The Ruins works for all game types, but is best with slayer,CTF, and assault. The Ruins is a symmetrical map. The center peace seems very unbalanced considering it holds a rocket launcher, but i have carefully placed the stone columns that give it a ruiney feel to make the center peace symmetrical. Weapons List: Battle Rifle x4 Needler x2 Shotgun x1 Sniper Rifle x2 SMG x2 Spiker x4 Bruteshot x1 Machine gun turret x1 The Ruins download : Halo 3 File Details Red Base( Blue base is the same. hence the word symmetrical) Under is shotty spawn, above is ovey spawn Overview 1 Overview 2 P.S. The bases are off set to prevent base to base sniping Please Comment
I don't like it, sorry. If it is ruins, then you should have used the damaged blocks, or something to make it give a more 'ruins' feel. It looks like you put random blocks on each other. And, there is a bunch of open space. Until I play my rating is a 2/5.
This looks okay, like said before, it doesn't really look like ruin-ish thing. Maybe more random broken things, not organized, yet stuff that adds cover and looks interesting. I also noticed that the overshield is alittle out of place, takes too long to get to it, try deleting the structure underneath the overshield and it wouldn't be such a pain to get.
the map is too open and I don't think that it prevents base to base sniping with just that, so no that will turn out in a fail, use damaged blocks and give the map more cover, do that, and I won't say anything bad and I won't rate the thread bad either, have a nice try.
It is very blank and doesnt look like you spent much time on it. You could have put ALOT more detail into it but right now it really isnt that great. Trying adding more structures and detail. Or try giving it more of a "ruined" feel. 1.5/5
try playing it before you rate please. It does prevent base to base sniping, i used a lot of damaged columns, and it not that open
most people arent going to play it and then come back and rate it, honestly most people just wont come back to the same post. But i think it looks a little better than other people are saying, i think you couldve tried interlocking the ruins in some ways, so they look a little more random. I wouldve added some more cover along the edge, and then put maybe a warthog, but made sure there were weapons to counter it.
Hello, I'm here to give you a review. So first I will tell you what I see, the map looks executed for an all out frenzy towards and around the center. The center is surrounded by little cover, but enough to keep you covered thus adding thrill and more action. the base with the over-shield is easily visible as the major route for both sides, not only because of the shotgun but because of the cover. Those who dare will dash through the center and take a risk, but the paths on the sides offer the same if not more danger since there will be a larger concentration of enemies. This was truly the best location in the entire map to place the shotgun, there will be true chaos and action with the shotgun. There seems to be something wrong with the weapon system, seeing as SMG's are medium range and the map looks more like an open area map. Other than that there seems to be nothing wrong with it. The bases look and offer enough protection to stop invasions but enough space to allow invasions to actually succeed, and considering the map is symmetrical this allows for even fights in two flag mode. The map does need polishing, and I believe the ruined look was actually an excuse for laziness. You should have made the map 100% symmetrical in the center, perhaps it would look better like that for me, but I'm not buying the "I did it so it could look cooler" type of thing, also, interlocking could have been used in some parts, while you may think that sandbox does not need interlocking, it is just a pimped out version of foundry, and I believe it looks better with interlocking, just like foundry did. I'm sorry but i could not play the map since I am not allowed to play during weekdays. But no fear, the review will not include gameplay. In opinion I would give your map a 3/5 - Interlocking is missing and does make the map look unprofessional. - There are signs of laziness involved in the map. - The SMG's are not compatible with game play. for the above reasons you lost two points earning you a 3/5. But I will give you a 4/5. -Interlocking is not as important as I say it is. -But the SMG's are an actual flaw that needs fixing. -And I do not like to see laziness in a map. ~RadiantRain If you would like a review such as this one message me.
I would like to defend myself in the my apparent laziness in the center... before i made the center i made the game types because i yet to have inspiration for the center. I hit my item limit making my last game type. and was forced to go back through and make my game types more simple So i knew i would need a simple yet strategic center... so i used the arches as in inspiration from Stonehenge and the columns surrounding are placed specifically to give each team a equal chance to get the rockets. All though there is not much interlocking the pathway leading out of the two bases are interlocked (preventing bumps) and if u take another look at the first picture you can see the bases have small amounts of interlocking and i actually made a boo boo in my weapons list. i place 2 SMGs not 4. sorry Thank you RadiantRain i love your reviews and look forward to see you in the future