I took some pictures of the sun on Sandbox. Maybe not original, but still good. Old [/URL] Lightning [/URL] Reach [/URL] Sahara [/URL] tell me whatcha think!
ya but its not very interesting is what im trying to say. if i wanted to see a still, animated sun i would just look at sandbox.
I Like Teh Sahara One Its Not All About What The Screenshot Has In It Its The Positioning That Counts ^-^
i was posting to tell you that most people dont want to see pictures of the sun. how bout you calm down and listen to some freakin criticism.
well the guy before you liked it so how about you stop posting and leave, because if I like them, they are good enough to post.
So according to you if u dont like it, its not up to standard to post? and how bout you read before posting because what you just said proved my point. i said most people wouldn't care for these, and you said that one person liked it. only 1 person.
And you didn't listen because I said stop posting. Also, I have many friends who think that the Reach and Sahara pics, are quite amazing.
Reach v2 [/URL] Sahara v2 [/URL] OMGOMGOMG BUNGIE FAVS??? Wow looks like im really good at taking screen shots also. dont post your pictures up on this site if your not ready for people to tell you they aren't what the public wanted
First, way to spell "SAHARA" wrong. Was that Pre-K when I learned that? Second, do you really have nothing better to do than hover around my thread and post? Third, I didn't say that they were perfect, but that I like them and that they look cool as scenery shots. They would be good for a computer wallpaper. I still can't believe that you actually spelled Sahara, the world's second largest desert, wrong. BTW- In case you were wondering, Antarctica is the world's largest desert because the term "desert" refers to an area of the world with an average annual precipitation of less than 250 millimeters.
He has a point. Anyone can do this and they are not that special. He doesn't like them, so be it. I see the sun all the time so I am not impressed. You could have made effects or something to make them interesting but you took pictures that anyone can take without trying. Got your back E DEE.
If you actually looked at the pics, FX were used in a few of them. For the Idontknowwhat time, THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SUPER SPECIAL. They just look nice as a background.
It isn't that I didn't expect it, it is that I fail to see why others waste time criticising a screenshot without a helpful way to make it better. "This sucks." does nothing for anyone except boost your post count, so don't do it.
ok then heres some helpful criticism - Stay away from the sun on sandbox. There are thousands and thousands of pictures already of it. If you want that as a background, use it, but dont post it. Try to more creative, and have a focal point you actually created yourself and/or a spartan. Try to stay away from scoping in with the sniper, holding a shotgun, and things like that, for they are way to overused IMO. An original screenshot is always better than one thats been seen before. It WILL take a while to get that perfectg screenie, so don't try to rush it, it's worth it in the end.