Let's hear it! Most people have a certain avatar for an extended length of time. Everyone has a reason for what they've chosen. I know the "Scene Girl" avatars are all the buzz right now, but for those non-trendy ones of us (ok...the trendy ones too), what's the reason for YOUR avatar?? Personally, I use my avatar because it represents me pretty accurately. In true form, I'm nothing but a kid who probably just learned how to count and is excited as hell to share this jewel of information with the world. rawrrr _________________________________________________ My Favorites Thus Far::: Linubidix Murdock Sampson Drawing Man Mr. Mustache
i change mine every time i become a new rank on forgehub, i guess when i get higher up ill probably change it every time i get a new bar for my rank. right now its starwars, technically KotOR, but when the new starwars tv show comes out ima switch to clonewars. i also change it for big events.
I think mine's pretty self explanatory really... If you don't understand the meaning then you're stupid. Also it's ****ing hot... ♥
Fbu, another mod, had the Black/blue version of mine, so i took, the inverted version of his, and put my name on it. I like to lick things.
My avatar is a picture of the philadelphia eagles logo with the teams name under it. I love football and the Eagles are my team, pretty self explanatory.
Well as most people would already be aware, I am a large fan of Batman. Recently I became very interested with Vector Based traces. I did this: And turned it into my avatar with some purple hints and such.
I made mine for my new group "We Who Believe." It's all about believing in the cake who many think "is a lie" due to the line in the popular "Portal" game. I'll probably make something about it later.
The history hmm... Its actually a girl I went out with for about two years untill she moved away. I still am in touch with her very frequently lol just decided to use her for my avatar lol
My friend DRiSCOLL made me my first decent sig and made a avatar matching the sig .. I should really change it .. =]
Great stuff, guys! I just updated the OP with my favorites as of this post. I'll make the next update when I find three more that are of equal or greater 1337 quality than the latest three.