This idea popped into my head randomly and I thought I might want to make it! Of course I want your opinion on it before starting full force on it. This map will be on sandbox if you didn't guess already. So here is the idea. Two or Four people will be infected, and start with either a mongoose or warthog. If they get warthog, the honor rule is that you cannot use the turret. So everyone else is basicly the wildlife in the safari and they must run away from the hunters. The basic starting weapons for the hunters will be a sniper rifle and shotgun. You will have other weapons you can start off with though. Headshots are disabled so no cheap kills. Now the animals move faster, like 150 % while the hunters move slowly, about 75%. The animals CAN kill the hunters, so it not jsut running away, but trying to kill them too. They animals start off with swords so they can lunge like a cheetah So what do you think?
i had similar idea, exept it wasn't a safari, but never got around to making it. but it sounds good, you should make different "classes" of animals, like cheetah, rhino, elephant etc. That would make thing more interesting.
You can make turret-less warthogs. A 'honor rule' just doesn't work. There's always those that won't know or don't care. Haven't done it myself, and don't know much about it, so I don't really know if you can save it... But if you don't want them to use the turret, spawn only 'gooses. Sure, it may be harder to splatter, but heck there's no turret involved.
Sniper rifle is a poor choice in my eyes. The scope is so cheap, regardless of headshots or not. I would actually give them fuel rods and shotties (or mauler, depending on testing). Fuel rods move slowly, and can do some interesting things (and let the zombies bounce the mongoose). You will have enough mongooses, don't use warthogs, it's a bad idea. The turretless hog is created when you have someone (who doesn't have host, I believe) spawn a warthog right as the screen is about to go black for a new round start. You need two people to do this, and it only works for forge. The turret reappears in different games. Well, at least, that's how I know how to create one. Pain it the butt, since it would have been cool to use in many different maps, but that's what we get. A mongoose is better anyways. The passenger seat (or stand) has a 360 degree rotation. You don't have to get stuck driving on the human's left side constantly and be completely destroyed if they attack from the right.