orange, when you reach 70 defence buy FULL guthans and go to bandits in the desert from al kharid pay the guy and use the magic carpet to go to the bandit camp. where some sort of god item like a saradomin cape and they will auto attack you and you can pretty much AFK train it because guthans heals you but wear a ring of life just in-case, i trained my defense from 75-90 here in a few short weeks
**** YEAH i did a lv1 clue scroll and got the best drop available, black cane!!!!!!!!!! Should i hold onto it and sell it later or now? gonna check the GE charts of cost EDIT the item recently took a 100k crash, wat do?
My friend bought me a months membership and I wasted it on mining. haha he was pissed. My mining went from 29-73 on Pure Essence alone. I have over 60,000 of them being sold in the GE. Lol
damn, how much did you make off that? ive always thought about selling something in huge masses, just devote all time to it too boring though... i got 1620 cannon balls, trying to get a whip.
About 10m. But I don't really play unless i'm a member just because I already beat ALL the freeplay quests. Also level 60 atk/str/def. 41 ranging. 63 wc, 60 something fishing. And blah blah
Jealous faic I wanna try to burn just like 100 raw hours into money i dont need more, but theres alot id like to have
Ha, nobody buying Pure Essence right now... Ive only got about 35k left of them. I guess i'm what you call a 'Serious Grinder' But unless I get another membership, I doubt i'll be doing anything else.... I was trying to save up for whip aswell. How much were they.... I forgot... --- Heres a picture of how much I currentyl have on sale... I don't think freeplay members can sell members objects though. Which would explain why these have been on sale for more then a week. They used to sell like hotcakes! <-- Idk EDIT: The reason my name is 'Free4iife', is because I think RS should be free to all dammit.
I attempted ores already, mined 1000 mith. 1000 Pure, the time it takes me to Varrock mine then bank. as to Guild mining then banking, it dosen't add up as well. That and by the time I mine 1000 pures, ive only mined 300 miths. It's a very complex and long time=/=mine ratio. Pures are definitely a better choices if you have the patience to mine, nak, mine, bank, mine, bank. That and 1 click on a Pure Hill mines can mine all 28 slots, so you can do some other stuff.
Yah i quoted you, mix it up a bit. I would assume it would be very good considering you have to be level....85 to do it. As of right now I can't though... But if I could get membership again, I gaurentee I could have my mining 90+ by middle august. I actually used to be the guy that lvl'd my friends accounts... then we all kinda stopped... I usually pick it up during the summer when theres nothing else to do...
To be honest, if you think selling in huge masses will take to long just bot. FTW. Over a hundred free reliable bots all in one client. I made 5 mil, one week just turning it on 5 hours a day. But if you're the type of person not to mess with that, I understand. That's why I made a lvl 3 skiller and did it. I should probably pick up runescape again, haven't played in a longggggggg as time.
One of my friends used that and made 50m, got on one day, his character had 9k and a Dragon 2h Sword... Which makes me wonder what the hell that money was spent on? And the closet thing I used to a Bot was a mouse recorder/auto clicker. Easier than a bot and safer.
It's honestly not dangerous at all. It's risky, yes. But if you manage to find a bot with good autorest, and varying paths you could honestly suicide bot and entire week (Suicide botting is botting constantly no stop) and probably not get banned. There's plenty of people who do it.
I don't know, the mouse recorder also records keystrokes so it would be pretty easy to incop. auto-logins. Idk it really dosen't matter, not a member anyway.
I just use auto macro typing and clicking in same places, for things like repetitive mage or fletching so this guy told me how to make money off unicorn horns, works. just alot of devotion, cant wander off and post on FH about it like i am now. back to unicorns --- Godamn ****ing edit. This makes cash ****ing fast and effectivley
It's not that hard, you just time your clicks for 1 run, save the run. Then run the run in a loop. Basically what a bot is, but without all the paint and features.
I got banned because I got a random, and the bot wandered around Camelot for about 6 hours. I was at a friends house whilst this happened so I couldn't check on it. However, after filing an appeal, I got off with a 3 day ban, instead of the original 2 week. I guess I have to start smithing steel bars again
I am proud to say that i have been runescape sober for 3 years. Btw i had a lvl 113 member account with MOST of the pretty little nick nacks and such.