That was great. I was worried of what your 5th one would be, since I would stretch out for the next 7 days of Christmas(sorry, ODST), but 5 ODSTs passed my standard. Also, 6-hour blackouts was clever.
*Rated 5 stars* *Favorited* You're awesome. Good job on the lyrics, and of course, the song. Make The Twelve Days of Modern Warfare 2?
Well done my friend, not only creative and good lyrics but the singing was very good. Fair dos. Some images a long with the lyrics would be nice but hey, when i make a song half as good then I can give advice. "6 hours blackout" is my favourite out of the twelve, but you could of had them all more personal to ODST. For example halo 3 has 4 player co-op, but who am I to judge? Is it wierd how I'm now in a christmas/ODST mood? Dude you should go into advertising. once again, Well done. I was very impressed and enjoyed every second of it.