**** Tage 1 - YouTube Half funtage/ half montage. This is my best friends Kingjudges first attempt at both filming and editing a video by himself. We just recently purchased him the HD PVR gaming edition so ow we can make more videos on our channel. That's where The **** Tage comes from, each week we are going to do a short montage filled with our best clips from that week, and once we have enough higher quality clips we will be making a final **** tage with only the best clips we could get. Anyways, enjoy!
actually these clips were all from about a 5 hour all nighter, I then taught kingjudge the basics of editing then he took the rest of the day editing this. The resi of the videos will be footage from one week.
nice, i guess it wouldn't be too hard to get clips like this when you pull an all nighter, that's when i play my best halo. you actually have time to get warmed up.
Too much skipping in the clips to be honest. Sometimes it was necessary, but I felt like 98% of the time it was too twitchy. Overall, though it wasn't bad.
Exactly. Like he would cut to another clip, wait for about 3 seconds, then cut to the kill. It wasn't unbearable, but it wasn't bad, like Eightball said.
I'm liking that you put some fails in it as well. But the double pummels need to go. That's not something I want to see in a montage. Also, the song playing would fit perfectly into The Walking Dead.
Cage the Elephant FTW brothers... Some of the clips were good, but I gotta agree with the gentlemen above.
I couldnt really make any good montages anyways. if anything it would turn out the way this is. Im not refering to the editing, but to the lack of high multikills i tend to get just because im never really given the opportunity to get them or something BS happens. If im going to have a montage, i might title it "just average" Now for the **** tage... it was **** yea. but it was enjoyable. but it was kindof frustrating to keep up with the gameplay due to the blackouts and skipping.
Yeah I'll be sure to have king judge come here to check out your guys responses. Thanks for all of the criticism so far guys!