King Kong Spoiler When he dies... it was somewhat sad Marley and Me Spoiler The worst thing was knowing it was coming... but when Marley dies, no one in the theater wasn't crying... I was sobbing... add on the fact I have a dog I love like crazy and I just can't imagine having to put her down... The 5 People You Meet In Heaven -was just really sad... I honestly don't remember what happened exactly cause I read it years ago, but I remember crying. And if you want to know the saddest thing IMO, it isn't something in a movie or book... When I was seven my grandmother died, whom I was deeply close to. She had lung cancer from smoking that I didn't know about. She died two days before my birthday, and my stupid uncle, against my parent's will, forced us to hold the funeral on my birthday. Being there, on my birthday, at a cemetery, holding the shovel to bury my grandmother... that was the saddest thing ever. Oh and Nor, that Futurama episode with Fry's dog for sure.