IM BACK GamerTag: FRED lllll Map Name: Darkest Depths Gametype: 1v1 (Competition Rules Addition) -No Radar -Pistol Starts -No Spartan Charge Description: When the dungeons are abandoned, those who are left to wander are deranged and crazy, but if they ever meet one another, who will survive? a 1v1 and 2v2 map (MY first attempt at 1v1 and I think it's a good map but your thoughts are better than mine.)
Gamertag:ARPOD Map Name:GROTTO Gametype Requested and Player Count:SLAYER, 1v1 to 4v4 max Short description: this is my map for the 1v1 contest. Fight your way to domination in this colorful alien cavern Link to Map: Gametype Link (If needed): HCS settings.
Made adjustments to my 1v1 map. - Tweaked pathing and some lines of sight to hopefully speed up gameplay - Changed the weapon set - Reduced overall map size Link
Map name: Dark Abyss Gamertag: Mr Deliciousman Player count: 2 Gametype: 1v1 slayer no radar with pistol starts. Description: the outcasts have taken refuge near the ancient temples. They use the interference that the temples create to make it harder to find where they are hiding. Halowaypoint link:
Gamertag: ARC1T3CTZ Game mode: 1v1 Map name: res Map link
Hey Ascend, I have a pretty solid basis for my 1v1 map Gamertag: BeardlessBen Name: Cyan Tower HCS Short Description: an attempt at an old school halo vibe in a space station. Mostly symmetrical. Hoping to encourage tactical gameplay. Link: This still a fairly early encarnation of this map and needs work aesthetically on the upper portion especially, but the concept is definitely in place. Also the scripts will likely need refining but I think they'll function fine for a play test! Hopefully you still have a spot left this week
I've got a blockout for testing. I'm usually on in the evenings if you want me in for the test but I'd prefer feedback from 2 unique players if that's ok. Gamertag: MythicFritz Map Name: (tentative) Icebox Gametype Requested and Player Count: 1v1 using the 1v1 Forgehub contest gametype Short description: One big messy atrium Link to Map: Version number changes a lot but it will be the only one visible in my fileshare or in my bookmarks.
This. Mostly small changes, but initial spawns were moved, and (hopefully) fixed. Planned to be released very soon.
Gamertag: Portaleer Map Name: Pyro Update (Pyromancer) Gametype Requested and Player Count: Slayer, 4 Short description: small hardlight bridge now spans top midsection Link to Map: Gametype Link (If needed):
Gamer Tag: BarrenFatal Map: The Catacombs Link: Game Type: RY9 Outbreak Link: Mask_2b0abda8-4e37-4fa4-ba8a-12c784477db2 Player Count: 12 If you still have open slots available, I would appreciate it if you can test out my map once again. I have made some huge and drastic changes for phases 1 and 2 to allow for more variety of choices to allow infected to move wherever they want. Gameplay will also be more fun for the humans as the new designs for each room requires good teamwork to cover multiple routes. As per the objective in the first phase, I removed the whole randomized barrel search objective as it was the leading cause of death amongst the survivors (was also confusing) and now, all that has to be done is to holdout in that phase until the detonator is ready to be detonated. Thanks
GT: Pat Sounds Map: Throne of Blood Mode: 1v1 I'm feeling good about the map so far, really the biggest question I'm having is if the Sniper is too much. Previously I had a Boltshot in that position, I'm also considering a DMR. Lemme know what you think broseph!
GT: GrayishPoppy210 Map 1: Corrosion Gametype: 1v1 Link: Map 2: Freeze thaw Gametype: 1v1 Link:
icyhotspartin - two for you this time! Gravitas v8 1v1 re-tuned weaponset, some big pathing updates (man cannons everywhere, interesting encounters) cams/animations need to be fixed I want to compare gameplay on this version with gameplay on the vvvvv rescaled version Gravrescaled 1v1 no cams or animations (I think) as of yet or lighting it isn't public yet, and will also need weapons placed, which I hope to have done by tonight around 5-6 pm PST I will update this post with the file when it's ready, hopefully in time for you to test it if it isn't done in time, then testing just the first one is fine by me
fugg btw, where can I find the sheet that lists all the spots/feedback for each week? been combing everywhere, can't find it thanks
The map list can be found here and a link in one the main page of this thread