Has anybody done this, or better yet, made a forge that involves doing this? [img width=800 height=450]http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/443/superfortressxi8.jpg[/img]
Hey, I know you! You were that guy in the chat! Anyways, I haven't personally done it, but someone I know did a video clip of (shudder) Elephant reproduction. Ugh.
I dont exactly know what the goal of this is? I am pretty sure no one has made it because there is no reason to... its a bunch of vehicles on an elephant. -Donuts
Err.., how, and why? Good work in some ways, but better if this could somehow be incorporated in some way to make it functional.
even if you get them stacked you can play it. the elephants just respawn every round. sry but this is pointless
Go try it, it's not pointless in the least, it's one of the most challenging and fun things you can do and actually improved my item control.
Yes I have tried, and I couldn't stack the elephant on top of the other on there, it was practically impossible, because there was some force pushing it away
Ive seen it done once or twice on Bnet where one elphant was upside down on the other elephant and the guy called it the "elefort" or something like that.