I tried doing the KBD solo and I almost got it dead but 5 other ppl came in and killed it. I got the drop but I was marveled at how easy it actually was. @Orange: How tough and bronze drags and barrows?
This site might have some guides/tips/tricks/prices/item/Q&A/skills/quests/etc. Welcome - ::Sal's Realm of RuneScape:: Some of the prices are a little off I think.
if you soloed the KBD, you can easilty kill bronze dragons, theyre like green but twice as tough but you need a constant usage of antifires Barrows is not too hard but the thing is they have armor, and special abilites Go get a shovel and go to the barrows bottom right hill, dig. Thats torag, the easiest one; if you can kill him easily (no prayer) then you're good You need 43+ prayer. No exceptions. Dharock will hit 500+ if you do not and prayer pots (a salamander is a weapon which can be used to deal melee,ranged and magic damage; its helpful) My stats: 73 Attack 70 strength 70 defense 72 HP 50 magic(used with salamander) My normal inventory is: Teleport tab(POH)*alot Shovel Prayer Potion(4)*4 Monkfish*22 Equiped: Guthans Platebody Guthans Chainskirt Regen Bracelet Warrior Helm Dragon boots Obby Sheild Whip Obsidian Cape Glory Ammy Secondary Weapon: Orange Salamander (this helps against the melee brothers by ALOT) 1k Marentill Tar Ill Melee Dharock till he has like <100 health left, then salamander [takes usually 1 dose of prayer potion] Melee ahrim completley [takes 1-2 doses, dont have prayer on the entire time(if he has <25% health left i dont drink prayer pot again)(uses up 2 monks usually)] Melee Karil completley [takes 1-2 doses, dont use prayer past 10% health(takes up 1-2 monks)] Salamander on Guthans completley, prayer on until 15% health left [3-4 doses usually] Melee verac, salamander when close to death[no prayer, he hits through it (8-12monkfish used)] Melee torag, use salamander to finish[no prayer, he has no special ability, just high def(4-10monks)] The salamander that i use is kinda weak, but almost always hits so i dont use it as a main but just a finisher except guthan i hate guthan Also, dont let your prayer run out at dharock no matter what, he will hit 500+ --- Use Runescape Wiki. ALOT better
If I were to do barrows then I would need to get up my defense. It's amazing I practically soloed the KBD but oddly one lvl 100ish dude might actually be harder than a lvl 250ish dragon. Weird. I'll get up stats then do it, and nice guide seems like it can help.
Also, always start with dh, he uses the most prayer usage, as its needed If when you open his sarcofagis, its a hidden tunnel, then conserve as much prayer as possible --- EDIT: I started killing 8 creatures per run, i got a barrrows item! Spoiler Bolt rack(41)=/
Even then sounds a bit low to be honest. It's best not to aim too high, because you'll spend far too much money and time trying to succeed at something which is way easier at later levels.
Dude! Me and my friends used to play this all the time! We had a dream. To get to a high enough level and kill a dragon, but then me and my friend made fun of his brother. Three days later he was twenty levels higher. That's when it got way to nerdy and we stopped.
Okay, I want your guys opinion on what to do. I want to make money, please tell me the most effective way. I am a free member, so please keep that in mind. Edit: I have 473k to make initial investments.
You could get 90 odd hunter in a month, and make about 30m. Most other good ways to make money require a host of good stats, and its generally my rule that sticking at one thing is better than doing average in many. On a side note. 99 magic tomorrow
Lone, what I did to make 14M. (Actually 28m but I was hacked, got it back though) I just mined essence, pure essence that is. I spent a full 30 days doing nothing but mining. It may be boring but Varrock mines >>> Bank is an extremely short trip. This would require you to buy a membership though... or bum off a friend. I'm not sure about making money in freeplay except fishing then cooking. Lobsters are always good money, but it's kinda a pain in the ass imo.
Scamming was how to make money lol. What a shame they took it out. -Selling Poison Challices (worth 1 GP) for millions by having a friend PM someone saying "Ill give you 10mil for a Poison Challice. If you find it, get it" then I would go "selling poison challice. Only 8mil" lol -"helping" people with Monkey Madness and then killing them off ahhh good times indeed. Also, getting money off of mining coal is pretty good too.
So i did a bunch of clue scrolls lately. Im bored. I have very good stats. I have every [practical] piece of armor that i want. I have 3mil cash to do what ever the **** i want with. Im bored. I still have like 18 days left with membership. I got a saradomin kiteshield earlier from a clue scroll, 1.5mil easy. Killing hellhounds now, got one clue already, just random rune stuff, 80k pretty much. Trying for another. **** why dont i go play starcraft 2