The Temple The Temple is a Symetrical map that is basically even and fair It has 3 levels. The Lower Level:it is made of tunnels and has teleporters leading out of it to the main level. There are two Gravity Lifts and two snipers on each side. Teleporters lead to opposite sides on the main level The Main Level:The main level has one Deployable cover on each side, a Plasma Pistol on each side, 2 sticky grenades, and a few Battle Rifles. On the part near the teleporters there is a Mauler. The Upper level(The Bases):The 2 bases have a tunnel leading down to the lower level. they also have a Brute Shot, a Needler, and 2 Battle Rifles. This is also where each teams flag is. Download : Halo 3 File Details Download : Halo 3 File Details If you have any suggestions please post them and i will attempt to make changes and repost the map on my fileshare Posted by request(a basic pic of the base)
Whoa! Now this is different! The aesthetics look pretty pleasing, especially those Killballs. It does look pretty small, though. You may want to add railings to help with people falling off. 4/5. You may want to add some more pictures, though. I can't really tell the layout from the 1 pic you provided...
You really need some more pics of the map, such as pics ot the bases, cause an overview isn't enough. This seems pretty cool though, like how the bases are set up from what I can tell. I'll dl later when I get my halo 3 back.
You need more pictures, because it looks more like a nice aesthetic piece at the moment. I think you should have used man cannons to get across because(correct me if I'm correct, your overview is really confusing) if you go through the teleporter, someone could camp behind it and get assassinations as you go through. :S 4/5, nice aesthetic piece, but you need more description and a better overview with more photos.