The Shreds of Memories (A ShreddedDreamz Collection)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by ShreddedDreamz, Sep 14, 2008.


What is your fav. segment of my pics?

  1. Magnums

    1 vote(s)
  2. Mongooses

    0 vote(s)
  3. Shadows

    4 vote(s)
  4. Comedic

    0 vote(s)
  5. Misc.

    1 vote(s)
  1. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wanted to share some of my Halo 3 images, and what better online community that ForgeHub?

    Ok I will divide the pictures into 5 categories; Magnums, Mongooses, Shadows, Comedic, and Miscellaneous.

    Please reply and remember to rate the poll above^^^

    I originally planned 22 pics, but due to the 20 limit, "Iron Man" and "A Smokey Escape" have been removed.

    Magnums- My favorite and the most underrated weapon/ It's also great to take screenshots with, due to it's bad-ass look and poses.

    1. [​IMG]

    2. [​IMG]
    "Hold Tough"

    3. [​IMG]

    4. [​IMG]

    5. [​IMG]

    6. [​IMG]
    (Close-up of Polished)

    Mongooses- As with the magnum, the Mongoose also happens to be my favorite, and is incredibly underrated. The pics taken with Mongooses are unachievable with any other vehicle.

    1. [​IMG]

    2. [​IMG]
    "I Didn't Do It!!"

    3. [​IMG]
    "Through the Mist"

    4. [​IMG]
    "The Aftermath"

    Shadows- A more recent series to my screenshots, but none the less important. These have been a quick favorite to many. All pics are named Shadow of...

    1. [​IMG]
    "of the 2 Tones"

    2. [​IMG]
    "of Chaos"

    3. [​IMG]
    "of No Fear"

    4. [​IMG]
    "of Stealth and Accuracy"

    5. [​IMG]
    "of the Current"

    6. [​IMG]
    "of the Haze"

    Comedic- I believe this segment needs no introduction.

    1. [​IMG]
    "Caution: Wet Cement" Alternatively, "Hidden Portal"

    2. [​IMG]
    "Packin' da Fudge"

    3. [​IMG]
    "Panhandler/ Got any Change?"
    sorry for the small scale pic^

    Miscellaneous- Everything else I didn't want to give a specific category.

    1. [​IMG]
    "Suicide Scene/ Some Spartans just cannot handle the pressure needed to succeed in battle."
  2. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please vote in the poll, and reply a post with your favorite screenshot.
  3. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the 2nd and 3rd ones of the shadows ere very well done, good job. The rest, I'm afraid to say, are very mediocre. there is probably only one or two others that were barly above mediocre. overall 5/10
  4. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the regen shadow pic is cool. funny wet cement. i also like the "i didnt do it" pic! lolz. 5/5 over all

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