Got fixes done quick so here we are for tonight Fixed Spawn Points colors so slayer spawning works Switched wraith with AA wraith Switched wraith and warthog spawn locations Re-Added Lifts in mid Added blockers boxing in entire map Made Phaeton start with 25% damage Replace Fuel Rod with Spartan Laser Added flight paths over middle with shield protecting throne room from air fire Removed tier 2 req weapons that weren't often used GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Devotion Gametype: BTB Slayer Player Count: 16
Updated after last weeks streams. I should be on this thursday, but either way I'm looking mostly for feedback on vehicle gameplay and if newer paths helped. All feedback is good though obviously. Added vehicle path under the middle bridge Widened vehicle paths around whole map Made lifts in throne room gametype specific (Slayer Only) Fixed Spawn Volumes Removed some superfluous objects to lower count GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Devotion Gametype: BTB Slayer Player Count: 16
So I got around to fixing the Labyrinth map I made a while back. It functions differently than it did before and I took into account all the feedback given from its last playthrough. Map: The Labyrinth Gametype: False Walkers Player Count: 12+ Description: Survivors are trapped within a dark and ominous maze with the main objective of surviving from those that lurk within. For the more daring ones, 4 skulls lay scattered throughout the maze. Finding them and bringing them to their rightful altars may restore the order and bring about a way out of this never ending nightmare. The player traits aren't final and will most likely be fine tuned after seeing how it plays. Alpha Traits: Fairly slow but hit harder than their lesser minions and more importantly, cannot be killed. Armed with a gravity hammer and a radar only capable of seeing sprinting humans; look out for these death-wielding monsters. Infected Traits: Much faster than the alpha, but can easily die with one shot from a shotgun and have fairly weak attacks. It will take several hits from one to kill a survivor. Survivor Traits: Armed with a shotgun, humans can take a couple hits before going down but do not automatically regenerate health. They can slowly regenerate health by killing the lesser infected. Map: Pong v11 Gametype: Pong Player Count: 2 (1v1) I fixed the ball. I forgot to reset it when I was testing so it should work now.
I got 2 for ya, both suitable for 2v2 or 4v4 (only Anchor is good for CTF as it stands now, and the other one has only initial spawns as of right now) Sketchy Presets Anchor 2.75
GT: HerrMittmann Map: Room in my Heart Mode: 4v4 something. Slayer, Strongholds, CTF...surprise me And as always, only if I'm not blocking too many slots: GT: HerrMittmann Map: Gateway to Happieness Mode: BT Slayer AR + Mag I made some smaller changes there. Also last Friday the scripting seemed to be broken. I would like to see if that was a one-time-only thing. (Btw. My Name is not HerrMittMann. It's actually Herr Mittmann which is translated something like "MisterWithman")
Gamertag: Portaleer Map Name: Mutagen Gametype Requested: Infection, 12 player Short description: An ONI laboratory no longer inhabited by the minds of its scientists. Link to Map: Here
Gamertag: GrayishPoppy210 Map name: Asylum Gametype: undead (linear infection) Map link: Gametype link:
Erk x15 Dethrone Alter Extermination Link: x15_0d1d62f6-d15b-47c3-81af-eb196c5c89fb Lots of changes to this recently and would like to test the updated extermination brains and small weapon layout changes.
GT: SacredEulogistX Map name: Archives 4v4 CTF CTF and Slayer-compatible core underwater temple, detailing ancient Sanghelios civilization.
Map: The Labyrinth Gametype: False Walkers Player Count: 12+ Description: Survivors are trapped within a dark and ominous maze with the main objective of surviving from those that lurk within. For the more daring ones, 4 skulls lay scattered throughout the maze. Finding them and bringing them to their rightful altars may restore the order and bring about a way out of this never ending nightmare. The player traits aren't final and will most likely be fine tuned after seeing how it plays. Changes: So the gametype you played last time was actually not the right I fixed it now and players should respawn as lesser infected now that can be killed. I also made sure the scripts reset every round. ***Also, I'd like some extra feedback about whether I should add some sort of aesthetic appeal to the map. I feel the argument could go both ways with either the map looks too empty and bland or the fact it is empty adds a more atmospheric feel to the map. Please let me know! Thanks If the lobby isn't already full up on maps as well, I'd like to see Snow Blind be tested again. I tried opening up the smaller cramped areas of the map while still maintaining its original layout. Map: Snow Blind Gametype: 4v4 Strongholds
Map Name:Survive the Jungle Gamertag: Drunk DRcronic Gametype/mode requested:Survive the Jungle (In my files) Description:Make your way through the Jungle with the infected close behind. (This is my very first time it might need to be tested before you play and if you do test check infected visibility) Will this be in the upcoming Thursday XIII or the next one if at all?
Gamertag: Emberciz Map Name: Halo 5 Hailstorm Gametype Requested and Player Count: Hailstorm - 8 players max Short description: This is a recreation of Hailstorm, a minigame made by ChewyNutCluster in Halo 2 Anniversary. (I have a few notes at the bottom, also) Link to Map: Map Gametype Link (If needed): Gametype Note: The falling rocks on the map have scripts on them, and since scripted objects automatically have light bake disabled it looks pretty bad the way I have it set up. If anyone in the testing lobby has advice for a way to fix this I would really appreciate it.
Gamertag: GCSDoodles Map name: Elemental Mines Gametype:4v4 Slayer Short description: dangerous underground mines Link:
After regular Slayer and CTF, I still need some data for Strongholds, so: GT: HerrMittmann Map: Attack on Friendship Bay Mode: BT Strongholds AR + Mag
Added scripts so that the shield over throne room could be toggled on and off. Other than that feedback was minimal last week. GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Devotion Gametype: BTB Slayer Player Count: 16 If we have room i'd love to fit this map in too. More of a goofy map feedback not super necessary. GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Loosy Goosy Gametype: Super Fiesta Strongholds Player Count: 12 (4v4v4)
I've got a new extermination blockout I'm working on. Hopefully this will become the last installment in the Helheim/Yggdrasil trilogy. It's still very much a work in progress... Map: Dwayne "the Block" Johnson Mode: Extermination GT: Pat Sounds