Here's a different sort of project I'm slowly massaging into shape. I finished a build of this a while ago, tested it, got discouraged, then reworked it substantially and voila, here we are previewing it. It has yet to be re-tested and I'm not 100% convinced that I'll ever want to release it, but it's weird enough that I felt like throwing it out there and hearing anybody's thoughts. The map was started basically as a challenge to myself. My comfort zone is mid-sized, enclosed (wholly or partially) competitive maps that are good for multi-objective games and slayer. For this map I wanted to build outdoors, I wanted to make a map primarily for asymmetrical objective games like one flag and one bomb, I wanted to use every available man cannon because I love them more than tacos, and I wanted to make something that would be a kind of playground for jetpackers in slayer (though other armor abilities work fine). Anyway this was the result. Built in a little-used portion of Forge World, conforming to the natural upward slope of the land there, this ended up being kind of my spin on a few maps people tend to have mixed feelings about: High Ground, Ascension/Pinnacle, and The Cage. Hopefully it will play well, but if it never does at least I built something very different from my own norm. Oh, and: at least for the moment it has a neutral falcon. We'll have to see how and if that pans out. It was a neutral banshee before but that turned out to be unworkable.
Wasn't really a fan of the map when we last played it. It's a bit too catwalky. And the fact that you can pretty much shoot people all over the map from the top of red base doesn't really help either. At least you switched out the Banshee with a Falcon.
The catwalkiness is why I added some significant chunks of dancefloor right in the middle (where the rockets are located, and the 4x4 block and corner section just left of that). But ultimately it is a catwalky map, a la The Cage - if you inherently dislike maps like that, this probably is never gonna work for you, alas. (I've actually learned to like The Cage, much to my surprise.) The other good part of those new areas is that they block line of sight from the top of red base to blue base and several adjacent areas, and they just give people more places to move around. I'm hoping it will end up making the top of red a much less dominant position (and that's why I felt comfortable adding snipers to the map finally, also). Ultimately I'm trying to find a way to have this play sort of like High Ground without the one big High Ground problem - that you could sit on that wall all day and rain death on basically the entire lower area of the map. Maybe I got there, maybe I didn't, we shall see...
I only played this map twice and kinda forgot about it haha but the revisions look nice and I'm happy about the falcon swap. Nobody puts vehicles on their maps anymore unless it's btb. You know I love maps in this style (the cage, lockout, guardian) and I think this map might possibly play better with classic settings. Just a thought though.
I'm kinda giving up on classic settings - it's too confusing for my feeble old man brain to keep switching between armor abilities and none, one movement speed and another, etc. However, we will be running one flag on this tonight with jet pack removed from the loadouts, so that should be interesting.
If more people went outside their comfort zones while forging, there would be so many more awesome maps, and so many less generic ones. I really like the attitude you had while forging this, and I try to keep that attitude every time I make a map of "What hasn't been done before?" I also love man cannons far more than tacos. That said, I hate tacos. I don't think I like man cannons more than pizza. Speaking of which, it looks like you succeeded in making this map hot pizza. It looks a bit... far out I suppose, but if it works well it will be awesome. Some areas do look a bit too bridgy for my taste, but I can't exactly judge as I haven't played the map yet. I'm interested to see how the neutral falcon works as well. You need to get me in some games on here ASAP.
We have a spot open for tonights games if you want to get in on it psychoduck. I love tacos. And pizza. And I'm pretty excited to play this tonight.
I think Psychowaterfowl here has now compared three of my maps to pizza. So suck on that, haters! Ain't nothin' better than pizza yo! And that mahfucka named his map after the best letter in the whole cot-damned alphabet!