Most people out playing Halo 3 Live in team games, always seam to lose, because of them rubbish players. This article is trying to get a team together, so the group can pwn in Matchmaking. If you would like to be in the group, please post your Halo 3 Live Name, under this post. When you have posted your name, you will be put into a team, that you would do pretty good in. To get into a team in matchmaking, everyone in the team needs to be on each other lists, so they can invite each other. Teams will have upto, 4 members in each group. So start posting your Live Name and be entered into a team! Team Slayz - The Markus 360
what accoutn will you be using? I obviously won't be using my unranked account , but I have a bunch all at different levels of trueskill
A team isn't based on the individual skill of a player, but as a team in general. The team is only as strong as it's weakest member.