The Telepit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by !nikheizen, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Telepit
    Version 1
    The Pit Map Variant

    This was one of the first maps I created in forge and I hope it's enjoyed.

    Download Suggested Gametypes
    Team Slayer to 75 Kills.
    Custom Power-Up: 3X Overshields for 5 seconds.

    Team Multi Flag to 3 Captures.
    Custom Power-Up: 3X Overshields for 5 seconds.
    Flag Carrier: 75% Speed.

    Multibomb Assault
    Custom Power-Up: 3X Overshields for 5 seconds.
    Bomb Carrier 75% Speed.

    Offence/Defence Territories
    Custom Power-Up: 3X Overshields for 5 seconds.
    6 Plots.

    Download Map Variant
    The Telepit I
    The Telepit II

    The absence of the teleporter and several weapons on most of the maps inspired me to create this map.

    "The veteran officers got bored of the same old Pit, so they added Teleporters."

    I am sorry for the way this description plays out... I usually write fiction.
    This map works well with objective gametypes as far as testing has gone, of course it still requires tweaks and suggestions are welcome, by tommorow I will have added functionality for all Gametypes, I need testers to help me with it and as soon as I can get some I will try out larger teams, so far it has CTF as well as Slayer Functionality, It is made for Two team games and has several Easter Eggs waiting to be found.
    Let's start the description with the bases: each base has two turrets, one on each side of the lower base area. They are purely for defence and are easy to score kills off if you get on them with the right timing, because you're pretty easy to kill in the two positions.
    In what would previously be known as the shotgun corners you can find a fuel rod cannon and an incendiary grenade -be aware that the fuel rod cannon does not appear when playing the game on a slayer gametype- beyond them you will find a corridor with new cover placed. In the bottom floor of the base you will find a radar jammer, a crate allowing you to jump up to the 2nd floor pathway from the battle rifle spawn, where the turret on top of a structure(two crates high) now spawns, to the sniper tower. Inside the base there is also a one-way teleporter to the top floor of the base from where you can reach the turret at BR spawn. Inside the top of the base you can find a Battle rifle and a brute shot as well as an Incendiary grenade. On the ground floor in a corner there is a needler. Directly above the needler on the path from the 'tall' turret to the ramp up to the sniper tower you will find a large amount of cover as well as a two-way teleporter from base to base. On the top level of the sniper tower is the flag spawn and bomb plant point as well as a grav lift, some additional cover from fire and some fusion coils. The bottom level of the sniper tower is where symmetry differs as the west tower's bottom contains four fusion coils and the east tower's bottom level is blocked off from all three entrances and contains two two-way teleporters from the southwest and southeast center areas two the room, as well as a power drainer and trip mine.
    Now we arrive at the center line wall. The ramps up to the sword room each have a mauler on them, and where the mauler usually spawns you can find a plasma grenade, in the are where the plasma pistol usually spawns you can find a BR, in the corner wall near it you can find a spiker, and in the corner opposite the corner wall you can find a two-way teleporter to the equipment room. Where the BR usually spawns near the rocket corridor you can find a BR and a plasma grenade.
    Thus, here we are, describing the center line. In the corridor where you can find the rockets there is a Beam Rifle, this is to lessen the power of claiming this corridor and reducing the "power rush". In the corridor where the Active Camo used to spawn, a custom power-up can be found that gives 3X overshields for five seconds. On the center bridge you can find a grav lift that allows you to go to the yellow platform above, this is where the rocket spawns with 180 spawn time and a place at start of 'no', this is to make the rocket launcher very tricky to get and uncommon. At each entrance to the sword room there is a barrier and inside you will find a some grenades, a pistol, and a shotgun. Once you have gone down to where the overshields used to be you can find the map's Active Camo as well as an incendiary grenade at each end of the corridor.
    That's the map, I hope you enjoy it and I will be coming out with a new version very soon as well as two of my other maps.

    Variant I and II Differences

    Variant I has a turret in place on the outlook in the top level of the base overlooking the sniper tower and the base to base teleporter is at it's location in the description as well as the flag/assault objectives on top of the sniper tower.
    Variant II has the assault/flag objectives in the top level of the base, and the base to base teleporter is in the corner beside the ramp adjacent to the needler and it's second turret is adjacent to the ramp from where the base to base teleporter usually is to the top level of the sniper tower.

    (Note: These Screenshots were taken in Slayer Mode)
    (Note: There is not an east and west version of every screenshot except where needed and accidentally taken as I see little need for redundacy)

    Please Comment, rate, and make suggestions.

    Here are some shots of the game in action.

    Beam Rifle Battle


    In The Sniper Room

    Who Shall Triumph?
  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like your idea of using the teleporters but when I read the title I don't see a pit. This map looks more like a forged, creative map with stratigicly placed teleporter. I do like however that the map is on The Pit. Good work though.
  3. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you, I've just finished v1.1 with all the objectives placed
    it simply needs testing

    [EDIT]: All the Objective Gametypes are ready for testing,
    In-Action Screenshots up soon.
  4. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright, the in-action screenshots are up.
    I am testing for two new versions of the map that will be up soon.
    If Anyone wants to help test send me a friend request, message, or post a reply here.

    sorry about the double post...
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great idea. If i am going to be brutally honest, then i think that is a bit untidy, but the idea is there and it works well, and atleast its not another foundry map.
  6. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow...this looks like....something

    sorry for resurrecting this
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Well I think it's cool. You don't see a lot of Pit maps today. All are Foundry.
    Good map. =]
  8. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was a very immature thing to do, not cool, I've since abandoned this project.

    This map was posted mid - January lol, so not exactly "Today" as you would have it.
  9. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good but this just dosent stand out

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