Gamertag:For Chub Map Name: 2v2 Casa Slop Test Gametype: 4v4 Slayer. Yes 4v4 base H5 settings. Link: Chub_50ce05a7-e4a1-4329-b5ba-d996787b9308 Short description: Encourage everyone to throw out how they expect Halo 5 to be played. Get ready to get sweaty. Play slow and tactically, work together, without your teammates you will drown.
Gamertag: D3LTA V Map Name: Risen MM 2.0 Game Type: Big Team Slayer, Big Team Strongholds, CTF, Assault 16 Players Map Link: V_572e59e1-d01b-4313-ace2-90bab6ccfa4b Short Description: Minor Changes from last update. Line of sight fixes, z fighting, spawn fixes, and weapon updates.
Gamertag: D3LTA V Map Name: Sang BTB Test Game Type: Big Team Slayer, Big Team Strongholds, CTF, Assault 16 Players Map Link: V_24b43058-b04c-4f07-b673-d2ba00af3c7b Short Description: Blockout version of a new BTB map myself and Sarizon have been working on. Art and aesthetics are by no means final. only looking for feedback on gameplay.
Gamertag: Studbeasttank Map Name: Carbide 5 Gametype Requested and Player Count: BTB Strongholds, 16 players Short description: A WIP BTB map set in a mine or refinery or something. Link to Map: Forgehub Waypoint Spawning and sightlines have been worked on.
Flippant Sol Waldo World Arena Marathon EMFH (stands for Every Man For Himself) 6 players FFA (NOT SIXTEEN, SIX) Sol#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_Flippant Sol_3f604088-e38f-4248-9408-724261e3e3cf Sol_36f61828-3981-40af-a3f6-b451badff062 Description: This does not play like Halo
Map name . Liang dortmund FFA 8 TO 12 PEOPLE Link
Gamertag: Foge Map Name: Russet Blockout Gametype Requested and Player Count: 4v4 Slayer Short description: Competitive focused 4v4. Still in blockout so its terrible in its current state. Link to Map:
GamerTag: CaptainDireWolf Co-Forger: SexyMasterChief Map: Eclipse Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 2v2 Link: Description: This map allows for players (up to 2v2) to transport between dimensions at will to flank the enemy, bypass blocked routes, and reach hidden locations. Your ethereal presence exists on the alternate plane, so watch your back and coordinate with your teammate. Time between allowable jumps is 6 seconds, to allow for pickup of weapons, since your teleport power-up takes precedence. Note: you cant teleport if you're right next to a wall, in a corner, or in a doorway on the other dimension.
With the number of submissions per night increasing and especially in the BTB category, I'd like to remind everyone that I DO NOT play 2 maps by the same author in one night. I'm sorry, but that is a rule created by necessity long ago. Unless the author specifies a preference, only one map is getting played if you submit multiple. I'd also like to say that while it's good to see more maps make a return, the number of submitters who actually attend the lobby has declined. Please keep in mind that moving forward, if the situation dictates it, I will be reordering and/or backlogging maps of those who continually submit without lobby engagement. This is for the sake of both time and to ensure we can play the maps we do have enough players for. ie. if you submit a large player count map 3 weeks in a row, and there arent enough players around to test the map, it simply wont get played, even more so if your interaction with the lobby or myself is very low
Gamertag: The Grim Dealer Map Name: Conflux Gametype: 4v4 Assault Link to Map: Link Red initial spawns have been acting weird the last few playtests. For some reason, one person will spawn on one of the initial spawns meant for 5+ player teams. I've deleted these and replaced all spawns to see if that fixed the issue, but be on the lookout for anybody not spawning near the flag/assault arm point.
I'm sorry to hear finding players for btb is becoming an issue. I wasn't aware it was expected of the forger to participate in the lobby. I would start joining right away if I didn't have class on Thursday night's. I still find it to be a huge service for other people willing to help test maps, but I'll try to be respectful and be selective how often I'll submit to the lobby.
Mapname . Liang dortmund 4v4 Slayer Link
I’d like to say thank u to the lobby and ascend for the test and I appreciate and will utilize all feedback I heard so thanks guys from me and Blaze
Thanatos 1.1 Help me understaaaaaand And please enjoy framerate Only differs slightly from original Thanatos
Gamertag: Studbeasttank Map Name: Carbide Gametype Requested and Player Count: BTB Strongholds, 16 players Short description: A BTB Strongholds map set in a refinery. Link to Map: Forgehub Waypoint There have been some art and lighting changes, and some weapon and layout tweaks (less grenade pickups). The map is pretty much done, I think. Thanks for testing this so far.
oh noooooo GT: Nikko B201 Autobahnschutz Eiger 6v6 CTF (but will accept up to 8v8 if you have a large lobby and don't want to drop it) Map has received some improvements since your last visit, including performance optimisations and flow changes. Just getting back in the flow before I attempt any major changes, so going with what I know works to start with. edit: I'm guessing you ran into the same issue Max did with your map list running out of sheets. The problem: there's no link to the new map list in the OP... but wait, there's more! Vectal Grace 2v2 Slayer (or 3v3 if you like) Remember Vectal Fury? Probably not. Anyway, this is a smaller cousin to that. Grenade launchers. Angles. Giant death pit. All that good stuff.
GT: space ork 02 Map Name:keyes ORK 02_59c2b820-81f4-424d-b81a-8ff23f7e5356 Gametype: infection Player Count: 16
Gamertag: Foge Map Name: Russet (Test-Foge) Gametype Requested and Player Count: 4v4 CTF Short description: symmetrical 4v4. Link to Map:
Gamertag: IMAROLLINGSTONE Map Name: TF RE1 Gametype and Player Count: BTB Slayer (16 players) Description: Big map Map Link: Click THIS ONE IS PREFERRED
Gamertag: IMAROLLINGSTONE Map Name: Busted.1 Gametype and Player Count: BTB Slayer (16 players) Description: Donut Map Link: Click