The Tribunal Prison Facility

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CavScout, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    [FONT=&quot]Welcome To the UNSC's Elite in War Time Prisons
    [FONT=&quot] I bring to you...
    [FONT=&quot]-The Tribunal-[/FONT]​
    [FONT=&quot]Approximately three and a half weeks ago, I set out on my most ambitious and epic forge project ever. To revive a great game type, that just really never has gotten off the ground in the realms of Halo 3. Hopefully "The Tribunal" can shake things up a bit and make a change..[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] The name of the game here is cops n' robbers. Yet this is far from your ordinary version of Halo 3 C&R. Your average C&R game type is of no use here as well. I have twisted and molded Infection into my perfect Halo 3 formula just for C&R. It gives the gameplay a very tactical and strategic feel.[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot] Do you help your fellow inmates escape, or do you use them to aid you only to leave them high and dry to escape this hell hole of a prison?
    [FONT=&quot] ----
    About the map- This is a full scale prison sprawling across the entire foundry arena. The prison is roughly around 70% indoors and 30% out. The map is extremely complex, and I almost feel that I should attach a word document/instruction manual to this. It is created like this to provide the players with an extremely deep, rewarding, and diverse experience. There is just an incredible amount of ways that this map can end up playing out.
    You have two teams. The Inmates, and the Prison Guards. Each team has their own agenda, and their own goals. This creates an incredibly diverse and variable game.

    [FONT=&quot]Your Mission-[FONT=&quot]You are elite officers of the UNSC, and have been assigned duty at the most notorious prison facility on earth, The Tribunal. The facility houses various war time prisoners. Ranging from traitors, to covenant prisoners of war. Regardless, these guys are all ****ing dangerous, and should be treated and moved about with extreme caution.
    Don't worry though, we have decked your security HQ out with some gnarly gear...[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Your Gear- [FONT=&quot]You have been provided quite a few tools for dealing with your prisoners through out this prison. Your first and most important is your ...

    Riot Gear-
    This above all is your most valuable and important piece of equipment available to you. It is heavy as ****, but it looks cool and is essential to dealing with prisoners. It powers your weapons and armor. It also activates your armors built in radar. This is essential to keeping track of your inmates at all times. Believe me, when you are dealing with inmates as dangerous as these you are going to want everything you can get.

    There are 4 charging stations throughout the map. They look like these..[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Simply enter, grab the power up, and you are good to go.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Sadly, there was an incredible flaw with your armor. It has a duration of only 90 seconds. However, all is good. Read on for effective strategies on how use your armor most efficiently..

    The rest of your gear includes...
    Tasers(sentinel beams)-These are one of your key intimidation weapons as a prison guard. They are easy to handle and our a great way to get your inmates the **** in line without hurting them to bad. I recommend carrying one at all times.

    M90 C.A.W.S. Shotgun/Rubber projectile rounds- This is just about your second best all around weapon next to your taser. They said these rubber rounds are non-lethal, but be careful with them because they sure as hell will send one of your inmates to six feet underground quickly. Use these weapons as a show of force, and to get the picture across that you aren't ****ing around. If an inmate tries for a quick break, use this weapon to bring him to the ground quickly.

    Sniper Rifle- First and foremost, the sniper is used to unlock the inmates cells from the security HQ. Simply pop the grav lift on the door which will release the inmate. This weapon is very useful when in the HQ providing watch over the yard. If the inmates somehow manage to make a break out, the sniper could be your last shot at bringing them down.

    Battle Rifle- This is really a specialty weapon. It is a very powerful multi-purpose weapon. You only have access to one of these bad boys, but it's not a bad idea at all to carry one around. I've never seen an inmate get back in line faster than the time I put three bullets into his chest and knocked him in the face with it. It can also be used to open the cells from the HQ.

    M-32 Grenade Launcher/Non-lethal Rubber Rounds(Brute Shot)- This, is probably the ultimate specialty weapon in your arsenal. Use it for whatever, as an intimidation weapon, or to drop the inmate on the run.

    Stun Grenades(Power Drainer)- This little gadget has turned out to be quite useful. If you suspect suspicious activity in the yard, or anywhere in general, toss one of these down to break things up.

    [FONT=&quot]Pocket Locks- [FONT=&quot]When you are escorting an inmate somewhere, such as the cafeteria or something, use these to lock the door behind him. When the inmate is ready to go, simply fire at the bottom of the shield to instantly destroy it. These are great for securing the inmate, so that you can quickly leave and recharge your armor and weapons.[/FONT][/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Duties-[FONT=&quot]It is your job as a guard of this facility to at the least feed and at the least let the inmates shower once a week. No one is making you do this ****, but when the tables are turned and you are the one in jail, you will be ever so greatful when the inmates let you go to the cafeteria to have some oreos, or go to the showers so you can have fun with your fellow inmates.

    There are some areas you should know about as a prison guard. Your first landing in the prison will be at your HQ. It overlooks the cell block and the yard. Use the weapons mentioned above to open the cells.

    Venturing down into the prison. When you exit the HQ, you will go through the narrow corridor, where you will find your shotguns. Take a left and you will be greeted by some stairs, and a recharging station overhead.

    Head down the stairs (watch your head when coming down), you will here come across the Processing Area.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]This is the area where the prisoners will be allowed out of the yard. There are signs marking the doors in and out. Simply shoot the propane tank on the right door to unlock it. It will automatically lock again within ten seconds. You immediately want to take control of the situation here now that you are in direct confrontation with the inmates. I usually tase them and direct them to get into the corner on the right side of the room and face the wall. If they make any sudden movements throw down a stun grenade to get them in line.

    To the left of the photo and to the right of the stairs, you will notice the main hallway. This leads deep into the prison. To get to the cafeteria and showers/bathroom, bust a left about halfway down the hall.

    After taking the left, you will have another fork in the road.

    [FONT=&quot] The cafeteria will be on your left..[/FONT]​
    [FONT=&quot] And the showers/restroom on your right...[/FONT]​

    If you take it even farther down the hall, you will take a right, which leads to the cell observation area and another recharging station, along with another pocket lock for when you are operating in this area of the facility. The prisoners cells are housed directly above this hallway by the way.
    [FONT=&quot]Moving on past the observation area, you will finally reach the great outdoors. Out here, you will come across the prisons furnace, motor pool, and main gates. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Here is a view down from the roof of the motor pool overlooking the main gate.
    Also, let me take note of the furnace. It is a very interesting plot twist to the scenario here. The guards are penalised for using lethal force and killing an inmate. Although sometimes it can be necessary, there is away around this penalty. The guards always have the option available to them, to eliminate the threat of an escapee before it's to late, by simply throwing them in the toaster. The inmate will be killed by the guardians and the guard will not be penalised. I would definitely not let the inmate catch on to what is about to become of him though. Especially when you bring him out of the yard alone he could know something is up, and try to make a last ditch run for it.
    [FONT=&quot]The Furnace (un-formally known as the toaster)

    [FONT=&quot]Rules and Regulations-[FONT=&quot] As an officer, there is no way for you to gain points. The only thing you can do, is prevent the inmates from gaining points. You are penalised and will lose two points if you use lethal force on an inmate and kill him. You can choose to let an inmate remain in his cell for the duration, but have fun with that while the same guy leaves you in your cell the entire next game.

    The key here is to allow the inmates the freedom to access the facilities the prison has to offer them. All you have to do is do your job correctly, and they will get absolutely no where. Be strict, use force, and never let your guard down. For if you do the inmate will put a knife in your back, or slip out of sight and escape the prison.

    I would like to advise any guards thinking it will be funny to run in the cell and kill the inmate early, don't try it. All three people who I have ever seen try this were KIA. The inmates are masters of stealth, and have all the tools they need to lay you face flat on the ground if given the opportunity. The cell block and the yard is their turf, I highly recommend not entering those areas. Also, as a heads up don't run out the main gate, always use a vehicle.

    [FONT=&quot]Your Mission-[FONT=&quot] You are all in prison, and it sucks incredibly bad. Your goal is to get the hell out of here. How you do that, is absolutely up to you. Your ability to persuade, and negotiate with the guards will take you along way. There are numerous items, and hiding places across the map to aid you in your getaway.

    Your ultimate goal, is to escape the prison and make it into the city. Which is represented by the locker room on the far back left of the map. Here you will find drugs, (aka firebomb grenades). Take the bombs and kill yourself with these which will award you ten points and signify that you have escaped.[/FONT]
    -Inmates making a run for it along the rooftops and running into the city-
    [FONT=&quot]The inmates are awarded 5 points for killing a guard, 10 for escaping, and 1 for being the last man standing as a tie breaker.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Your Gear-[FONT=&quot] For one, in the beginning you do not have all that much available to you. In your cell, you have the ability to hide from the guards via an active camo. Second, you have learned to observe the guards movements adeptly. You always know where they are. This is represented by a way point above the guards heads that is available to the inmates at all times. Observing their movements is crucial to your success.

    Once you make it into the yard, you have a few items available to you. They are hidden and difficult to obtain based on their usefulness. In the yard lays hidden some mase(flare), a shank(energy sword), and an extremely useful jammer to stop the guards built in radars from detecting you.
    If you manage to coerce the guards into letting you out of the yard, you have an even greater assortment of gear hidden across the map.

    Use your abilities of deception and negotiations to persuade the guards to let you get to where you need to go. There are also a few hiding places you may come across as well, use these to your advantage. The guards will go frantic because they have lost an inmate, and when the coast is clear, make a ****ing run for it![/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I'll give you guys a funny example of an inmate making some funny negotiations with a guard. There is a grav lift to the left of the stairs in the processing room. This area is usually right where the guards are standing, and it's impossible to grab.

    Well, my fellow inmate pulled a fast one on the guard here. He walked up to the guard asking how he got his security helmet and it looked awesome. He casually walked around the guard, grabbed the lift, and walked back over by me while still maintaining a casual conversation with the guard. When I saw what had happened we just both busted out laughing. These guys are stupid for the most part, use your wits to trick them and get the hell out of here.
    [FONT=&quot] ---[/FONT]
    Tips and Strategies- Really, while you do not gain points as a guard, how you play when filling this role greatly determines how everything goes for you as an inmate. The way everything is built and set up, if you are always alert, take control of the situation, and all of that, your inmates will never escape. Let them out of the yard, into the prison, and do what they need to do.

    I've seen inmates with every tool they could ever possibly need to escape the prison, but could never make it, because the guards were very alert and the inmates never even had that split second to escape. When taking prisoners to places in the prison, always lock them inside with the pocket lock, so that you will have the opportunity to go recharge your armor and weapons.

    The inmates always know where you are, and when you let down your guard and stop paying attention, they can and will slip by you like a ghost in the night. Always control them, and never get yourself into bad situations.

    -This is the guards in an absolutely horrible situation-
    Notice their depleted armor and being completely surrounded.

    [FONT=&quot]Players- This map is set up to play anything from 2-8 players. My favorite number is just a 2v2, as there will be no push to talk and it is just a lot easier to communicate and organize. The highest number I've run so far was with 6 people and it actually turned out to play just as good with more people. You just have push to talk so it's kind of meh. But in all honesty, if you wanted to add the spawn points, I think the map would be compatible with as many as 16 players. It would just be incredibly chaotic but funny at the same time probably.

    [FONT=&quot]Map-[/FONT][/FONT] The Tribunal
    [FONT=&quot] Gametype- [FONT=&quot] Jail Break
    [FONT=&quot]Thanks in advanced for any feedback and downloads. It's been fun making the map, and now finally sharing it with everyone else. [/FONT]​
    [FONT=&quot]Have [FONT=&quot]Fun[/FONT][FONT=&quot]!
    Remember, the guards can and will bust a cap in you!

    Well, it seems a good bit of people really have enjoyed this map so far. I know it doesn't appeal to all Halo 3 players, but I think a very good portion of them enjoy this type of game, especially here on forgehub. If you would like to see this map be taken to the next step, simply post about it in the topic listed below. Lets bring C&R back baby!
    #1 CavScout, Sep 10, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2008
    Security and soccerholic1816 like this.

    II_SK8BUM_II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    just downloaded it and im about to play it. from the pics and the description it looks really sweet . i really like the weapon descriptions 4.5/5
  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I'm impressed, Nice layout, well explained, the pics explain the scenario perfectly. Definate d/l. Clever idea, and the map is immensly built. The next step i advise is a vid on youtube or whatever showing a typical game, so people understand what to do , and some ways of doing it.
    p.s.. unless my noobishness to Forgehub stops me realising there's other comments on different pages... i got one of the first comments!!!
    nice map. very nice :)
  4. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Great post, you explained alot, I like the map, looks great, and how did you do the effect with the armor?

    Awesome man, great map!
  5. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    Hey thanks for the feedback so far. I have no clue if I'm allowed to post again or not, lol. I know there are strict rules on topic bumping but all this is, is a simple reply. Please let me know and I'll delete it!

    But yeah, I really would love a video but I just don't have the editing skills, video camera or a capture card to make it happen. The gameplay is incredibly deep and complex, so in all reality I tried to make this post more like an instruction manual lol. Once everyone learns the ropes it plays out wonderfully though.

    Hell, maybe if enough people like that map someone would make meh a video, ehh? =P
  6. cambam47

    cambam47 Ancient
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    Great map and very clear and well done post. I looked about on forge but have not tried it in a proper game yet. I should be able to play some games of it at the weekend, you up for a game?

    P.S Love the map

    RIIIDUUMMM Ancient
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    I'm not big on 'cops n robbers' but your description and well thought out tactics make me wanna give it a looks great
  8. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    This is a preatty sweat map it looks like a good cops and robbers map i think it would have great game play as well
  9. mavcev

    mavcev Ancient
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    this is a really great cops and robbers map i cant wait to play it i love the idea of karma....if you ar a **** to the inmates what are they gonna be to you next round
  10. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    That is exactly how the game was built mavcev. The crazy thing is, it actually flows with the game in perfect harmony. Karma is a ***** and it truly is one with this game. As a guard, the more you negotiate with your inmates, the more willing they will be to negotiate with you next time around.

    The thing is, there is no sure fire way to get out of this prison. There are several paths one can take out of this prison, but none is guaranteed. As a guard, all it takes to keep the inmate in check is to execute everything correctly, and never let your guard down. It takes cunning ability, wit, and skill for an inmate to escape.

    If you as a guard never let the inmate out of his cell, never giving him a chance to get anywhere, then when he is the one with the key to your cell, good luck ever escaping this thing. That's just how the game plays out, and it works amazingly.
  11. Mr cool ice 4

    Mr cool ice 4 Ancient
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    Great job i am going to DL now! 5/5.
  12. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    HOLY ****!!!!!! Best JAILBREAK MAP IVE EVER SEEN!!! You put so much detail in to the map it looks awesome An AMAZINGLY CREATIVE IDEA!! I like the armor part thats a great idea I like how the scoring is set up and the exicution idea is awesome its almost like its not an honor rule game awesome great work
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    so technically this is cops and robbers....
    those games are fun, but there is always a flaw, its a trust game, there is always a homicidal player that will just go on a rampage and kill all the inmates.
    so instead of SHOWING them the tazer to show power, they start KILLING them.

    you really cant play this kinda game outside of any friends, because friends are the only people that will follow the "trust rules" any other player will just join and destroy everyone.
    and also, i dont see much of the city, just a few cars? is it just a barren foundary?
    and, i have to say-this is a great map despite the flaw in cops and robbers gametype
    i will definately play this map if i ever play with friends
  14. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    I love jailbreak style maps, and this one is awesome. Unlike most of the prison break maps, this one doesn't have a stupid elecrtis chair where the prisoner waits for a guard to kill them, this one has a furnace XD! The map looks delicious, and gameplay sounds fun. 4/5. By the way, nice last screenshot, reminds me of people getting their asses burned in cartoons.
  15. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    Mikelp, I completely understand your points, and they were in the back of my head the entire time creating this map. I've designed quite a few out there maps before, so I've learned a lot about how people think, and how you can twist and mold things into your favor.

    Everything was created in a certain way. A way that would distract from that homicidal tendency Halo 3 players have to kill the first thing that moves. There is a boundary from the Guards to the Inmates. The Cops can see where they are, but to actually get there, it takes a nice run through a lot of things that may just fry the brain of the homicidal player.

    I crafted it this way to mentally distract players like this from doing what you mentioned. Above all that, the prisoners are able to defend themselves against things like this. If you are coming to their cell to kill them, they are going to know you are coming via the waypoint over your head. They also have the ability to hide in their cell via an active camo.

    It is your call if you want to take your chances hopping into a small dark box with an invisible guy determined to knock you the hell out. Also, the prison yard was crafted in a similar fashion. If a cop fires upon an inmate, the inmates have food(regens) on the tables in their to replenish their health. There are also areas in the yard that are blindspots from the security tower and cannot be fired upon, providing the inmates cover.

    Also, about the city. It's really absolutely nothing, just a bunch of cars like you said and some pretty lights. It just simply represents the escape point of the map with some minor scenery to boot. The prison is the main feature and it covers the vast majority of the map.

    If your getting online anytime soon pass me a FR and we can play through it or I can just explain it a bit more.

    Gt is "K2 Chief"
  16. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    The deployable cover and the custom powerup ideas are actually quite original in a cops and robbers game. Not too many people care for it too much but you may appeal to others.
  17. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Holy crap! This is so well thought out I'm going to put two pluses on your grade!

    Design: OMG

    Creativity: Damn!

    Flyness: eh

    All around: OMGDAMNeh=SUCCEED

    Awesome job and keep Forging!
  18. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    Lol awesome man! But what the hell is my grade lol!?? I am still a nublet on forge hub with this being my debut map. =D
  19. Count Ronin

    Count Ronin Ancient
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    This is the most complex map, gametype, and post I've ever seen, and I actually wanted to read the whole thing. Every time I play C&R I die a little inside but this could bring all those little pieces back to life. I can't really think of anything technical to say because it is perfect as I can see, even if it isn't, don't care. + rep for you!
  20. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    this is the best cops and robbers map Ive ever seen,5/5,definite dl

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