Gamertag: Big Talon256 Map Name: Reclamation V3 Link: Talon256 Gametype: Big Team Battle Player Count: 12-16
GT: Skyward Shoe Map: Riparian Gametype: Strongholds Players: 8 Link: Shoe_50fa2037-27bb-4ec8-a6e0-5b710b5ead00 For the March 1st lobby.
Da Brrble Switch Slap King Map: Mode:
Gamertag: - - - Flippant Sol Map Name:- - - Star Spanglers ver. 1.2 Map Link:- - - - Sol_a57b69de-b75e-4412-888a-d4f20ea90cd1 Gametype Name: Star Spanglers ver. 1.2 Gametype Link:- Sol_53fb08dc-397d-4976-9cf8-0c30da39cca6 Player Count:- - 16 players Teams: - - - - - 8v8, red versus blue Abstract: - - - - Minigame; "Take the hill using hair-trigger explosives!" Note: - - - - - - Incorporated feedback from Max Extra's lobby. :- - - - - - - - - Looking to fine-tune gameplay aspects I hate ThemeHouse for not knowing what an indent is.
@Spirit in Black @Chronmeister @FRED lllll @PharmaGangsta1 As you may have seen already, I ran out of time on Thursday before I got to play your maps on stream. My goal was to play them this weekend but that too did not pan out. My plan is to play them on stream either Monday or Tuesday. Ill keep you guys posted. Sorry about that.
Thursday Thirteen Submission: Lestat (Beta V17.4.2) Core Map 2v2-4v4 Slayer. By Whos Blaze and Brusky0086 Contributions by: Malevolution ,INFINUT, and Kawecki 22. Help with final layout,weapons and placement and spawning. Stronghold placement ideas would be rad.a little FR from spawns but is in final art and light passes now and will be fixed.This is a 1.5 year Creative Force and iForge Project That was once called “Gulag” .Any and all valuable feedback is welcome by both teams and Blaze and myself we are big boys Thanks man: Map Link:
Gamertag: Studbeasttank Map Name: Carbide Test 4 Gametype Requested and Player Count: BTB Strongholds, 16 players Short description: A WIP BTB map set in a mine or refinery or something. Link to Map: Forgehub Waypoint
Gamertag: Arpod Map Name: Enshrined Gametype Requested and Player Count: BTB slayer Short description: re-skin/re-hash of ducain23's Entombed Link to Map:
GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Ossuarium Gametype: BTB CTF Player Count: 16 GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Raptors Nest Gametype: Avian Flu Player Count: 16
GamerTag: CANADIAN ECHO Map: Veil Test Gametype: Unity 2v2 (My files) Player Count: 4 Map probably still has lots of bugs, All I care about is the gameplay for feedback. Spawning.. Sightlines.. Map Control..
Gamertag: The Grim Dealer Map Name: Flipyap Ressurection (temp title) Gametype: 4v4 Assault Link to Map: Link Let's do something different this week.
Gamertag: TimeDipper Map Name: Descendant Gametype: Big Team Slayer, 16 Players Link to Map: HaloWaypoint Description: BTB Heavies map. Looking for feedback on how it plays, weapon set, spawns, vehicles, geometry/layout and flow of gameplay. This map is still a work in progress and so there is temporary lighting to see in dark areas, z-fighting and WIP aesthetics.
Map name . Liang dortmund 4v4 Slayer Link 1v1 map test clip TELEPORTERs R LIFE
Gamertag: FRED lllll Map Name: Abyss Co-Forge: ZombieDyer5 Gametype: FFA (Free For All) Player Count: 6 Players Map Description: an old co-forge by me and ZombieDyer, designed for all core game types. ( only play this if you have time ) Map Name: Abyss Remastered Player Count: 6 Players Gametype: FFA Map Description: A Remake of an old co-forge between myself and ZombieDyer5. Differences: I Re-Scaled the original in multiple different ways to make it play better, for instance, the long hallway that leads to the bridge was shrunk, the bridge by main room is lowered down and has a shorter length. The main room was shrunk. An extra hallway was added up to the sniper platform. The wrap around between the two rooms was added. More lighting was added. Spider room was rehauled. I opened up the bend around the long hall with the DMR and added a small crouch walkway. Hope you enjoy! Original: Remastered: Final Statement: Please play both in the order from top to bottom. So play a full FFA on the classic and then play a full FFA on the remaster. Thank you.
GT: space ork 02 Map Name:Tidal map-variants Gametype:Sword tournament ORK 02#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_SPACE ORK 02_63dc71fb-bf63-485c-9644-8fd5349846dc Player Count: freeforall 16 Map Name:Sword tournament ORK 02#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_SPACE ORK 02_6dbc918c-d219-4668-8c1f-87ee5db7ac56 Gametype:Sword tournament ORK 02#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_SPACE ORK 02_63dc71fb-bf63-485c-9644-8fd5349846dc Player Count: freeforall 16
Gt: Nivalack Map: Accum (beta 2.4.3) Gametype: Btb Slayer, 16 players Link: After the last test, I felt that the changes I wanted to make made the map feel to shoehorned so I decided to start fresh on the tidal canvas. The map obviously reverted to a block out form since I probably jumped the gun on aesthetics. The most notable changes are that the map has had been scale down, removed or trimmed low use areas, vehicle paths added behind each base, and banshees have been added as well. I hope the new map version proves to be a improvement over the last.
Gamertag: D4rkDeath Map Name: Ancestor Gametype Requested and Player Count: Big Team Assault Short Description: moved ball spawns to the yard. Link to Map: Gametype Link (If needed):