I am revisiting a mini-game mode which i had given up on after a scripting update hopelessly broke the map. I have refreshed the map with new geometry and scripts. The entire map is driven by 9 timing scripts (as opposed to the original 224), and is consistent and smooth running. The map takes any team based game type and turns it into a strategic mini game. It's setup for all game types but plays best with Stronghold. pics The original mode, which i am testing here, required energy based weapons due to the fact that projectiles could pass through glass. Glass now blocks projectiles so i will test them in the next round. Gamertag: runNOKYARDrun Map Name/Link: Keyhole Nine-25 Gametype/link: Strongholds-25 Player Count: 4v4
Gamertag: Ryilz noble 7 Map Name: Decerdo Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/... noble 7_b43fe9d4-e5d3-4ac9-802e-c6085a143462 Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 4v4
Switch 4v4 Slap Ball https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...brbirbeI_9cf15cfa-368c-4f8d-98ee-c7ef94d4097d No art yet and **** lighting with some amazing intro cameras haha but feel free to shout out some suggestions. EDIT: The gametype isn't showing up in waypoint yet so I can't grab you a link It's in my files and bookmarks as "Slap Ball" though so I hope that'll do for now :/
Gamertag: Daeklaw Map Name: Castle Wars Pirates Gametype: Castle Wars 2.0 (presented by 343) Player Count: 8vs8 Short description: Castle Wars with AI Cannons in each base Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/de-de/..._DaekLaw_4f84cef0-05ae-436b-ba63-91aa138c7329 Gametype Link (If needed): https://www.halowaypoint.com/de-de/...dVermin0_56f06e47-7be1-4fc7-8222-28c2adbd7e18
Map name. Arcane Ctf 4v4 wip Link https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/...Order=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=ARC1T3CTZ
GT: space ork 02 Map Name:Tidal map-variants Gametype:Sword tournament https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-ca/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/game-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=SPACE ORK 02#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_SPACE ORK 02_63dc71fb-bf63-485c-9644-8fd5349846dc Player Count: freeforall 16 Map Name:Sword tournament https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-ca/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=SPACE ORK 02#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_SPACE ORK 02_6dbc918c-d219-4668-8c1f-87ee5db7ac56 Gametype:Sword tournament https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-ca/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/game-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=SPACE ORK 02#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_SPACE ORK 02_63dc71fb-bf63-485c-9644-8fd5349846dc Player Count: freeforall 16
GT: Pleas Sir69 Map Name: Highway Survival Playercount: 12-16 Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...as Sir69_cfe0b190-055f-4491-acbd-f03bac8b5ec0 Gamemode: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...as Sir69_317d5c29-1b52-4ad0-ae60-1646ca45a8e2
GT: Skyward Shoe Map: Riparian Gametype: Strongholds Players: 8 Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ard Shoe_50fa2037-27bb-4ec8-a6e0-5b710b5ead00 I've made some pretty significant structural changes since last week in an attempt to improve Strongholds gameplay. New images have been uploaded in the map thread: https://www.forgehub.com/maps/riparian.6043/
Gamertag : ArKer Spectre Map Name : Jardin 23 Gametype : 2v2 Slayer Comments : I improved the esthetic of J23 as well as the the gameplay by connecting more map's zone. I hope you will enjoy the map and tell me what is wrong. Link to the map (ForgeHub) : https://www.forgehub.com/maps/jardin-23.5959/ Link to the map (HWayponit) : https://www.halowaypoint.com/fr-fr/... Spectre_dcdcb15a-a0fc-4237-a7cf-5b41e0afc81b
Gamertag: The Grim Dealer Map Name: Flipyap Ressurection (temp title) Gametype: 4v4 Capture the Flag Link to Map: Link -Scaled down both bases and revised their layout -Adjusted lines of sight in the back half of the map near Stage -Redesigned what used to be Red/Blue Alley to be an actual room with another path up to Stage
Gamertag: Studbeasttank Map Name: Extract Test 3 Gametype Requested and Player Count: BTB Strongholds, 16 players Short description: A WIP BTB map set in a mine or refinery or something. Link to Map: Forgehub Waypoint
Gamertag: FRED lllll Map Name: Abyss Co-Forge: ZombieDyer5 Gametype: FFA (Free For All) Player Count: 6 Players Map Description: an old co-forge by me and ZombieDyer, designed for all core game types. Map Name: Abyss Remastered Player Count: 6 Players Gametype: FFA Map Description: A Remake of an old co-forge between myself and ZombieDyer5. Differences: I Re-Scaled the original in multiple different ways to make it play better, for instance, the long hallway that leads to the bridge was shrunk, the bridge by main room is lowered down and has a shorter length. The main room was shrunk. An extra hallway was added up to the sniper platform. The wrap around between the two rooms was added. More lighting was added. Spider room was rehauled. I opened up the bend around the long hall with the DMR and added a small crouch walkway. Hope you enjoy! Original: Remastered: Final Statement: Please play both in the order from top to bottom. So play a full FFA on the classic and then play a full FFA on the remaster. Thank you.
Map: Lineage Gametype: 4v4 Slayer and 4v4 Strongholds Note: This map is really big and im trying to determine an optimal player count. If you get a chance to test it twice, please run 4v4 slayer first to see the pace and if its too slow, please make the 2nd game 6v6 Slayer instead of 4v4 Strongholds.
@Ascend Hyperion I am just wondering if you have been updating the spreadsheet, It been a while and the earliest I can see on it is November 30th of 2017.
Gamertag: D4rkDeath Map Name: Ancestor Gametype Requested and Player Count: Big Team Assault Short description: Rocks were lowered looking into bases to not see so much into the bases from 2nd tier, small weapon tweaks, spawn tweaks. I am mostly looking for spawning feedback and looking into the base from the second tier (they should be able to see into it some, but not fully, pushing players down to the 1st tier if they want to try to pin). Also, this is a MM update test including adding Assault into the playlist. Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...4rkDeath_76ab4002-5520-4777-99ee-42b583fc8360 Gametype Link (If needed):
Gamertag: TimeDipper Map Name: Dispelled (v2) Game Type: Big Team CTF, 16 Players Map Link: [HaloWaypoint] Short Description: Spawns have been redone to allow more spawns near or in the team base rather then by the neutral structures. Weapon tweaks.
The spread sheet reached capacity. I havent started a new one. Ive been providing verbal feedback upon request.
Gamertag: D3LTA V Map Name: Risen MM 1.1 Game Type: Big Team Slayer, Big Team Strongholds, 16 Players Map Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/..._D3LTA V_cc761af3-b84c-40d5-a960-be372dedf633 Short Description: Terrain has been redone to give better sightlines on the ground. Wasp is less powerful now. Weapons have been modified. Bases have been tweaked to be more useful. Old power spots have been nerfed.
Gamertag - PharmaGangsta1 Map - Eglin GT - Slayer > Player Count 4v4 Link WIP Thread The design has many areas that cannot be reached aside from one or two routes, so (time for honesty) trying to figure out the map may lead to a flat and frustrating first game. The map has a focus on one strong pickup and two weaker ones, and I plan to take it along an Arabic art style. (I have more written up in the wip thread if you're interested) I threw on a new color palette and please let me know if it sucks because I'm colorblind and stupid Spoiler: Pic