The Stronghold Created by Sgt B1ggl3s Supported Gametypes: X2 Siege Story: The foundation known as "The Stronghold" has been targeted by the UNSC Marines as a potential threat. Lay siege to it and capture the complex! Description: Ok. So this is the second competitive map I've made, but the first I've posted. My friend had asked me to make a US/Mexico Border Hopping map for him, so I obliged, but as I progressed through it, I thought, "Screw him, I'm making a terrotories map". So I did. And when I began to make the variant for it, I began to emplement some Call of Duty 4 aspects into it. SO then I went back through the map, changing the weapons on it. Basically, Attackers start in the back rooms of Foundry and have a small SMG armory on each side, while Defenders have the area on the other side of Foundry with a wall spanning from one side to the other, with a gate in the middle, and a fracture in the far right of the wall. Attackers move forward with barriers symmetrically placed here and there towards a truck in the midst of the map. This is there first capture point. From their they move to the fracture in the wall on the right through to a truck with acrate and turret mounted on it, which is there second capture point. Then they move towards the tall switch tower and capture it, where at the top they can hit the switch and open the gate to allow quicker access to the stronghold. From their, they move to the last capture point, the small building on the far left of the stronghold, with one entrance and two fusion coils on each side of the entrance. All this time the Defenders must of course defend. _________________________________________________ Now for pictures! Over view of The Stronghold and the truck. Overview opposite The Stronghold Inside the Truck, CP 1 The Gate Inside The Stronghold The Breach In The Wall The Truck with the Mounted Turret, CP 2 The Switch, CP 3 The Base inside The Stronghold, Outside The Base inside The Stronghold, Inside, CP 4 _________________________________________________ Hopefully, tomorrow I will add some more pictures, but for now this should do. EDIT: ok i've uploaded the new pics. This should give you a better view of everything. Download The Stronghold Download X2 Siege
well sorry if i sound mean but is it me or are to many fortresses maps coming out and they all are a half @ss job? any way it is ok maby add some inter locking it is sloppy and more cover its way to open
I can't really understand what you're trying to say... But I do agree with the last sentence, the map dosen't really need interlocking but you really need to add more cover for the attackers, possibly add some structures rather than just putting barriers down. Also, try to give the attackers more entry points so the defenders can't just camp at the one.
Well this was my second attempt at a map, and I was an idiot and forgot to use the unlimited budget glitch, hindering my ability to really work with it. I'll try and revise the map with the budget glitch and build a better map. And yeah, there are alot of fortress maps, thats where I suppose my friend got the idea. Thanks for feedback.
It seems like you didn't put much work into this. The randomly placed barriers are a sad excuse for cover. The aesthetics are bad and people will just grenade jump over those short walls. I am not very impressed by this map so no DL...
Hay! Dunt be mean unless the map is pathetic or if its a bad post or if you're a TROLL -dun dun duuunnn-. (I'm not saying that anyone here is a troll, tho.) It's a good first try at a map and I say the front gate is almost smexy (not smexy, but almost). I also like the truck, it looks kewl, but you needs moar pics plox. thank you, come again!
its kind of hard to judge if you cant see the inside of the base but the truck looks really good and the front door, like most people have said maybe some cover closer to the door
i built a map called stronghold to its not ready yet still testing it but instead of a truck it will have a battering ram and a ton of timed events your map looks cool to im dling
There is interlocking, the gate on the truck in the front end of the back thing (wow that made alot of sense) is interlocked. The base in the Stronghold is interlocked. The switch is interlocked. The walls are all smoothed together with interlocking. THERES INTERLOCKING!!!!!