This map does have it's charms, but also there are some areas I believe that you could improve upon, such as straightening out a few things and most importantly interlocking. YOu might want to head down to forging 101 for all the latest tips and techniques in forge.
I am just saying, I know you put a lot of time into these maps ( I dont really know ) But You might develope a bad rep if you keep turning out maps like this.
Looks promising for slayer gametypes but after that is self-explanitory with the limited space. Eh, I'll download it to test
hey people don't be so harsh. the map may be a bit messy and needs some interlocking but is this how we are supposed to treat newer forgers? We should all just be more encouraging and a great example from brute captain.
I think we should continue abusing the new forgers until they get their crap together. Your map looks like it was map with a good idea, but as it has been said, you need to interlock and keep the objects straight. You have published a lot of maps and you should either be having much cleaner maps, or at least an attempt at interlocking.
i do dude i have interlocked in some of my maps if you have downloaded them and actually lokked at them
You may interlock, but you are not doing it in the important places. It all looks like it is put together really hastily. If you think that you are are able to do a really good job of interlocking, then I want to see it in your next map. I am calling you out. Show me a good map. P.S. I really don't want to seem like a jerk (although, I fear that I am be doing a bad job of this), but the massive numbers of a maps you churn out reminds me of the shovelware crap that is getting made for the Wii recently.
People sound harsh with the "you need to learn how to forge." This site is a place for ideas to grow! Give some respect.