Map: Taka, H (BETA) Players: 12-16 Gametypes: slayer GT: TheLast Ravager Note; this map is in a very rough state but it's playable.
I saw that the file couldn't be selected--That is because it has been saved as a new file, so everyone's old bookmarks are no longer good. GT: Studbeasttanlk Map: Beachfront (The most recently modified one.) Gametype: BTB Strongholds, Magnum Starts. Player Count: 14-16 Attending: Yes.
It wasn't in your files either. You have to set the visibility to open after you save a map now. I checked directly in your stuff just to be sure.
Hey! Ordinarily I would be bringing you Kite's Nest again, but I've received a very special request - one of my maps is being considered for an FH YouTube feature, but they'd like me to try a specific modification first. So, I'm submitting Beagle Point NTX for 8 or 6 player Infection (whatever you feel fits the lobby flow best). This is a special variant of the Beagle Point FFA map which disables the teleporters in Infection. The main testing points are to do with map flow. On the regular Beagle Point, the teleporters connect the two locker rooms and the front and back of the map, making the gameplay much more about cycling around the map. Without the teleporters, the potential sticky issue is that the locker rooms in particular will become camping points. This test is to determine whether the game works okay with just disabled teleporters, or if modifications to the actual playspace will be required (such as additional corridors or expanded rooms).
Map: ODA-241 V2 Gametype: Strongholds Description: An asymmetric 4v4 arena set on an Orbital Defence Platform Map Link
Gamertag: FOTUS Map Name: ONI Swordbase Gametype Requested and Player Count: Team Slayer 4v4 Short description: Swordbase Remake Link to Map & Gametype (forgehub link):
Hey, can we try multiteam for this weeks lobby? I've had every other mode tested except for this one, thanks!
• Map Name: Oasis •Author: SoldatDuChrist •Game Mode: 2v2 Slayer •Map Description: A ruined Sangheli paradise, in the midst of a desert • FHub Link:
GamerTag: Qrrbrbirbei Map: Reconciled v4 Gametype: Strongholds Player Count: 4v4 Map Link: Also, happy 13th page
Map name: Venus Gamertag: GrayishPoppy210 Gamemode: btb strongholds (8v8) Description: based of Venus from destiny Map link: And Map name: Clockwork Gamemode: 2v2 slayer Description: vertical map in a clock tower Map link: NOTE: I couldn't make teleporter damage work consistently so teleporter has been removed.
@Ascend, I will be submitting HOUSE OF VADAM to your lobby when I get in from work today. Just thought I'd put it out there in case your list is full later.
Gamertag: Portaleer Map Name: House of Vadam Gametype Requested and Player Count: Slayer, 8 player FFA or 4v4 Short description: 'Only warriors of the greatest honor and highest renown are remembered in the mighty halls of Vadam.'- Symmetrical Sangheilios environment Link to Map: Gametype Link (If needed):
Map name: Elders Treason Author: Mr Deliciousman Player count: 4v4 Game type: griffball Halowaypoint link: Map description: a sanghelios themed griffball court. I just updated it today.
You say you've got some space? Well, I could inflict pronouncing FB Tononoka on you again, but instead - in the spirit of Christmas fun, Verdant Bite for 8-player FFA. Not too serious, just some light Predator-themed murder.
Gamertag: Agent Zero85 Map Name: Horizon Gametype Requested and Player Count: Invasion 8v8 Short description: Invasion is back and in a big way. Link to Map: Edit in Gametype Link (If needed):Edit in