Keep an eye out for this map pack which will be containing 3-5 maps which will be based around smaller group gaming. I know first hand what it can be like to get a large enough group together to play customs, so these maps will be for teams of 2-3 and free-for-all. they will be compatible with larger groups but are for smaller teams. once again keep an eye out cause the pack is comming soon.
Alright I will make sure I set my alarm to soon and wait for it... but seriously.. I understand that you want people to look at you map pack but don't advertise it BEFORE it is completed for furture. I will look forward to it but next time just wait to post when all the maps are done.
excuse me if i dont hold my breath.... what he said,i made this mistake and my map idea is noe only in my head and a topic space is wasted just re post it when your done.
I dont get why people release maps in packs. It just makes the less popular maps in the pack un-noticed... If you release 5 maps at once, i bet only 2 of them would actually get played... And it means we gotta wait longer for them to come out.
OK SORRY. This post wasn't ment for you personally it was really just a way to tell a few people I know on here why I haven't been joining their games when they send me invites. Another thing is I really just need to work out the kinks in the maps that I have so cool your jets and keep your frustartion to yourself.
if it was just for a few people send a mass voice message over xbox live, dont make a cryptic topic on a website with over 3000 users.
Advertising=FTL Drive! Whoosh! Ninja, that attitude is dangerously close to flaming. I'd be careful if I were you. And for god's sake, don't triple post, for crying out loud! Just edit!
He didn't triple post, they both have the same avatar. Be careful. Although he hardly posts on the site, Ninja is a very accomplished forger and I'm personally looking forward to his map pack immensely. If he was random, unknown and couldn't forge then I would agree this topic is more clutter. However, I'm glad he posted this and to attack him the way you guys have done is a slight unnecessary. No one said anything about my own and Insane's map pack post in forge discussion. This and any others should be no different. If you hadn't all jumped on him maybe you'd be discussing what he's coming up with and giving suggestions and feedback.
for the record i didnt mean to sound like i was attacking him :S i was just speaking from experience and making a suggestion. and of course no ones gonna flame staff/loyal members for posting a map pack XD think david versus goliath only goliath has a flamethrower lol but on a serious note,what were we supposed to reply as? he didnt tell us what kind of maps they were other than give us some idea whats coming and we can go "alright! sounds cool,cant wait" or we can make suggestions but with *cue ominous music all we can really do is type " great" anyway i DO actually look forward to seeing what you come up with just dont leave us completely in the dark or we'll bang our head heading to the johns.
THE MAPS WILL BE SMALL(2v2) almost all of them will feature new forms of geometry acheived through interlocking.
The map pack will hopefully be done by the end of this month but due to work the release date may have to be pushed back.
are they acutally coming out soon or is this just to pump us up and get us all excited ? but is one of them ghost town.? -K18
No it's not some trick to get everyone pumped up, I'm just gonna be kinda busy this month and hopefully can find time to finish my maps. Oh and no one of them is not ghost town.
Wow, celtics and spartan I want to thank you for not posting in this thread and imediately bashing my map pack idea.
N1NJ4 we didnt bash your maps...we bashed your cryptic comment. Anyway how long until your able to post pics? Or will we be waiting for the whole thing to come out at once in a month?