Gamertag: N3gat1veZer0 Map Name: Fissure Gametype Requested and Player Count: 4v4 Slayer/CTF Short description: rotationally symmetric forerunner bridgework Link to Map:
Gamertag: mang0 c0mmand0 Map Name: Big mountain Gametype Requested: Big team slayer Player Count: 8v8 Map link: c0mmand0#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_Mang0 c0mmand0_ee2549d6-923b-40a0-ae26-b33840dae7df
GT: HerrMittmann Map: Installation 0.something mode: BT Strongholds with AR and Mag please
Gamertag: Portaleer Map: Pyromancer Gametype: Doubles Players: 2v2 Waypoint Link:
GT: CertifiedChamp Coforged with Cheapbox V2 Gametype: Extermination Map: Shell Shock
Fixed and fine tuned after max's lobby two weeks ago. GamerTag: L1MN0DR0MUS Map: Abridged Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 8 Description: This used to lead somewhere
Gamertag: Tempfirefox00 Gametype: 4v4 Map: project (because its not completed). Didn't want to pass up thursday 13 So I'm throwing this in almost complete but not completely. Link:
Bromaniac35 Map: Dynasty Mode: 4v4 Strongholds Link: --- Double Post Merged, May 11, 2017 --- Bromaniac35 Map: Dynasty Mode: 4v4 Strongholds Link:
StrayMorais Map: Solitude Mode: 4v4 Slayer Link: Solitude - WIP . Team placement needs work and some etc. etc. but let me know whats good.
Gt: CertifiedChamp Co-forged with Cheapbox V2 Map: Shell Shock Gametype: Extermination Link: --- Double Post Merged, May 12, 2017 --- GT: CertifiedChamp Map: Frontier Relay Gametype: Strongholds Link:
Gamertag: FORGE PLAY Map Name: GB Foundry 2 Gametype Requested and Player Count: Hand egg ball 4v4 Short description: grifball, moving bomb spawn (golf ball) invsable targets release decoys. Raised path supports ground pound. Link to Map: PLAY#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_FORGE PLAY_a47c8514-4ce9-486a-9633-f2de99077785 Gametype Link (If needed): PLAY#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_FORGE PLAY_c426dd02-f6c2-41f1-a20d-e82a1192657e . Need to make sure nothing in the play area impairs movement or gameplay. If the game mode needs changes. Finally, any aesthetic suggestions, or minor changes.
Map name: StormVeil Gamertag: Mr Deliciousman Player count: 4v4 Game type: slayer and strongholds. Preferred game type: slayer Halowaypoint link: Notes: I have made changes to improve frame rate and slightly to layout to improve the flow of gameplay. I would like to see if there are any spawn trap issues and overall if any areas are too powerful in relation to the other areas.
Gamertag: InvokingTexan. Map name: Case Zeus. Gametype: Infection. Player count: Twelve total players. Short description: Medium to large sized underground military base that has been left desolate due to a a prisoner revolt, and viral outbreak. Link to map (Halo Waypoint): Notes: What I am looking for out of the test is feedback on: spawning, line of sights, player flow, readability, balance of power positions, weapons, art, and everything else.
Gamertag: mang0 c0mmand0 Map name: Big Mountain V2 Gametype: Big team slayer player count: 8v8 link to map:
Mapname: WP Hallelujah Mountains Gamertag: Wardo29 Playercount: up to 10v10. Teams of 4v4 and up work best. Gametype: WP Hallelujah Mountains (Stronghold Game type) Halowaypoint Map: WP Hallelujah Mountains Halowaypoint Gametype: WP Hallelujah Mountains Description: This is a Mini-Game that uses strongholds. Players armed with gravity hammers and Spnkrs traverse floating rocks to fight for a central stronghold. Players take negligible damage and blast force/radiuses are increased for every type of attack enabling players to knock each other off the map. Notes: Would like to see how easily various people can traverse the map and how combat flows having only one "Hill". Also looking for input on weapon choice and balancing options among other small changes. ScreenShots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Name: Limbo V2 Gamertag: FRED LLLLL PlayerCount: 8 Gametype: FFA Map Link Description: When Ascendence is riddled with disease, a parallel world was formed. Welcome to Limbo.
GamerTag: Erk x15 Map: Dethrone Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: x15_53b2d0ad-c6af-4d86-80a0-b8c61b026e2f Description: Extermination map featuring an open middle/side with natural terrain, a closed castle hallway, and central plasma caster. Each base has some high ground that is exposed. Speed boost on the lower open side. Only small changes. Removed some excess nades and removed the stone arches from the speedboost side of the map so those paths are less constricted.
GT: HerrMittmann Map: Installation 0.something mode: BT CTF with AR and Mag please
GT: MOJOgamer6941 Map: Rocket Dodge Mode: Rocket dodge player count: 12 map link: Gametype Link: Description: Basically survivors start on random rocks in one area to run around and another area you can access from either the top or bottom, its hard to get around, still need to test out the jump height and the speed