Legendary DLC The Snowy Mile

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Mongoose Tracks, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Made by- lil kyle 15

    Map- Avalanche

    Gametypes- Racetracks and Battle Tracks

    -This is a double wide terrain and part sky track on avalnche. This is one of the longest racetracks that is ever built on avalanche and is very smooth and would possibly work well with tournaments. This track features banked turns, a shielded door elevator, and a small jump. The track has eight mongooses and can spawn up to sixteen people... I hope you enjoy my newest track!















    Please be aware the track is the same but I had to move the Finish line and move around some of the bordering, so the tracks the same as the pics show it but the bordering may be different in some certain areas...

    Download Here
  2. muckynugget

    muckynugget Ancient
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    ssss eeeee x x y y noiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeee
    s e x x y y
    ssss eeeee x y
    s e x x y
    ssss eeeee x x y
    #2 muckynugget, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  3. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Um no offense but is that even considered a post? Next time try to post something that will help me make my map better, instead of wasting a post just like you did right there...Thats easily considered spam in my viewpoint...
  4. Tsar Necoji

    Tsar Necoji Ancient
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    I love it. Ever since Ive got the legendary dlc ive been looking for a nice long smooth track like this. I give you a 9/10 for awesomeness, but i dislike the part where it goes on the ground and is outlined by powerups.
  5. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Yeah I dont really like that part of the map either, but I was starting to run out of objects, and by the time the map was done the money glitch had been completely used and I hit the object limit... But if that wouldnt have hapened I wouldnt have used power ups.
  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Spectacular map. Loved every second of it. The artificial portion of the track is really smooth and fun. The natural section makes good use of the terrain and is great fun as well. That elevator is magical and worked everytime for me. Checkpoint placement is debatable, but that is prolly the best spot for it. If you placed it at the end (elevator), cheaters would cut the track right away. Now they have to complete half a lap will be less likely to cheat. Anyway, this is a great terrain/forged hybrid track. I'll be racing it for months to come.
    Aesthetics: 8/10
  7. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Thanks i'm glad that you liked it overall, and yeah your right about the checkpoint cause I was debating too cause if I wouldve put it anywhere else people would have just automatically cut the track altogether...
  8. xXTOTOXx

    xXTOTOXx Ancient
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    i know theres nothing u can do about it but it seems like it would be rather easy to cheat on this map is it not?
  9. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Well yeah its actually rather easy to cheat, but that is mainly because the track is HALF on the ground so there for the map used half the unmovable objects in the air so its hard to make it uncheatable...
  10. Darkness Seeping

    Senior Member

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    I personally don't like race maps that use the ground floor and don't contain it, for it's very easy to cheat and skip an area. But I downloaded it and liked the parts in the sky.

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