores will not be presented to public or other judges until the end of the competition. Only I and the first judge to sign up will know the score, as to prevent people believing I have changed the score.

    Current Judges

    1. vinco onmi
    2. Anonymousrex
    3. skittlemeister0

    Note to vinco onmia and Anonymousrex:
    Thanks for being my first two judges guys, vinco, just to tell you that when judges finish a map I will ask them to send the score to you as well, so you can average it. I wanna see how long it is until someone post an actual map.
    Due Date:
    Due to the time required to make such a map, the due date to submit a map will be between August 1-10th depending on whether I have a chance or not. When submissions may no longer be posted I will state it at the top. All judging will be finished 5 days after I close submissions, or sooner.

    Good Luck!
    #1 redearth, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
    Mr. Skittles likes this.
  2. AnonymousRex

    AnonymousRex Ancient

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    Huh. This sounds like a good idea. I wont post anything, but still, good luck in seeing who may post. This may even get featured :surprise:
  3. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    I can judge, i have friends who play often. They too have their own friends who play our custom games. We play a lot of custom games. Sign me up as a judge. If a conflict arises, i will pm you so you can find another judge in time.
    redearth likes this.
  4. AnonymousRex

    AnonymousRex Ancient

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    Oh, you can ask to be a judge? If so, sign me up! I have nothing to do.
    redearth likes this.
  5. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Hmm. This seems like a good idea. I fully support it, and accept to be a judge of any maps if that could be arranged.
    redearth likes this.
  6. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh i got a map im almost done with that fits most of those

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