The Spiral

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by sandervkva, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. sandervkva

    sandervkva Ancient
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    Hey guys, this is my second (complete) map in Reach, first one on Forgehub.
    Somewhere early in December i joined my buddy Jake in Forge. After i was done launching kill balls at him i started to mess around on the very same rock Pinnacle is build on. I noticed there were sections of rock (topped with grass) which roughly spiraled up to the top...

    And so i got the idea to connect these grassy rocks to complete the 'spiral'. A rough concept later i realised playing Invasion would be quite awesome on a map like this! A few hours later (after reading the Bungie Invasion guide) i really got some work done and had a general idea of how the map was going to turn out.

    1st phase: The attackers (Spartans) have to hack a computer (territories, 20 sec, 7 sec defense timer) which will shut down the one-way shield wall, gaining you entrance to the next phase:
    2nd phase: There are two sender node teleporters and a mancannon which send you to the top of the map. However, they're all blocked by boulders and rocks. BLOW THEM UP. Bomb-site Alpha has a mancannon and a teleporter, Bravo has one teleporter. Ofcourse blowing either of these up will also unlock the other one (15 sec arm time, 1 sec disarm).
    3rd phase: Enter the teleporter in the blue team base to gain access to the core. Once back in the base, make a run for the sniper nest and launch yourself to the falcon landing pad with the mancannon. Once the core is in the marker (and the round is won by the spartans) the shield above the falcon will be deactivated for 5 seconds.

    General overview of the map, Spartans start bottom right, Elites start in the 3-room/bunker-round.
    Overview of the first phase (bottom right) the shield wall (red + green lights) and bomb site Bravo (top middle, boulder).
    Overview of the back section. Spartans spawn at the bottom, bomb site Alpha in the middle.
    Overview of the Elite spawn.
    Red spawn, the four sockets contain Armor lock, Camo, Grenade launcher and a DMR.
    Oow and there's a rocket launcher, for the curious amongst you.
    Whenever you die as a Spartan you can choose your respawns, your initial spawn being the first. Where my Spartan is in the picture is the second spawn option. The tunnel-brace has a one-way shield to prevent Elites from going berserk on the Spartan spawns.
    There are 3 ways to reach the 'computer': Either jump down and go up the grav-lift, take the incline in the center or jump the open window around the back. Open window has a shield door to prevent grenade spamming.
    Before deactivation
    After deactivation
    Time to blow up these pesky rocks! (Older version of the gametype in which the bomb/core carrier would turn white)
    Path to the left goes to Bravo, to the right goes to Alpha.
    Alpha, notice the blue glow of the teleporter on the left rock, and the glow from the mancannon on the right
    The explosion of the bomb makes it look like the rocks really explode (inspired by the famous destructable gate).
    Bomb site Bravo before detonation, notice the receiver node, just below the sun.
    Human turret spawns at phase 2, so the attackers can keep the elites off the bomb. After the bomb blows, there'll be a sniper rifle in front of the wall on the left side of the picture
    The mancannon at Alpha will launch you in the one-way shield on the left, the elites can jump down from their base into the shield on the right, to surprise any Spartans coming up here.
    Before detonation, path to the right leads to a cave.
    After detonation
    The cave
    Ooh, by the way. There's the laser --------------------------^
    The teleporter at bravo will bypass the walkway, which is only one way.
    Teleporter on the left will bring you to the core room. One thing i noticed on accident, elites won't be able to access this teleporter. Being larger they don't fit under the rock that's at the other end. Even crouched, this teleporter will not work for elites, thus preventing any camping.
    The custom powerup represents the core shield. Fortuneately, Dot was able to adjust your armor systems, letting you absorb the shield and giving you 5 seconds invulnerablity (enough to make it out of the core room and the Elite base).
    The 'supershield' at work.
    Make your way across the courtyard toward the sniper nest.
    Another Spartan exclusive teleporter. Elites, this is probably your last chance of stopping the Spartans!
    Don't forget to pack your balls. You'll need them...
    As you can see the falcon is locked in place.
    As soon as the core drops in the marker, the shield is deactivated for 5 seconds. So if you want a cinematic ending, be quick with getting in and flying off!

    And now some pictures for the Elites:
    (Imagine the red spartan in these pictures to be a blue elite)
    As soon as the round starts, go through this door to find a slide! This slide will drop you off unharmed, right at the 'computer building'.
    If you drop down at the other side of the sniper nest, you'll find yourself a concussion rifle here.
    This plasma launcher will spawn at phase 2.
    The final phase will grant the Elites (and the Spartans) access to these 2 teleporters. They will send you to the next picture, at the back of the round bunker.
    The focus rifle will help the Elites guard the courtyard, or will be their last resort if the Spartans reach the Falcon platform. Spawns in the final phase
    The energy sword will spawn in the final phase.
    If the Elites fail to stop the Spartans, you will see a picture like this.

    I really enjoyed making this map. However, i played it once with some other guys. Their constructive criticism went as far as: "this maps sucks" (after dying for the first time).

    Ofcourse i got some advice which was indeed useful:
    - The map is quite narrow for such a gametype
    - At the 'computer building' you can clearly see something is wrong with the lighting. (Dark parts)
    - The walk from the core teleporter to the mancannon is (too?) short.
    - There are not a lot of weapons on the map.
    - There are no grenades on the map. I did this on purpose because i want to prevent grenade spamming, especially since the map is so narrow. The Spartans eventually get to choose a loadout with 3 frag grenades to counter that.

    I didn't do anything about the above, just because i want to test it first before it turns out it wasn't really a problem.
    * An issue i recognized early on in the making, i had to prevent the Elites from just shooting/nadin' from their elevated position. Solved this by making overhanging rocks.

    There are probably more things to say about the map/gametype, and i will be happy to hear everyone of them. Ofc i would also love to hear positive things!

    If you like the map from the pictures, or you just want to help, i need some testers for the map/gametype. Leave your GT if you're interested!

    Greetings, Sander
    #1 sandervkva, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  2. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Very awesome map here. I always wanted a game where the attackers had to travel up toward the objective. This is an ideal location for it too. I was even building one like this but looks like you beat me to the punch. The only thing disheartening was the black blocks on the map. I'll give it a DL and let you know how it goes. Good job.
  3. sandervkva

    sandervkva Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Does anybody know how to solve the blackblock problem seen in the second image?

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