How about you buy me a months membership (Gamecard $10) and i'll buy you a second whip or something of equal value. =D -sarcasm-.... or is it?
Well if you want (and it's not sold and your a member already) i'll go ahead and give you all my pure essences. Not like I can sell them... or I REALLY need to.
JaGeX, as they like to spell it, put up something that depending on how long you've been friends, I think by years, it increases the trade limit for you two.
Not much as of now, like I said earlier (I think) I got hacked and my account was only left with 9000k as they say and a Dragon 2h. But I got about 35,000 Rune essence left, that's about... 6m I think, depending on GE trade prices at the time.
itd be inneficient and take forever tbh to trade 16k to me every 15 minutes not worth the time keep da money yo
I never actually worked for anything in that game. Someone, in game, walked up to me and gave me a level 54 when i was 20-something. And then another friend gave me a seventy because he didn't want it. So... does anyone want to give me an account so I don't have to do any work? Again :lol: ?
Avery, I have a high trade limit and maybe if we build a time machine we can go forward in time to increase out trade limit by being long lasting friends. Anyways, I can give you some money cuz I sold a ring. @Lone: Work is fun. That's what RuneScape is all about. You might want to start killing moss giants to get up some CB lvls.
Lol Jagex takes more time making sure people dont trade too much than they take actually making sure the game is worth playing Your never gonna find a way --- EDIT: I got guthans platebody, the only reasonbly priced barrows piece if you're not using the whole set Plus i may get the whole set, i LOVE guthans SO BORED NOW inb4quit
So I've just heard about this insane technique: Buy a mystic mud staff and a lot of body runes then use curse on an enemy that can't hit you. 29exp per cast.
Tried Soloing the KBD. Epic fail now im killin a shitload of bronze dragons not for slayer fun good profit yo --- did barrows abunch maybe got 700k worth of runes, came out with like 400k profit, no barrows items yet