Welcome to the first map in my Catalyst Map pack. This one, The Tower, is the sequel to my casual invasion map, Isla de Conocertes (not proper spanish) The map has gone through many phases. It started out with a different bridge, vehichles, and an entirely different tower. Now its to the perfect point so ill show you the map. The Tower This map is an invasion, capture the core, gametype with humans as the offensive team. Tier one and two are both territory based while tier three is capturing the core. The fight takes place across montana and alaska. Human Spawn The Tier 1 Covenant base. The bridge is activated. The Tier 2 Covenant Base. The Tower. The Banshee Spawn Thats all the pics i have for now, but hopefully i can get more at some point. Look for the other two maps in my Catalyst Map pack, Hydropermo, and Battle Royale. Constructive criticisim is appreciated.
Everything seems quite well made, The bridge looks a bit off though, Also; Wouldnt it be hard for people to cross the bridge? If you have any budget spare, i'd add cover/railings and such, Otherwise, Good map!
The bridge is actually quite easy to cross. You have multiple warthogs and mongoose to do so. The only time anyone has ever fallen off is when they are trying to drive off. Thanks for the feedback.