The Turbines

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Plasma Blades, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    (A Clan TAG Production)
    Created by: Plasma Blades

    "Welcome to New Mombasa's Water Processing Plant! Here at NMWPP we have the best technology, the friendliest atmosphere, and the kindest employees!"

    IMPORTANT: So, this map was designed to change the way infection is played. Infection with a purpose. If you didn't read the part above this then at least read this. There are three minor honor rules. No, you do not need to follow them, and it won't ruin the game if you don't, but if you wish to play the game as it was intended with fairness in mind then you should follow them.
    1. The humans must jump down from the spawn (The zombies can get up there but it's time-consuming and challenging).
    2. Zombies must go to where the teleporter directs them to. In other words, no walking backwards to try to get elsewhere. Note that there is a teleporter that requires you to jump on two boxes and turn left, not continue going straight.

    3. Once all the turbines are activated the humans must go to the helipad.


    1. Activate all the turbines. You can all travel in a giant group but you might not make it to the helipad in time for evac. Splitting up into groups can work but you need a way to communicate with all the other groups to see if they've activated the turbines
    2. Get to the Helipad. It's a good hold-out point but watch out for the Mauler.
    3. Survive.

    1. You're pretty hungry, aren't you?

    And now for the handful of you that are illiterate and/or really like those picture books...

    The humans spawn just behind that door to the left of the picture, the respawns are under that spawn. This area is home to an AR and a shotgun.

    This is the left path, built by me. There is a zombie spawn behind the wall and on in a box on the roof. Lucky you, the zombies always come from above. This path houses a flame grenade and a flare for the dark tunnel.

    After you leave that dark scary tunnel, you will come upon the turbine. As with all turbines it's marked with a button. Go up to that button and press it. It gives you candy. And when I say candy, I mean a little less chance of death. There is one magnum here.

    Once you go right you will get under the docks. A group of survivors made their last stand here. It seems like part of the path has flooded. Don't fall in. You won't die, but since you can't see, you're a pretty delicious meal for the kind of psychopathic individual who enjoys a filling breakfast of flesh.

    This is the right turbine. Not much to say about this. Though there was a plan B for these survivors. Check the dingy.

    If you go forward, through the ice room then you'll get to this turbine. Just climb your way up the stairs to get there.

    Welcome to the center turbine, and if you did this tactically then it is your last turbine. There's a pistol here. Enjoy it.

    So, why would that tactically be your last turbine? Because it's closest to the helipad. Why is that such a good thing? Well, if you haven't noticed, there is very little ammo on the map, and none of it respawns. The helipad is your pot of gold at the end of the blood-soaked rainbow. There are two SMG's, two AR's, a spike grenade, and a flame grenade that all respawn. There is also a missile pod for that Mauler that I metioned earlier.

    This my un-hygienic, brain-craving friend, is your home. This is the Zombie hub. Now if you go look at the first picture you will notice a box in the upper right. How many of you scrolled up and looked? Good for you. That box is your starting spawn. However, the only exit is a two-way node back to your home. The point of this box is to have an accurate attack. If you see those delicious red dots on your motion tracker go left the you go through the two-way and also go left. If they go right, you go right. If they split up, send each of your arms through two ways, and go through the third. When you respawn, the teleporters work the same way. Left is left, right is right. There are two teleporters on each path. The one on the left brings you closer to the start of the path, the one on the right closer to the end. Behind the spawns and two way node are the teleporters to the helipad. This was a very long caption.


    1. You're orange. It's your work jumpsuit. You should probably kill anything that isn't orange.
    2. Try to trick the zombies. Go right for three seconds at the start and then go left. Who knows, it could work.
    3. Try to make yourself bigger than the zombies. It might scare them away if they get intimidated.
    4. Save the missile pod for the Mauler. It helps.
    5. The flare can be used to either blind the zombies or as a light in the scary tunnel. If you're scared of the dark, I suggest the latter.
    6. You can take multiple hits, but you will die eventually.
    7. The right turbine does not require you to go in the water. If you fall in cause you thought something was going to rip you apart, you must jump to get out.
    8. The pistol can get you out of many sticky situations. A single headshot kills any non-mauler zombie.
    9. If you're the last one you have enhanced motion tracker. Call it our gift to you before you die.
    10. Stick together.

    1. Read the caption under the last picture.
    2. Use the Mauler to your advantage. When you pick up a custom power-up you will be about twice as strong as other zombies and can pick up weapons, particularly the mauler at the base of the custom power-up. Use this to your advantage.
    3. Coordinate your attacks. If you see very few humans going to the forward turbines, send more of you greenies that way.
    4. If you want to rush their spawn go through the first teleporter on your right. You will get there just as they do.
    5. Kill the oompa loompa looking things. Go for the ones that aren't shiny first, they taste the best.
    6. Yes, they have guns. Running at them from afar will not help much.
    7. Hide. Each turbine area has at least one good place to hide.
    8. You take multiple hits. So don't lunge. use those claws to get in as many rapid hits as you can.
    9. If your dinner gets to the turbine before you attack next, strafe, jump, and swerve to waste that pistol ammo.
    10. Don't eat the yellow snow.

    • Each path is 42 seconds long, there and back. The game is three minutes long. Better hurry.
    • There are no zombie spawns at the turbines. This was designed so that the humans would fight there and fight back, leaving the turbine as a rest spot. However, this doesn't mean the zombies cannot camp a turbine before you get there.
    • No, my name is not Thompson Aaron Garcia. If you noticed the box in the first picture before you read the caption on that last picture, then you can probably find out where that name came from.
    • There is a sniper rifle with 4 shots.
    • The map longshore has to do with the map ghost town because both follow the same water campaign.
    • This took me over two hours to type. It will take someone 2 minutes to scroll down, check out the pictures, and look at something else. Don't. I will find you if you do.
    • This map took under a week to build.
    • The map is breakable since we hit the budget.
    • Each turbine is marked by a button that is remarkably good at holding weapons.
    • The mechanism works by flipping a ghost, which pushes down a fusion coil to blow up a grav-lift. The grav lift run-time minimum is set to 1.
    • I may make a territories game that will work will this so that you get a point for reaching the helipad.
    • This map has been tested at last nights Custom Games Night. You are a bad teammate if you throw a flare at your friend. Especially when it blows up and three zombies are running at them.
    • This map supports 6-16 people.
    • This map is really fun, but only if you know what you're doing.
    • It's cruel that your post seems twice as long in this small box.
    • Opening the bridge on this map makes a funny noise. That's all it does.
    • If the scary tunnel doesn't seem scary now, it will when the gloomy effect is on in-game.
    • We were going to color code the boxes but realized that it is barely noticeable with the effect on.
    • Originally the effects were going to be Juicy and gloomy. We only had enough for 1.
    • Please leave a comment with feedback about the map or post.

    Download The Turbines
    Download Re-animation

    #1 Plasma Blades, Jul 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Witty posts with an attitude like this are very enticing, ha ha.

    I should know I guess.

    Let's just say it convinced me to download, so props for that.

    I'll get back with gameplay and all those shenanigans later.
  3. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Does it make me a bad person if I told you that I laughed when I read that? Lol.

    Onto the map, I think this seems pretty original, although I would try your best to get rid of the honor rules, because even though playing without them might not ruin the game, it will most definately make it far more boring.
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, I was bored and had time to kill so I tried to spice it up, I'm glad to see it at least worked for one person!

    The plan was that there wouldn't be honor rules, but like I said we ran out of budget and couldn't quite do everything perfectly. But technically, they're not really honor rules, just things you should do anyway to make the map more fun and fair. All of them are things you would either do normally, or do if you were following the storyline. None are necessary, in fact most will help you out.

    But yeah, I was hesitant about writing it that way but decided to go with it anyway.
  5. tuEgg

    tuEgg Forerunner

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    Wow, what a beautiful post, it was well written, beautifully worded and nicely laid out. I found it easy to read and your mix of wit and information kept be locked onto my screen. Props for the post.

    I will edit this later once i've had a look at the map and I will possible playtest it with some friends, trouble is, not many people are playing halo 3 nowadays, well not many of my friends.

    5/5 Post

    Peace out.
  6. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    Amazing description! I like how you had put an objective to the gametype so that the humans always have something to do. The map looks beautifully forged and the originality is amazing. Nice job. Forging Neatness 4.9/5, Originality 5/5, Gameplay 5/5, Overall 5/5.
    #6 InFamousx, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2010
  7. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I sent this map to the testers guild to get some feedback. Using that and anything anyone else has to say, I'll do some touch-ups to make a V2. I'm probably also going to make a sequel, if anyone thinks I should. But thanks for the feed back, it's important.
  8. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    The Turbines


    First of all, reading the thread for The Turbines was an experience within itself. Blunt humor and a pretty decent back-story added to the appeal of the map, and when it comes down to the nitty-gritty a good thread is what sells a map.

    The map itself pits the player trying to activate 3 ‘turbine’ devices about a water processing plant to get to a heli-pad while fending off infected individuals. There is no particular order to which the turbines must be activated, and in fact they don’t have to be activated at all, but weapons are scarce… very scarce. On top of that the filter intended to add a night effect makes finding anything just that much harder. Speaking of finding things, it tends to be hard for the zombies to find the humans. This is due to the things mentioned above and the wayward spawn system is a little difficult to get used to. In the post you mentioned that whatever direction the teleporters are in the room is the respective area that they will take you to. A good concept but the problem lies in the lack of a sense of direction in a completely blocked off room, and zombies only have the privilege of a radar to rely on.

    On another note, the gametype is entirely too short. By the time a player actually activates all the turbines there may only be 10 seconds left in the game to actually be at the last stand. There is a kind of divide and conquer element present here, but even sending 1 player after each turbine left a maximum (with no distractions) of 1 minute on the clock.

    Being able to see and locate things is a major factor in an enjoyable game. Despite the scary game atmosphere you were going for, the filter has to go. Much of the area of Longshore used is pretty dark anyway. Add waypoints over the humans’ heads. That will cut down on confusion of where to go and would add to the overall amount of action in the game. A lot of infection bases its movement patterns on weapon layout, but this is based on objective. Putting a few more weapons about wouldn’t hurt especially since running out of ammo was rather common. The last thing, extend the gametype to about 4 or 5 minutes. With it being at 3 minutes most of the game was racing against the clock instead of zombies.

    Now there is a lot to improve on, but a considerable amount of this game rests in a positive realm too. The quest to the heli-pad feels a lot like the main objective in the Covenant mission on Halo 3: deactivate 3 shield generators then invade the citadel, and much like the Halo 3 mission, it is encouraged that teams of humans split up to cover ground more efficiently. The concept of divide and conquer in infection strays from the general ‘stick together to survive’ rule of most infection. The objectives are non-linear and can be completed in any order adding a bit of strategy and variation to each play around also adding to the amount of times the Turbines will be played before it gets dull.

    Enjoyment: [​IMG]


    Reanimation (the gametype for the map) does a great job of giving the zombies something of a chance against the humans. One thing that happens a lot in Infection is that the only way for a zombie to ever kill a human they must assassinate them, but in this game zombies can take quite a beating. Humans quickly realize (mostly after dying) that they can’t just let a few zombies get close and then take them down with the shotgun. Humans must focus their strengths on a single target at a time, and if there are multiple zombies it can actually be a struggle to survive. Humans have a disadvantage in the fact that weapons are scarce with low ammo on top of that, and they often resort to using the swords of fallen zombies which ruins the sanctity of most infection. The humans (with the assassination exception) can take about triple the damage of a zombie and their health doesn’t regenerate. That gives the humans a fighting chance against some pretty powerful zombies, but also allows zombies to slowly whittle down the humans one measly soul at a time.

    Balance: [​IMG]


    The vast majority of this map is inescapable. Due to obnoxiously high gravity and overall maneuverability about (half) of the original canvas breaking the map isn’t an enormous issue on the starting side. What does become a problem is that the two places where the map is escapable are on the opposite side of Longshore. The first place is the transit to the last turbine in the building can be escaped by buddy-jumping over the blocks. Also, zombies spawn up there, and sometimes they go back to the part of the map where the fish tacos stand is and have no way back into the playable area without committing suicide. A human getting out that way isn’t a big deal since zombies can easily get out there and destroy him when he runs out of ammo. The second place that can be broken is at the final holdout using either ‘forky’ or the pallet to get over the walls and camp the teleporter where zombies come from. Being able to break a map period can be annoying, but when it has an effect on gameplay it can be a game-buster.

    Durability: [​IMG]


    Working on canvas maps like Longshore it can be hard to judge on aesthetics because many of the structures are simply additions to existing structures. The Turbines has a nice combination of altered existing buildings and brand new structures that give new feel to a familiar map. The areas where forging prowess applies are done well. Any objects that were forged were done so nicely with no gaps and signs of sloppiness. An area that stands out particularly is the partially submerged structure beneath the docks. The final holdout (heli-pad) was a bit disappointing aesthetically. Something to possibly fix the break in that area could have added to the look of it. Overall the forging on the Turbines is well done especially for a canvas map with geometry already present.

    Aesthetics: [​IMG]


    The Turbines (as mentioned earlier) introduces a concept into Infection that is not commonly seen: Divide and Conquer. That throws a fresh face into the dominantly linear infection style. The Turbine design to the map as min/max switches isn’t exactly original, but the style in which they were used was. Not too many maps are seen on Longshore, but originality bonuses/penalties can’t be awarded simply for what canvas was used. If that were the case, all Sandbox maps would get no points for originality. Slight tangent aside, The Turbines made use of Longshore in a unique way and, it was executed well.

    Originality: [​IMG]


    Average Score:[/floatleft]5/10


    Final Score:

  9. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    So i don't see why you have to activate the turbines...What do they do besides waste time?
  10. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    The point to activate the Turbines is to open the doors so you can get to the Helipad. Even though you don't have to turn on the Turbines it just gives humans something to do, it gives a purpose to this Infection game. I like the idea it is original. I wish if you did the Grav-Lift Switch thing the Grav-Lift won't respawn until the switch is activated.
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, but the gametype is 3 minutes long and the helipad has re-spawning ammo. I'm working a V2 with some changes.
  12. Lyles

    Lyles Ancient
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    I loved the jokes and such xD

    Made me laugh xD

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