Post links to your galleries, etc. here. A more orgainzed thread coming soon! Foundry 3D SketchUp Help Foundry3D Homepage iMatty's Stuff
Not sure how to make a gallery but here is my desk made in Sketch-Up minus the colors, textures etc. My Desk [img width=800 height=471][/img] [img width=800 height=467][/img]
To get rid of the lines on the rounded edges, use the eraser while holding ctrl, this will soften the edges w/o actually erasing them.
I actually never knew that! That should save me loads of time... I know most of the other shortcuts. And that looks great, Wakko!
Thanks for the sticky! SketchUp is getting popular... you're welcome. Jk, it was project and me that brought you this program, really. Not trying to be cocky or self-centered... EDIT: Might want to add a SU and sketchyphysics Download page...
Thats great that there is a thread for this now ... I'm only good at certain map editors, like the Infinity Ward one for Call of Duty: 4 and others like that. So I suck throbbing big **** at Sketchup right now, but i'm getting better.
I admire you guys for having the patience to work with this. It requires an artsy brain to use, and I'm a technical brain guy. I'll stick with my Solidworks and Inventor. Keep up the good work guys!
I downloaded sketchup a few days ago, and honestly, have never touched it because all of the controls are intimidating.
I'm going to post an update soon on this castlethingy that I've been working on. This is my second actual thing I've tried to make using SketchUp. If anyone wants to see my previous update, its on the Look what I can do with a few hours of practice thread. Its like 4 pages long, my post is on the third page.
I just learned a little bit of sketchup, heres what I was able to create in about 10 minutes. I know its horrible, but whatever. [img width=800 height=500][/img]